How to sort lines of a hash in descending order according to one of the key-value pairs in Ruby? - ruby

I have the following hash:
lines[0] = {"a" => dog, "b" => 32, "c" =>555, "d" => 100}
lines[1] = {"a" => cat, "b" => 34, "c" =>554, "d" => 4542}
lines[2] = {"a" => bird, "b" => 31, "c" =>532435, "d" => 23}
I would like to sort the hash by "b" in descending order so that I end up with:
lines[0] = {"a" => cat, "b" => 34, "c" =>554, "d" => 4542}
lines[1] = {"a" => dog, "b" => 32, "c" =>555, "d" => 100}
lines[2] = {"a" => bird, "b" => 31, "c" =>532435, "d" => 23}
What would be the best way to achieve that? Is there a method in Ruby that does this for you?

You seem to have a peculiar case where lines is NOT an array but a Hash, so you want to reassign values for each key based on value's order, for that first create array out of Hash, sort that, and that create a Hash based on new index e.g.
lines = {}
lines[0] = {"a" => :dog, "b" => 32, "c" =>555, "d" => 100}
lines[1] = {"a" => :cat, "b" => 34, "c" =>554, "d" => 4542}
lines[2] = {"a" => :bird, "b" => 31, "c" =>532435, "d" => 23}
require 'pp'
pp Hash[ {|k,v| -v["b"]}.map.with_index {|v, index| [index, v[1]]}]
output is:
{0=>{"a"=>:cat, "b"=>34, "c"=>554, "d"=>4542},
1=>{"a"=>:dog, "b"=>32, "c"=>555, "d"=>100},
2=>{"a"=>:bird, "b"=>31, "c"=>532435, "d"=>23}}
That said, why lines is a Hash? it could better be represented by an Array

lines.sort_by! {|hash| -hash["b"]}

You can do
lines.sort! { |a, b| b["b"] <=> a["b"] }


Create a combination of a array of hash

I have an array like:
hasharray=[{"a" => "b" } , {"c" => "d"} , {"e" => "f"}]
I want to create all combinations of this array hash of length min to max.
For instance, with min=0 and max=2, the code should return:
{"a" => "b" },
{"c" => "d"},
{"e" => "f"},
{"a" => "b" } , {"c" => "d"},
{"c" => "d"} , {"e" => "f"},
{"a" => "b" },{"e" => "f"}
How do I do it?
min = 0
max = 2
min.upto(max).flat_map {|n| hasharray.combination(n).to_a }
# => [
# [],
# [{"a"=>"b"}], [{"c"=>"d"}], [{"e"=>"f"}],
# [{"a"=>"b"}, {"c"=>"d"}], [{"a"=>"b"}, {"e"=>"f"}], [{"c"=>"d"}, {"e"=>"f"}]
# ]

Merge hashes based on particular key/value pair in ruby

I am trying to merge an array of hashes based on a particular key/value pair.
array = [ {:id => '1', :value => '2'}, {:id => '1', :value => '5'} ]
I would want the output to be
{:id => '1', :value => '7'}
As patru stated, in sql terms this would be equivalent to:
In other words, I have an array of hashes that contains records. I would like to obtain the sum of a particular field, but the sum would grouped by key/value pairs. In other words, if my selection criteria is :id as in the example above, then it would seperate the hashes into groups where the id was the same and the sum the other keys.
I apologize for any confusion due to the typo earlier.
Edit: The question has been clarified since I first posted my answer. As a result, I have revised my answer substantially.
Here are two "standard" ways of addressing this problem. Both use Enumerable#select to first extract the elements from the array (hashes) that contain the given key/value pair.
The first method uses Hash#merge! to sequentially merge each array element (hashes) into a hash that is initially empty.
def doit(arr, target_key, target_value)
qualified = {|h|h.key?(target_key) && h[target_key]==target_value}
return nil if qualified.empty?
qualified.each_with_object({}) {|h,g|
g.merge!(h) {|k,gv,hv| k == target_key ? gv : (gv.to_i + hv.to_i).to_s}}
arr = [{:id => '1', :value => '2'}, {:id => '2', :value => '3'},
{:id => '1', :chips => '4'}, {:zd => '1', :value => '8'},
{:cat => '2', :value => '3'}, {:id => '1', :value => '5'}]
doit(arr, :id, '1')
#=> {:id=>"1", :value=>"7", :chips=>"4"}
The key here is to use the version of Hash#merge! that uses a block to determine the value for each key/value pair whose key appears in both of the hashes being merged. The two values for that key are represented above by the block variables hv and gv. We simply want to add them together. Note that g is the (initially empty) hash object created by each_with_object, and returned by doit.
target_key = :id
target_value = '1'
qualified = {|h|h.key?(target_key) && h[target_key]==target_value}
#=> [{:id=>"1", :value=>"2"},{:id=>"1", :chips=>"4"},{:id=>"1", :value=>"5"}]
#=> false
qualified.each_with_object({}) {|h,g|
g.merge!(h) {|k,gv,hv| k == target_key ? gv : (gv.to_i + hv.to_i).to_s}}
#=> {:id=>"1", :value=>"7", :chips=>"4"}
The other common way to do this kind of calculation is to use Enumerable#flat_map, followed by Enumerable#group_by.
def doit(arr, target_key, target_value)
qualified = {|h|h.key?(target_key) && h[target_key]==target_value}
return nil if qualified.empty?
.group_by(&:first) { |a| a.first.first == target_key ? a.first :
[a.first.first, a.reduce(0) {|tot,s| tot + s.last}]}.to_h
This may look complex, but it's not so bad if you break it down into steps. Here's what's happening. (The calculation of qualified is the same as in #1.)
target_key = :id
target_value = '1'
c = qualified.flat_map(&:to_a)
#=> [[:id,"1"],[:value,"2"],[:id,"1"],[:chips,"4"],[:id,"1"],[:value,"5"]]
d = c.group_by(&:first)
#=> {:id=>[[:id, "1"], [:id, "1"], [:id, "1"]],
# :value=>[[:value, "2"], [:value, "5"]],
# :chips=>[[:chips, "4"]]}
e = d.values
#=> [[[:id, "1"], [:id, "1"], [:id, "1"]],
# [[:value, "2"], [:value, "5"]],
# [[:chips, "4"]]]
f = { |a| a.first.first == target_key ? a.first :
[a.first.first, a.reduce(0) {|tot,s| tot + s.last}] }
#=> [[:id, "1"], [:value, "7"], [:chips, "4"]]
f.to_h => {:id=>"1", :value=>"7", :chips=>"4"}
#=> {:id=>"1", :value=>"7", :chips=>"4"}
You may wish to consider makin the values in the hashes integers and exclude the target_key/target_value pairs from qualified:
arr = [{:id => 1, :value => 2}, {:id => 2, :value => 3},
{:id => 1, :chips => 4}, {:zd => 1, :value => 8},
{:cat => 2, :value => 3}, {:id => 1, :value => 5}]
target_key = :id
target_value = 1
qualified = { |h| h.key?(target_key) && h[target_key]==target_value}
.each { |h| h.delete(target_key) }
#=> [{:value=>2}, {:chips=>4}, {:value=>5}]
return nil if qualified.empty?
Then either
qualified.each_with_object({}) {|h,g| g.merge!(h) { |k,gv,hv| gv + hv } }
#=> {:value=>7, :chips=>4}
.map { |a| [a.first.first, a.reduce(0) {|tot,s| tot + s.last}] }.to_h
#=> {:value=>7, :chips=>4}

Ruby : How to sort an array of hash in a given order of a particular key

I have an array of hashes, id being one of the keys in the hashes. I want to sort the array elements according to a given order of ID values.
Suppose my array(size=5) is:
[{"id"=>1. ...}, {"id"=>4. ...}, {"id"=>9. ...}, {"id"=>2. ...}, {"id"=>7. ...}]
I want to sort the array elements such that their ids are in the following order:
So the expected result is:
[{'id' => 1},{'id' => 7},{'id' => 9},{'id' => 2},{'id' => 4}]
Here is a solution for any custom index:
def my_index x
# Custom code can be added here to handle items not in the index.
# Currently an error will be raised if item is not part of the index.
my_collection = [{"id"=>1}, {"id"=>4}, {"id"=>9}, {"id"=>2}, {"id"=>7}]
p my_collection.sort_by{|x| my_index x['id'] } #=> [{"id"=>1}, {"id"=>7}, {"id"=>9}, {"id"=>2}, {"id"=>4}]
Then you can format it in any way you want, maybe this is prettier:
my_index = [1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,10]
my_collection.sort_by{|x| my_index.index x['id'] }
I would map the hash based on the values like so:
a = [{"id"=>1}, {"id"=>4}, {"id"=>9}, {"id"=>2}, {"id"=>7}]
[1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,10].map{|x| a[a.index({"id" => x})] }.compact
#=> [{"id"=>1}, {"id"=>7}, {"id"=>9}, {"id"=>2}, {"id"=>4}]
General note on sorting. Use #sort_by method of the ruby's array class:
[{'id' => 1},{'id'=>3},{'id'=>2}].sort_by {|x|x['id'] }
# => [{"id"=>1}, {"id"=>2}, {"id"=>3}]
Or with usage #values method as a callback:
[{'id' => 1},{'id'=>3},{'id'=>2}].sort_by(&:values)
# => [{"id"=>1}, {"id"=>2}, {"id"=>3}]
or you can use more obvious version with #sort method:
[{'id' => 1},{'id'=>3},{'id'=>2}].sort {|x,y| x['id'] <=> y['id'] }
# => [{"id"=>1}, {"id"=>2}, {"id"=>3}]
For your case, to sort with extended condition use #% to split even and odd indexes:
[{'id' => 1},{'id'=>4},{'id'=>9},{'id'=>2},{'id'=>7}].sort do |x,y|
u = y['id'] % 2 <=> x['id'] % 2
u == 0 && y['id'] <=> x['id'] || u
# => [{"id"=>1}, {"id"=>7}, {"id"=>9}, {"id"=>2}, {"id"=>4}]
For your case, to sort with extended condition use #% to split according the index, even id value is absent in the index array:
index = [1,3,5,7,4,2,6,8,10] # swapped 2 and 4, 9 is absent
[{'id' => 1},{'id'=>4},{'id'=>9},{'id'=>2},{'id'=>7}].sort do |x,y|
!index.rindex( x[ 'id' ] ) && 1 || index.rindex( x[ 'id' ] ) <=> index.rindex( y[ 'id' ] ) || -1
# => [{"id"=>1}, {"id"=>7}, {"id"=>4}, {"id"=>2}, {"id"=>9}]
Why not just sort?
def doit(arr, order)
arr.sort { |h1,h2| order.index(h1['id']) <=> order.index(h2['id']) }
order = [1,3,5,7,9,2,4,6,8,10]
arr = [{'id' => 1}, {'id' => 4}, {'id' => 9}, {'id' => 2}, {'id' => 7}]
doit(arr, order)
#=> [{'id' => 1}, {'id' => 7}, {'id' => 9}, {'id' => 2}, {'id' => 4}]
a= [{"id"=>1}, {"id"=>4}, {"id"=>9}, {"id"=>2}, {"id"=>7}]
a.sort_by{|x| b.index (x['id'])}

Ruby, turn array of hashes into single hash

I have the following Array of Hashes:
a = [{:a => 1, :b => "x"}, {:a => 2, :b => "y"}]
I need to turn it into:
z={"x" => 1, "y" => 2}
z={1 => "x", 2 => "y"}
Can I do this in a clean and functional way?
Something like this:
Hash[] # => {1=>"x", 2=>"y"}
if you want the other way:
Hash[] # => {"x"=>1, "y"=>2}
incorporating the suggestion from #squiguy:

Convert SQL result to hash with ID keys with Ruby

I have the following array (SQL result):
{:id => 1, :field1 => "one", :field2 => "two"},
{:id => 2, :field1 => "one", :field2 => "two"},
What I want is:
1 => {:field1 => "one", :field2 => "two"},
2 => {:field1 => "one", :field2 => "two"},
Now I do like the following:
data = {}
result.each do |row|
data[row[:id]] = {:field1 => row[:field1], :field2 => row[:field2]}
I'm absolutely sure that's wrong way. What is the best way to do it with Ruby? Is there are any snippet like map or something else?
Hash[ { |h| [h.delete(:id), h] }]
One line :)
hash = arr.clone.each_with_object({}) { |e,res| res[e.delete(:id)] = e }
clone is for not destroying arr variable
Something like this, maybe?
arr = [
{:id => 1, :field1 => "one", :field2 => "two"},
{:id => 2, :field1 => "one", :field2 => "two"}
hash = arr.each_with_object({}) do |el, memo|
id = el.delete(:id)
memo[id] = el
hash # => {1=>{:field1=>"one", :field2=>"two"}, 2=>{:field1=>"one", :field2=>"two"}}
