Update Flurry in Xcode - xcode

I am trying to update Flurry SDK for IOS8. I try to delete all relevant links to Flurry, but I still can not add file to project with he new SDK. "Tells me the is a still a folder named Flurry in the project"
What am I missing, what is the proper way to do this as I will have other apps to update?
Is there a small program available to do this job?

Try to check you project folder in Finder, may be when you choose removing option, you use "Remove Reference" and not the "Move to Trash".

Make sure you really deleted the Flurry folder. Use "Show in Finder" (see screenshot) and delete it from there from within your project folder. Then:
-In the Finder, drag the Flurry SDK into your project’s file folder.
-Now add it to your project: File > Add Files to “YOUR PROJECT”
-Add SystemConfiguration.framework to your app. This is required for Reachability to manage network operations efficiently.


Couldn't load a Xcode project with pods [duplicate]

How do I rename a project in Xcode 5?
What steps do I need to take?
In the past this was always a very tricky manual process.
Well, the answer is very very very Apple simple in Xcode 5!
In the Project Navigator on the left side, click 2 x slowly and the Project file name will be editable.
Type the new name.
A sheet will appear with a warning and will list all the items Xcode 5 believes it should change.
You can probably trust it, but you should inspect it.
The list will include the info.plist and various files, but also all the relevant strings from nib/xib files like MainMenu menus.
Accept the changes and you will get the prompt to save a snapshot of the project.
Always make a snapshot when Xcode asks, it will be useful to restore if something does not work.
Change the project name:-
Click on the target in xcode, on the right in "Identify and Type" under name change the name and press the ENTER button on your keyboard.
A window will appear confirming the change and what it will change. Once you confirm it will make the changes.
Change the root folder name:-
Go to the project directory and rename the root folder,
Open the project and u will find all the file are missing, u need to add all the files of project again
Right click the project bundle .xcodeproj file and select “Show Package Contents” from the context menu. Open the .pbxproj file with any text editor.
4>Search and replace any occurrence of the original folder name with the new folder name.
5>Save the file.
Change the Scheme name:-
rename .xscheme file
If your Project is static framework then make sure your header file has public target membership
I really recommend just opening the folder in a general editor such as Sublime Text, and doing a find/replace across the whole folder. The other methods I found were unstable, particularly when combined with .xcworkspace and cocoapods.
In Xcode 8.0, to rename your project, just go through the following instructions as described in Xcode help:
1- Select your project in the project navigator.
2- In the Identity and Type section of the File inspector, enter a new
name into the Name field.
3- Press Return.
A dialog is displayed, listing the items in your project that can be
renamed. The dialog includes a preview of how the items will appear
after the change.
4- To selectively rename items, disable the checkboxes for any items
you don’t want to rename. To rename only your app, leave the app
selected and deselect all other items.
5- Click Rename.
Source: http://help.apple.com/xcode/mac/8.0/#/dev3db3afe4f
Xcode 6 (beta 6 as of now) seems to be not very reliable with renaming projects. For me it didn't rename several of the files and groups. It also doesn't rename the physical folder the project is in. To rename my project to be sure that everything is clean I went the extra length to create a new project with the new name and copy over all the files. The assets are easy to copy but groups have to be recreated. The biggest issue with this however are CoreData data model files. Trying to simply copy this will result in a corrupt model file, even though everything looks like it is alright.
When you re-name the project name in XCode5 then info.plist entry removed from Targets --- > General ---> identity. You just need to mention it again.
In Xcode 7, renaming a project can still break your app. Make sure you backed it up before trying it.
Click on the project icon and find the project name in the inspector pane. If you change it there, Xcode will ask you if you want to rename related files. Might work. But if not, try this brute force approach:
Close Xcode
Using an advanced text editor like Sublime Text or Atom, open the
root folder. It will open the folder structure.
Perform a Global Search and Replace (it's probably cmd + shift + f), and
replace My Wrong App Name with New App. If your project name contained spaces, also search for My_Wrong_App_Name and replace
New_App. This changes all file contents.
Now you need to find all
the files inside the project with your old app name. Rename them
all, also the folders.
Important: Open the project file with
right click > Show Package Contents, and rename all files in there.
Reopen your Xcode project or workspace. Compile.
If you use Pods, you need to open the pods project as well and change the files in there.
Here is another great example which works well with xcode 5

How to transfer published resources from CocoStudio to Xcode?

using CocoStudio 2.0.6 and Xcode 6.1.1 on MAC inside VMware. After publishing in CocoStudio I open Xcode and "Add Files to myProject" with the "Copy items if needed" option checked. Then I have the folder myProject/res created by CocoStudio inside the myProject/Resources folder used by Xcode. Using CSLoader in HelloWorldScene.cpp works fine and I see the scene in the simulator. Runs ok also in Eclipse on Android emulator.
If I go back to CocoStudio and make changes like adding a sprite to the scene then I need to repeat the whole process of publishing, delete them Resources/res folder in Xcode and add it again. It is faster to delete the whole folder instead of adding new files into it and delete the ones not used any more.
My question is: am I doing it the right way or is it there a better way for Xcode to automatically see modifications to the resources made by CocoStudio?
Like when I use Eclipse and build the project, the resources in the myProject/proj.android/assets folder are automatically updated with the resources from the myProject/Resources folder.
Thank you.
You can make a resources folder in iOS app a symbolic link to the main Resources folder.
Remove the proj.ios_mac/Resources folder. Then go to your main app folder and execute:
ln -s ../Resources proj.ios_mac/Resources

XCode 5.1 crashes when I drag-drop one project into another project's tree

I've created a new "single view" iOS universal app.
I want to link theamazingaudioengine
I'm on step 2 here: http://theamazingaudioengine.com/doc/_getting-_started.html
"Drag TheAmazingAudioEngine.xcodeproj from that folder into your
project's navigation tree in Xcode. It'll be added as a sub-project."
But instead, I'm trying to place it alongside:
To my mind it makes more sense that the project should be next to each other.
However, I can't include the .a as a target dependency. I can't drag drop it. And if I click the +, there is no possibility to include it.
So maybe I am wrong, and I have to do exactly as the instruction says?
So I try to drag-drop "TheAmazingAudioEngine" into the Ultra project-tree, between "Ultra" project and "Ultra" folder.
This crashes Xcode.
It is repeatable.
Should I file a bug, and am I wrong to to place the projects side-by-side?
It crashes for me too if I drag and drop.
Found that by using the Add files to "my project" setting it will work.
When you choose the Add files option, navigate and ONLY add the theamazingaudioengine.xcodeproj file. It will automatically add the whole project. Now you will be able to link.
This issue has been fixed in Version 5.1.1. The update was released on April 10.

An item with the same name already exists in Xcode

I know its been asked already , but this time the solutions are not working for me .
I had some framework that was dragged to Xcode without copying it .
than i have removed it from desktop , and Xcode shows error that its missing . (till now ok).
So, i have removed the .framework of this file, from the frameworks folder in the project.
Now i can't add it again, because :
an item with the same name already exists
its not there,i can't find it in the project, and can't add it again.
What could i miss here ?
Also- Check your project folder. Sometimes your file doesn't get deleted out of that folder even though Xcode is showing that file not there.
If you go to the target settings for the target which included it, click on "Build Phases" and twirl open the section labeled "Link Binary With Libraries" you'll probably see it in the list of linked libraries. Simply select the old one and press the "-" button to remove it.
I tried all of the answers above but the only problem is that xcode doesn't delete the folder.
So make sure the folder is delete in the project directory.
If you just remove the reference of item, It's not really deleted item from your folder. You could go to the project folder and delete it.
click "remove the reference" and it's not deleted completely
Go to folder of your project and remove it.
I've been breaking my head trying to figure out this error. This happens when you delete a file/framework from your Xcode project. Then you try to read and you get that annoying error that the files already exists. Here i what i did.
I looked to make sure that the frameworks weren't in any of my group folders.
Go to build phases - link binary with Libraries. (You probably won't see your frameworks here here either).
I simply just dragged the frameworks underneath Link Binary With Libraries and it worked -____-
I didn't do anything else. Magic

Where does Xcode's open quickly search?

I'm not sure how to get it to index my project files.
Open Quickly should be searching any open projects. There used to be a Preference for paths but I believe it was removed with 3.1?!?
Is it possible that said header file is not on your project's include path? If you added your source folders to your project using the "Create Folder References" option, or if you are using an external build system, then Xcode's indexer will not be aware of that file.
If you had added folders with the "Create Folder References" option, then there would be some folder icons in your project's file list that are yellow instead of the usual blue. If this is the case, you might try removing those folder references and re-adding the folders with the "Recursively create groups" option.
If you are using an external build system (which I suspect is not the case, since this is an iPhone question), then you have to explicitly tell Xcode about your project's include path by setting the HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS option in the Build panel of your project's Info window.
Another possibility is that the file you are trying to Open Quickly might be in a Framework that you have not added to your project. If that is the case, adding the framework will fix it.
Since I installed 10.6, I have been able to use the open quickly dialog to open anything in my user search path.
I am not sure if this is because of Snow Leopard, Xcode 3.2, the re-install, etc…
Check after you upgrade.
