Ruby count hash key - ruby

I have a hash like this:
{'yes' => 23,
'b' => 'travel',
'yesterday' => 34,
5 => '234',
:yesss => :fg,
try: 30,
key: 'some value',
'yesterday1' => 34,
'yesteryear' => 2014}
How can I count all keys which includes yes?

I suppose you meant:
your_hash.count { |k, _| k.to_s.include?('yes') }
#=> 5


Ruby : How to sort an array of hash in a given order of a particular key

I have an array of hashes, id being one of the keys in the hashes. I want to sort the array elements according to a given order of ID values.
Suppose my array(size=5) is:
[{"id"=>1. ...}, {"id"=>4. ...}, {"id"=>9. ...}, {"id"=>2. ...}, {"id"=>7. ...}]
I want to sort the array elements such that their ids are in the following order:
So the expected result is:
[{'id' => 1},{'id' => 7},{'id' => 9},{'id' => 2},{'id' => 4}]
Here is a solution for any custom index:
def my_index x
# Custom code can be added here to handle items not in the index.
# Currently an error will be raised if item is not part of the index.
my_collection = [{"id"=>1}, {"id"=>4}, {"id"=>9}, {"id"=>2}, {"id"=>7}]
p my_collection.sort_by{|x| my_index x['id'] } #=> [{"id"=>1}, {"id"=>7}, {"id"=>9}, {"id"=>2}, {"id"=>4}]
Then you can format it in any way you want, maybe this is prettier:
my_index = [1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,10]
my_collection.sort_by{|x| my_index.index x['id'] }
I would map the hash based on the values like so:
a = [{"id"=>1}, {"id"=>4}, {"id"=>9}, {"id"=>2}, {"id"=>7}]
[1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,10].map{|x| a[a.index({"id" => x})] }.compact
#=> [{"id"=>1}, {"id"=>7}, {"id"=>9}, {"id"=>2}, {"id"=>4}]
General note on sorting. Use #sort_by method of the ruby's array class:
[{'id' => 1},{'id'=>3},{'id'=>2}].sort_by {|x|x['id'] }
# => [{"id"=>1}, {"id"=>2}, {"id"=>3}]
Or with usage #values method as a callback:
[{'id' => 1},{'id'=>3},{'id'=>2}].sort_by(&:values)
# => [{"id"=>1}, {"id"=>2}, {"id"=>3}]
or you can use more obvious version with #sort method:
[{'id' => 1},{'id'=>3},{'id'=>2}].sort {|x,y| x['id'] <=> y['id'] }
# => [{"id"=>1}, {"id"=>2}, {"id"=>3}]
For your case, to sort with extended condition use #% to split even and odd indexes:
[{'id' => 1},{'id'=>4},{'id'=>9},{'id'=>2},{'id'=>7}].sort do |x,y|
u = y['id'] % 2 <=> x['id'] % 2
u == 0 && y['id'] <=> x['id'] || u
# => [{"id"=>1}, {"id"=>7}, {"id"=>9}, {"id"=>2}, {"id"=>4}]
For your case, to sort with extended condition use #% to split according the index, even id value is absent in the index array:
index = [1,3,5,7,4,2,6,8,10] # swapped 2 and 4, 9 is absent
[{'id' => 1},{'id'=>4},{'id'=>9},{'id'=>2},{'id'=>7}].sort do |x,y|
!index.rindex( x[ 'id' ] ) && 1 || index.rindex( x[ 'id' ] ) <=> index.rindex( y[ 'id' ] ) || -1
# => [{"id"=>1}, {"id"=>7}, {"id"=>4}, {"id"=>2}, {"id"=>9}]
Why not just sort?
def doit(arr, order)
arr.sort { |h1,h2| order.index(h1['id']) <=> order.index(h2['id']) }
order = [1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,10]
arr = [{'id' => 1}, {'id' => 4}, {'id' => 9}, {'id' => 2}, {'id' => 7}]
doit(arr, order)
#=> [{'id' => 1}, {'id' => 7}, {'id' => 9}, {'id' => 2}, {'id' => 4}]
a= [{"id"=>1}, {"id"=>4}, {"id"=>9}, {"id"=>2}, {"id"=>7}]
a.sort_by{|x| b.index (x['id'])}

How to sort lines of a hash in descending order according to one of the key-value pairs in Ruby?

I have the following hash:
lines[0] = {"a" => dog, "b" => 32, "c" =>555, "d" => 100}
lines[1] = {"a" => cat, "b" => 34, "c" =>554, "d" => 4542}
lines[2] = {"a" => bird, "b" => 31, "c" =>532435, "d" => 23}
I would like to sort the hash by "b" in descending order so that I end up with:
lines[0] = {"a" => cat, "b" => 34, "c" =>554, "d" => 4542}
lines[1] = {"a" => dog, "b" => 32, "c" =>555, "d" => 100}
lines[2] = {"a" => bird, "b" => 31, "c" =>532435, "d" => 23}
What would be the best way to achieve that? Is there a method in Ruby that does this for you?
You seem to have a peculiar case where lines is NOT an array but a Hash, so you want to reassign values for each key based on value's order, for that first create array out of Hash, sort that, and that create a Hash based on new index e.g.
lines = {}
lines[0] = {"a" => :dog, "b" => 32, "c" =>555, "d" => 100}
lines[1] = {"a" => :cat, "b" => 34, "c" =>554, "d" => 4542}
lines[2] = {"a" => :bird, "b" => 31, "c" =>532435, "d" => 23}
require 'pp'
pp Hash[ {|k,v| -v["b"]}.map.with_index {|v, index| [index, v[1]]}]
output is:
{0=>{"a"=>:cat, "b"=>34, "c"=>554, "d"=>4542},
1=>{"a"=>:dog, "b"=>32, "c"=>555, "d"=>100},
2=>{"a"=>:bird, "b"=>31, "c"=>532435, "d"=>23}}
That said, why lines is a Hash? it could better be represented by an Array
lines.sort_by! {|hash| -hash["b"]}
You can do
lines.sort! { |a, b| b["b"] <=> a["b"] }

Convert SQL result to hash with ID keys with Ruby

I have the following array (SQL result):
{:id => 1, :field1 => "one", :field2 => "two"},
{:id => 2, :field1 => "one", :field2 => "two"},
What I want is:
1 => {:field1 => "one", :field2 => "two"},
2 => {:field1 => "one", :field2 => "two"},
Now I do like the following:
data = {}
result.each do |row|
data[row[:id]] = {:field1 => row[:field1], :field2 => row[:field2]}
I'm absolutely sure that's wrong way. What is the best way to do it with Ruby? Is there are any snippet like map or something else?
Hash[ { |h| [h.delete(:id), h] }]
One line :)
hash = arr.clone.each_with_object({}) { |e,res| res[e.delete(:id)] = e }
clone is for not destroying arr variable
Something like this, maybe?
arr = [
{:id => 1, :field1 => "one", :field2 => "two"},
{:id => 2, :field1 => "one", :field2 => "two"}
hash = arr.each_with_object({}) do |el, memo|
id = el.delete(:id)
memo[id] = el
hash # => {1=>{:field1=>"one", :field2=>"two"}, 2=>{:field1=>"one", :field2=>"two"}}

How do I add values from two different arrays of hashes together?

I have two arrays of hashes. The keys for the hashes are different:
player_scores1 = [{:first_name=>"Bruce", :score => 43, :time => 50},
{:first_name=>"Clark", :score => 45, :minutes => 20}]
player_scores2 = [{:last_name=>"Wayne", :points => 13, :time => 40},
{:last_name=>"Kent", :points => 3, :minutes => 20}]
I'd like to create a new array of hashes which adds up :score and :points together and assign it to a key called :score. I'd also like to combine the :first_name and :last_name and assign it to a key called :full_name. I want to discard any other keys.
This would result in this array:
all_players = [{:full_name => "Bruce Wayne", :score => 56},
{:full_name => "Clark Kent", :score => 48}]
Is there an elegant way to do this?
Something like this: { |a,b|
:full_name => a[:first_name]+' '+b[:last_name],
:score => a[:score]+b[:points]
The code you're looking for is:
final = []
player_scores1.each_index do |index|
entry_1 = player_scores1.values(index)
entry_2 = player_scores2.values(index)[:first_name]
score = entry_1[:score] + entry_2[:points]
final << {:full_name => "#{entry_1[:first_name]} #{entry_2[:last_name]}", :score => score }
Any suggestions on tightening this up would be much appreciated!
This works. I don't if that's elegant enough though.
player_scores1 = [{:first_name=>"Bruce", :score => 43, :time => 50},
{:first_name=>"Clark", :score => 45, :minutes => 20}]
player_scores2 = [{:last_name=>"Wayne", :points => 13, :time => 40},
{:last_name=>"Kent", :points => 3, :minutes => 20}]
p (0...[player_scores1.length, player_scores2.length].min).map {|i| {
:full_name => player_scores1[i][:first_name] + " " + player_scores2[i][:last_name],
:score => player_scores1[i][:score] + player_scores2[i][:points]
This example on Codepad.
This uses zip with a block to loop over the hashes, joining the names and summarizing:
all_players = [] { |a, b|
all_players << {
:full_name => a[:first_name] + ' ' + b[:last_name],
:score => a[:score] + b[:points]
all_players # => [{:full_name=>"Bruce Wayne", :score=>56}, {:full_name=>"Clark Kent", :score=>48}]

Ruby Array group and average by hour

We get our data from a sensor which records and stores data like hashes.
At any time it measures a few stuff like that:
{:temperature => 30, :pression => 100, :recorded_at => 14:34:23}
{:temperature => 30, :pression => 101, :recorded_at => 14:34:53}
{:temperature => 31, :pression => 102, :recorded_at => 14:34:24}
{:temperature => 30, :pression => 101, :recorded_at => 14:34:55}
{:temperature => 30, :pression => 102, :recorded_at => 14:34:25}
{:temperature => 31, :pression => 101, :recorded_at => 14:34:56}
We need to be able to export that data on a JSON format, but we have way too much data (the sensor records about every 30 seconds) and we need to remove some of the data. Ideally we'd want to export 1 measure per hour in the last 24 hours so we have something like
{0 => {:temperature => 30, :pression => 100}, 1 => {:temperature => 30, :pression => 100}, 2 => {:temperature => 30, :pression => 100}, 3 => {:temperature => 30, :pression => 100}, 4 => {:temperature => 30, :pression => 100}}
For each hour, the temperature is the average of all temperatures measured within that hour.
Also, if for any reason some data is missing for 1hour, I'd like to to extrapolate it by being the mean between the previous and next hour. Anybody can help?
More functional version (with simple interpolation of missing values)
probs = [{:temperature => .. }] # array of measurings
def average(list, key)
list.reduce(0){|acc,el| acc+el[key]} / list.length unless list.empty
prob_groups = probs.group_by{|prob| prob[:recorded_at][0,2].to_i}
average_groups = do |hour,prob_group|
{ hour => {
:temperature => average(prob_group, :temperature),
:pression => average(prob_group, :pression)
end.reduce{|acc,el| acc.merge(el)}
def interpolate(p, n, key)
(p[key] + n[key])/2 unless p.nil? || n.nil? || p[key].nil? || n[key].nil?
resuls = (1..24).map do |hour|
if average_groups[hour]
{ hour => average_groups[hour] }
{ hour => {
:temperature => interpolate(average_groups[hour-1], average_groups[hour+1], :temperature),
:pression => interpolate(average_groups[hour-1], average_groups[hour+1], :pression)
end.reduce{|acc,el| acc.merge(el)}
Hope it works
something like this
t = [....] - array of measurings
result = {}
(1..24).each do|hour|
# measurings of given hour
measurings ={|measuring| measuring[:recorded_at][0, 2].to_i == hour}
# average temperature of hour
sum = measurings.inject(0){|sum, measuring| sum + measuring[:temperature].to_i}
average_temperature = (measurings.length == 0)? nil: sum/measurings.length.to_f
result[hour] = average_temperature
If you are not interested on the history but only on an approximation of actual value(s), consider to use a "moving metric" (
