How do I add values from two different arrays of hashes together? - ruby

I have two arrays of hashes. The keys for the hashes are different:
player_scores1 = [{:first_name=>"Bruce", :score => 43, :time => 50},
{:first_name=>"Clark", :score => 45, :minutes => 20}]
player_scores2 = [{:last_name=>"Wayne", :points => 13, :time => 40},
{:last_name=>"Kent", :points => 3, :minutes => 20}]
I'd like to create a new array of hashes which adds up :score and :points together and assign it to a key called :score. I'd also like to combine the :first_name and :last_name and assign it to a key called :full_name. I want to discard any other keys.
This would result in this array:
all_players = [{:full_name => "Bruce Wayne", :score => 56},
{:full_name => "Clark Kent", :score => 48}]
Is there an elegant way to do this?

Something like this: { |a,b|
:full_name => a[:first_name]+' '+b[:last_name],
:score => a[:score]+b[:points]

The code you're looking for is:
final = []
player_scores1.each_index do |index|
entry_1 = player_scores1.values(index)
entry_2 = player_scores2.values(index)[:first_name]
score = entry_1[:score] + entry_2[:points]
final << {:full_name => "#{entry_1[:first_name]} #{entry_2[:last_name]}", :score => score }
Any suggestions on tightening this up would be much appreciated!

This works. I don't if that's elegant enough though.
player_scores1 = [{:first_name=>"Bruce", :score => 43, :time => 50},
{:first_name=>"Clark", :score => 45, :minutes => 20}]
player_scores2 = [{:last_name=>"Wayne", :points => 13, :time => 40},
{:last_name=>"Kent", :points => 3, :minutes => 20}]
p (0...[player_scores1.length, player_scores2.length].min).map {|i| {
:full_name => player_scores1[i][:first_name] + " " + player_scores2[i][:last_name],
:score => player_scores1[i][:score] + player_scores2[i][:points]
This example on Codepad.

This uses zip with a block to loop over the hashes, joining the names and summarizing:
all_players = [] { |a, b|
all_players << {
:full_name => a[:first_name] + ' ' + b[:last_name],
:score => a[:score] + b[:points]
all_players # => [{:full_name=>"Bruce Wayne", :score=>56}, {:full_name=>"Clark Kent", :score=>48}]


Most performant way to group/summarise two hashes?

I have two hashes with some data that I need to aggregate. The first one is a mapping of which ids (id_1, id_2, id_3, id_4) belong under what category (a, b, c):
hash_1 = {'a' => ['id_1','id_2'], 'b' => ['id_3'], 'c' => ['id_4']}
The second hash holds values of how many events happened per id for a given date (date_1, date_2, date_3):
hash_2 = {
'id_1' => {'date_1' => 5, 'date_2' => 6, 'date_3' => 8},
'id_2' => {'date_1' => 0, 'date_3' => 6},
'id_3' => {'date_1' => 0, 'date_2' => nil, 'date_3' => 1},
'id_4' => {'date_1' => 10, 'date_2' => 1}
What I want is to get the total event per category (a,b,c). For the above example, the result would look something like:
hash_3 = {'a' => (5+6+8+0+6), 'b' => (0+0+1), 'c' => (10+1)}
My problem is, that there are about 5000 categories, each pointing to typically 1 to 3 ids, and each ID having event counts for 30 dates or more. So this takes quite a bit of computation. What will be the most performant (time effective) way to do this grouping in Ruby?
This is what I tried so far (took like 6-8 seconds!, horribly slow):
def total_clicks_per_category
{}.tap do |res|
hash_1.each do |cat, ids|
res[cat] = total_event_per_ids(ids)
def total_event_per_ids(ids)
ids.reduce(0) do |memo, id|
events = hash_2.fetch(id, {})
memo + (events.values.reduce(:+) || 0)
P.S. I’m using Ruby 2.3.
I'm writing this on a phone so I cannot test right now, but it looks OK.
g = hash_2.each_with_object({}) { |(k,v),g| g[k] = v.values.compact.sum }
hash_3 = hash_1.each_with_object({}) { |(k,v),h| h[k] = g.values_at(*v).sum }
First, create an intermediate hash that holds the sum of hash_2:
hash_4 ={|k, v| [k, v.values.inject(:+)]}.to_h
# => {"id_1"=>19, "id_2"=>6, "id_3"=>1, "id_4"=>11}
Then do the final summation:
hash_3 ={|k, v| [k,{|k| hash_4[k]}.inject(:+)]}.to_h
# => {"a"=>25, "b"=>1, "c"=>11}
5000*3*30 isn't that many. Ruby probably will need a second at most for this kind of job.
Hash lookup is fast by default, you won't be able to optimize much.
You could pre-calculate hash_2_sum, though :
hash_2_sum = {
'id_1' => 5+6+8,
'id_2' => 0+6,
'id_3' => 0+0+1,
'id_4' => 10+1
A loop on hash1 with hash_2_sum lookup, and you're done.
Your example has been updated with some nil values. You need to remove them with compact, and make sure the sum is 0 when no element is found with inject(0, :+):
hash_1 = {'a' => ['id_1','id_2'], 'b' => ['id_3'], 'c' => ['id_4']}
hash_2 = {
'id_1' => { 'date_1' => 5, 'date_2' => 6, 'date_3' => 8 },
'id_2' => { 'date_1' => 0, 'date_3' => 6 },
'id_3' => { 'date_1' => 0, 'date_2' => nil, 'date_3' => 1 },
'id_4' => { 'date_1' => 10, 'date_2' => 1 }
hash_2_sum = hash_2.each_with_object({}) do |(key, dates), sum|
sum[key] = dates.values.compact.inject(0, :+)
hash_3 = hash_1.each_with_object({}) do |(key, ids), sum|
sum[key] = hash_2_sum.values_at(*ids).inject(0, :+)
# {"a"=>25, "b"=>1, "c"=>11}
{}.tap do |res|
hash_1.each do |cat, ids|
res[cat] = total_event_per_ids(ids)
isn't very readable IMHO.
You can either use each_with_object or Array#to_h :
result = [1, 2, 3].each_with_object({}) do |i, hash|
hash[i] = i * i
#=> {1=>1, 2=>4, 3=>9}
result = [1, 2, 3].map { |i| [i, i * i] }.to_h
#=> {1=>1, 2=>4, 3=>9}

Compare two arrays of hashes and return new object

I have two arrays of hashes.
burgers = [
{:id => 1, :name => "cheese burger"},
{:id => 2, :name => "royale"},
{:id => 3, :name => "big mac"},
{:id => 4, :name => "angus beef"}
eaten = [
{:burger_id => 1},
{:burger_id => 2}
I would like to return an array or uneaten burgers, where burgers[:id] does not equal eaten[:burger_id]. In burgers_not_eaten_method, I have the expected return value.
def burgers_not_eaten
#Not sure how to compare burger[:id] with eaten[:burger_id]
burgers.reject { |burger| burger[:id] == #eaten burger_id }
# Expected: [{:id => 3, :name => "big mac"},{:id => 4, :name => "angus beef"}]
You're close, to make it easy I'd snag all the "eaten" ids into an array, and check for inclusion in that array, like so:
{:id => 1, :name => "cheese burger"},
{:id => 2, :name => "royale"},
{:id => 3, :name => "big mac"},
{:id => 4, :name => "angus beef"}
{:burger_id => 1},
{:burger_id => 2}
def burgers_not_eaten
eaten_ids = { |e| e[:burger_id] }
BURGERS.reject { |burger| eaten_ids.include?(burger[:id]) }
# => [{:id=>3, :name=>"big mac"}, {:id=>4, :name=>"angus beef"}]

Averaging values across multiple hashes

EDIT I am accepting #CarySwoveland's answer because he got the closest on the first try, accounting for the most scenarios, and outputting the data into a hash so that you don't need to rely on order. Many honerable mentions though! Be sure to check out #ArupRakshit's answer as well if you want your output in an array!
I have an array of hashes like:
#my_hashes = [{"key1" => "10", "key2" => "5"...},{"key1" => "", "key2" => "9"...},{"key1" => "6", "key2" => "4"...}]
and I want an average for each key across the array. ie. 8.0,6.0...
Note that the hashes all have the exact same keys, in order, even if the value for the key is blank. Right now this works:
<%= #my_hashes[0].keys.each do |key| %>
<% sum = 0 %>
<% count = 0 %>
<% #my_hashes.each do |hash| %>
<% sum += hash[key].to_f %>
<% count += if hash[key].blank? then 0 else 1 end %>
<% end %>
<%= (sum/count) %>
<% end %>
but I feel like there may be a better way... any thoughts?
Do as below
#my_hashes = [{"key1" => "10", "key2" => "5"},{"key1" => "", "key2" => "9"},{"key1" => "6", "key2" => "4"}]
ar = #my_hashes[0] do |k|
a = { |h| h[k].to_f unless h[k].blank? }.compact
a.inject(:+)/a.size unless a.empty? #Accounting for "key1" => nil or "key1" => ""
ar # => [8, 6]
Another way:
#my_hashes = [ {"key1"=>"10", "key2"=>"5"},
{"key1"=> "", "key2"=>"9"},
{"key1"=> "6", "key2"=>"4"} ]
def avg(arr) arr.any? ? arr.reduce(:+)/arr.size.to_f : 0.0 end
(#my_hashes.each_with_object ( { |h,k| h[k]=[] } ) {
|mh,h| mh.keys.each { |k| h[k] << mh[k].to_f unless mh[k].empty? } })
.each_with_object({}) { |(k,v),h| h[k] = avg(v) }
# => {"key1"=>8.0, "key2"=>6.0}
The object created by the first each_with_object is a hash whose default value is an empty array. That hash is represented by the block variable h. This means that if h[k] << mh[k].to_f is to be executed when h.key?(k) => false, h[k] = [] is executed first.
One could alternatively drop the avg method and create a temporary variable before computing the averages:
h = #my_hashes.each_with_object ( { |h,k| h[k]=[] } ) { |mh,h|
mh.keys.each { |k| h[k] << mh[k].to_f unless mh[k].empty? } }
h.each_with_object({}) { |(k,v),h|
h[k] = ( avg(v) arr.any? ? arr.reduce(:+)/arr.size.to_f : 0.0 }
I think I found a quite elegant solution.
Here is a sample array:
a = [
{:a => 2, :b => 10},
{:a => 4, :b => 20},
{:a => 2, :b => 10},
{:a => 8, :b => 40},
And the solution:
class Array
def average
self.reduce(&:+) / self.size
r = a[0] do |key|
[key, { |hash| hash[key] }.average]
puts Hash[*r.flatten]
Try this
#my_hashes = [{"key1" => "10", "key2" => "5"},{"key1" => "", "key2" => "9"},{"key1" => "6", "key2" => "4"}]
average_values = { |arr| / arr.size
with_keys = Hash[]
average_values # => [5.333333333333333, 6.0]
with_keys # => {"key1"=>5.333333333333333, "key2"=>6.0}
if you want to exclude empty values from the average, could change average_values to reject empty values
average_values = { |arr|
arr.reject!(&:empty?) / arr.size
average_values # => [8.0, 6.0]
No super clean solution, but I would write:
a = [
{:a => 2, :b => 10},
{:a => 4, :b => 20},
{:a => 2, :b => 10},
{:a => 8, :b => 40},
grouped = a.flat_map(&:to_a).group_by{|x,|x}
grouped.keys.each do |key|
len = grouped[key].size
grouped[key] = 1.0 * grouped[key].map(&:last).inject(:+) / len

Sorting a multidimensional array with ruby

Im having trouble sorting a multidimensional array in ruby and can't find any question similar to my problem. I have an array/hash or both? (excuse me as im coming from a c/php/java background and this is my first time using Ruby)
user['shapeshifter'] = {age => '25', country => 'Australia'}
user['user2'] = {age => '29', country => 'Australia'}
user['user3'] = {age => '21', country => 'Russia'}
i want to sort the user array based on age.
You need a hash of hashes, and ruby 1.9.2 for sorted hashes, IIRC. This was covered in Sort hash by key, return hash in Ruby
Assuming your test case, fixed so it is valid:
user = {}
user['shapeshifter'] = {:age => 25, :country => 'Australia'}
user['user2'] = {:age => 29, :country => 'Australia'}
user['user3'] = {:age => 21, :country => 'Russia'}
All it takes is:
user.sort_by {|key,value| value[:age]}
Currently ruby 1.9 has ordered hash but still does not exist reordering function.
You can try sort pairs of arrays and than make a new Hash.
Like this
user = {}
user['shapeshifter'] = {:age => '25', :country => 'Australia'}
user['user2'] = {:age => '29', :country => 'Australia'}
user['user3'] = {:age => '21', :country => 'Russia'}
result1 = user.sort { |user1, user2|
user1[1][:key] <=> user2[1][:key] # user1,2 = [key, value] from hash
puts Hash[result1].inspect
or this
result2 = user.sort_by { |user_key, user_val|
puts Hash[result2].inspect

How do I create a diff of hashes with a correction factor?

I want to compare hashes inside an array:
h_array = [
{:name => "John", :age => 23, :eye_color => "blue"},
{:name => "John", :age => 22, :eye_color => "green"},
{:name => "John", :age => 22, :eye_color => "black"}
get_diff(h_array, correct_factor = 2)
# should return [{:eye_color => "blue"}, {:eye_color => "green"}, {:eye_color => "black"}]
get_diff(h_array, correct_factor = 3)
# should return
# [[{:age => 23}, {:age => 22}, {:age => 22}],
# [{:eye_color => "blue"}, {:eye_color => "green"}, {:eye_color => "black"}]]
I want to diff the hashes contained in the h_array. It looks like a recursive call/method because the h_array can have multiple hashes but with the same number of keys and values. How can I implement the get_diff method?
def get_diff h_array, correct_factor
h_array.first.keys.reject{|k|{|h| h[k]}.sort.chunk{|e| e}.map{|_,e| e.size}.max >= correct_factor
}.map{|k|{|hash|{|key,_| k == key}}
class Array
def find_ndups # also returns the number of items { |v| diff = (self.size - (self-[v]).size); (diff > 1) ? [v, diff] : nil}.compact
h_array = [
{:name => "John", :age => 22, :eye_color => "blue", :hair => "black"},
{:name => "John", :age => 33, :eye_color => "orange", :hair => "green"},
{:name => "John", :age => 22, :eye_color => "black", :hair => "yello"}
def get_diff(h_array, correct_factor)
temp = h_array.inject([]){|result, element| result << element.to_a}
master_array = []
unmatched_arr = []
matched_arr = []
temp = temp.transpose
temp.each_with_index do |arr, index|
ee = arr.find_ndups
if ee.length == 0
unmatched_arr << temp[index].inject([]){|result, arr| result << {arr.first => arr.last} }
elsif ee.length > 0 && ee[0][1] != correct_factor && ee[0][1] < correct_factor
return_arr << temp[index].inject([]){|result, arr| result << {arr.first => arr.last} }
elsif ee[0][1] = correct_factor
matched_arr << temp[index].inject([]){|result, arr| result << {arr.first => arr.last} }
return [matched_arr, unmatched_arr]
puts get_diff(h_array, 2).inspect
hope it helps
found this ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Hash::Diff module.
ActiveSupport 2.3.2 and 2.3.4 has a built in Hash::Diff module which returns a hash that represents the difference between two hashes.
