Where does Xcode store archived frameworks? - xcode

I created an Xcode project with the "Cocoa Framework" template. When I archive it, it isn't visible in the Organizer.
Where are the archives stored?

Instead of setting custom locations or messing with Xcode's preferences, you could just include a Copy Files Build Phase that should add the archived Framework properly into Organizer.
Using an Absolute Path with the variable$(BUILD_DIR)seems to work fine. You should then find any archives in XCode's Organizer or in:

From Apple ( to view or change archive location ):
Choose Xcode > Preferences, and click Locations.
Choose Custom from the Archives pop-up menu.
Click the folder icon in the text field, and choose a location.
When you go on Xcode Preference :
Archive location : /Users/YourName/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives


Where are the Xcode debug files on Mojave?

Where are the Xcode debug files for my project located on my Mac running Mojave?
Xcode projects are compiled to its derived data location. You can find the derived data location in Xcode's Location Preferences. The default derived data location is the following:
If you are trying to find the app you built, it's easier to select the app from the Products folder in the project navigator, right-click, and choose Show in Finder. You can find more detailed information in the following article:
Changing Xcode’s Build Location

Update Flurry in Xcode

I am trying to update Flurry SDK for IOS8. I try to delete all relevant links to Flurry, but I still can not add file to project with he new SDK. "Tells me the is a still a folder named Flurry in the project"
What am I missing, what is the proper way to do this as I will have other apps to update?
Is there a small program available to do this job?
Try to check you project folder in Finder, may be when you choose removing option, you use "Remove Reference" and not the "Move to Trash".
Make sure you really deleted the Flurry folder. Use "Show in Finder" (see screenshot) and delete it from there from within your project folder. Then:
-In the Finder, drag the Flurry SDK into your project’s file folder.
-Now add it to your project: File > Add Files to “YOUR PROJECT”
-Add SystemConfiguration.framework to your app. This is required for Reachability to manage network operations efficiently.

How do you completely delete projects in Xcode?

So if I go into my selected save folder for my projects and delete my project it no longer shows up in Xcode. However I can still find some other files if I look under my user name/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData. There are other files Xcode creates and I'm afraid if I make, and delete a bunch of projects, it is just gonna clutter my Mac with a mess of unneeded files. So how do I completely remove a project in Xcode?
Appreciate the help.
Xcode 9
In Finder, delete the project folder. (If you don't know where it is, open the project in Xcode and right click on project name in the Project Navigator. Choose Show in Finder.)
In Xcode, remove the deleted project from the menu. (Go to File > Open Recent > Clear Menu. This will clear all of your recent projects from this menu and the startup menu.)
For Xcode projects in version 11:
Open Xcode
Click on File
Open recent: Clear menu
It will remove all the projects that you have on your Xcode.
For Xcode 4, you can go to the Organizer by clicking the button at the top right, and then you'll see your projects. Right click the one you want to remove, and choose "Remove from Organizer..." This will remove all the associated data. I don't know if this is an option in previous versions of Xcode.
Solution for Xcode 7.3
To delete Xcode project:
Locate the project directory in finder, right-click, and select Move to Trash
To delete Xcode project data:
(From the Xcode welcome screen) Go to Window > Projects, select the project, then click Delete next to the derived data and/or snapshots
Note: deleting project data can free 50+ MB even from simple projects!
The easiest way I found to do this in Xcode 9.1 was to open Xcode (which may "open" only as an icon on the dock if there are no current projects) and select 'Window' from the Xcode application menu.
Select the 'Welcome to Xcode' option, then click on 'Open another project...' in the right pane of the window. This should take you to the root of your projects folder in a Finder window. (Mine end up in /Applications by default.) From there you should be able to select the project name and 'Move to Trash'. Empty your trash to get rid of it entirely.
Physical deletion : Go to where project folder is. Simply delete folder
By default it is Documents/[Project name]
To remove as start-up choice list :
On Terminal: open /Applications/Xcode.app
File -> Open Recent -> Clear Menu
this is the build folder for your project. You can delete it in finder or in Xcode by pressing Command-Option-Shift-K before delete the project itself.
For Xcode Version 8.2 (8C38), you can remove the projects completely (project name in Xcode, programs, data, etc.) one by one by doing the following: [Note: the instructions are not for just remove the project names from the Welcome Window]
Launch the Xocde and wait until the Welcome window is displayed. The projects will be shown on the right hand side (see below)
Xcode Welcome Window
Right click the project you want to remove completely and a pop window [Show in Folder] jumps out; selec it to find out where is the project in the [Finder] (see below)
Find the project folder
Right click the project folder in the Finder to find it’s path through [Get Info]; use path in the Info window to go to the parent folder, and go to there[Locate the project folder path][3]
Right click the Project Folder (e.g. DemoProject01) and Porject file (DemoProject01.xcodeproj) and select [Move to Trash] ; you will see that (a) the folder in finder is removed AND (b) the Project in the Xcode Welcome Window’s Project List is removed.
To Delete XCode Projects in Ver.7.3 you must:
Open up the Project you would like to delete
Select the 'Window' option from the Active App Menu for Mac programs. The one where you find - File, Edit, View etc..
Select the Projects option
Then you will see a full list of projects
Highlight the ones you want to remove - Shift + Click >>> Click
Then Right Click and Select Remove projects

How to tell Xcode where my info.plist and .pch files are

I renamed my project and it's files and now Xcode is still looking for the old info.plist file. Where do I set the locations of the .plist and .pch files that it needs.
In my Project Info window, under Packaging there's an item for Info.Plist file, but it was blank, and when I try different paths, nothing happens. On compile it still says it can't find the plist by the old name.
I know this answer is answered and closed, but I'm going to add my discoveries here as it is slightly different for Xcode 4.2:
Select your project
In the left side of the middle pane, select your app under "Targets"
Select the tab "Build Settings"
Search the following keywords: "info.plist" and "pch"
At this point it should be pretty clear which are the ones you need to modify.
Click on "Validate Settings" and you're done.
Found it.
It was in the settings for the Target.
Choose Target in the Groups and Files pane on the left.
Right-Click and choose Get Info
Search for "Info.Plist" and type in the filename for the correct plist file into the property of the item named "Info.Plist File".
Then search for "Prefix" and find the item named "Prefix Header".
Change it's property to the name of the correct .pch file that you are using.
I think these different "Info" windows are confusing. You have to make sure the right file is selected in the Groups and Files pane before selecting "Get Info", and it's hard to tell if what you're doing is actually making changes to the Info.plist file, or where your changes are being saved.
For Xcode 10.1 when rename or move info.plist to sub folder.
Select your project
Choose targets
In General tab under Indentity you can specify new info.plist file
One more wrinkle to this. It still would not find the new plist file because it was in a folder inside the main project hierarchy on my disk. In this case, the name you should put in the build settings is relative to the project file, like "FolderName/Info.plist" for example.
Just close project and reopen it. Then you will see on the project target, choose plist button on the General tab See this screenshot to make sense
From XCode 11 onwards, the updated path for Info.plist has to be changed under Target -> Build Settings -> Packaging -> Info.plist File.
Please read here for further details
I know this is an old post, but I just ran into this same problem using Xcode 8.2. I had already duplicated .plist and .storyboard files in finder, but my Xcode project did not pick them up. In order to add files to your xcodeproj just right click on the project or folder in the Project Navigator and select Add Files to "Your Project Name". You should be able to select the files you need (use Cmd key to select multiple individual files).
If you created a new .plist or .storyboard file you'll need to link to your target membership. To link just click on the file in the navigator and on the right hand side in your standard editor > file inspector > target membership select the appropriate target membership.
The correct way to do this without duplicating files in finder is by selecting the file to duplicate and then going to File > Duplicate on the Xcode navigation menu.
I am working with Xcode 9.3 and "boldly" changed my app name without understanding that I was inviting trouble: I got it.
Fortunately, it is now easy to rename a project or app with reliable results if in Xcode you select the blue icon on the left/in the project navigator and then edit the "Identity and Type" "Name" field in the "File Inspector". This brings up a dialog, and clicking on "Rename" works reliably.
Xcode 14
Chose your Targets -> Build Settings -> Packaging
Find key "info.plist File" and update path like "AppName/FolderName/Info.plist"
enter image description here

How to get .app file of a xcode application

I have created an xcode project. Now I want to give .app file to my friend to use that application. From where do I get this file? How to install this .app file in his Applications folder using an installer package?
You can find the .app file here:
~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/{app name}/Build/Products/Deployment/
Credit for the path location goes to this answer
SIDENOTE: I had a lot of fun trying to get this into my iPad after that. It worked however. Using Snow Leopard + Xcode 4.2 + iPad with IOS 5.1.1 :) - I used the iPhone configuration utility to get the app into the ipad (you have to add the app, then click on the device, then click "install" behind the app you just added in the "application library" of iphone configuration utility) and had to create a Distribution Provisioning Profile and get the WWDR certificate and finally change the build settings in Xcode after all the certificates were in place. See here
But after much fun I am now looking at my first app on my iPad :) - btw, for getting apps into the app store you need to create a app store Distribution Provisioning Profile, while for ad hoc installs like these you create an ad hoc one. There is a bit more to it, but I think these are the most important and tricky steps. Enjoy.
PS. Just remembered that you also have to set the build type (top left of Xcode) to "iOS device", otherwise it will never sign your application. So the path name above only has limited value: yes, it will have the .app file in it, but no you can't upload it (at least not using the iPhone configuration utility) since it is not code signed - you will get an "Could not copy validate signature" error. So change it to "iOS device" and build (remember to select the right certificates in the build section of Xcode as per the url info above). In that same build section, you can also set the "Installation Build Products Location" to a different path, so that you can determine where the .app (the one that is properly code signed) ends up.
Xcode 12.5
Can be found in the following directory ->
~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/{app name}/Build/Products/{scheme}-iphonesimulator/{app name}.app
Build a release version, and the .app file is under build/Release folder of your project. Just copy it to Applications folder of your friend's machine. I don't think you need to build a installer.
xCode window tab
Right click to the archive you want to get app
Show in finder
Right click to (ProductName….). xcarchive file
Show package contents
The application will appear in your projects Build directory. In the source pane on the left of the Xcode window you should see a section called 'Products'. Listed under there will be your application name. If you right-click on this you can select 'Reveal in Finder' to be taken to the application in the Finder. You can send this to your friend directly and he can just copy it into his Applications folder. Most applications do not require an installer package on Mac OS X.
Under Xcode 4.5.2, you can find the .app file in this way:
Select Window > Organizer in the Xcode's menu(or just press 'Shift+Command+2')
Select your project on the left side of Organizer, and you will find the Derived Data path on the right side. Just click the mini arrow in the end of the path, this will open Finder at the path.
In the Finder, click "Build > Products > Release", you will find the .app.
I know as for Appium Mobile Automation you need .app file to run ios app on Simulator.So as like me many of you face this problem.
So I explain how to create that .app file and where it is located.
1.Open Xcode.
2.Click on your sample project.(If you don't have then click on create new xcode project)
3.In left panel inside screen you will see products folder then click and expand that, you will see the list.
Then right click on .app file and click on Show in Finder and thats your .app file. Now you can copy or use that path in capabilities for appium desktop or in framework.
Xcode 8.1
Product -> Archive
Then export on the right hand side to somewhere on your drive.
In Xcode 7 a quick way is to use Product > Archive. It's probably not a signed copy for submission but it's good enough to give to somebody else for testing.
In the navigator (left pane), expand the group "Products" and right-click on the .app file and choose "Show in Finder". There it is! :)
