Invalid Alphanumeric 'From' address with Twilio SMS - sms

I am trying to send an SMS with Twilio using the alphanumeric 'from' address. I'm in Australia, sending to an Australian mobile number. My cURL request looks like this:
curl -X POST '<Account SID>/Messages.json' \
--data-urlencode 'To=+614XXXXXXXX' \
--data-urlencode 'From=Test' \
--data-urlencode 'Body=Test' \
-u <Account SID>:<Auth Token>
The response I am receiving is:
"code": 21212,
"message": "The 'From' number Test is not a valid phone number, shortcode, or alphanumeric sender ID.",
"more_info": "",
"status": 400
I've tried a number of different alphanumeric sender IDs and none have been successful. My sender ID does appear to meet the [a-zA-Z0-9 ] with max length 11 and at least 1 alpha character requirement. I've double checked my Account SID and Auth Token as well as the ability to send Alphanumeric SMS within Australia. I've also verified I'm not accidentally using my Test code incase that would have any effect. My account also does have credit on it.
Thanks in advance for any insight you can offer :)

Twilio developer evangelist here.
You're doing everything right for sending a message using an alphanumeric sender ID. However, in order to get your account setup for sending these messages you need to contact support and request your account is enabled to use alphanumeric sender IDs.
Let me know if that helps at all.


SFMC Send SMS from JB with no phone in DE

I have a case when SFMC JB performed an SMS send to records, that did not have a phone number in DE for Entry Source, but there is a phone number assigned to them in the database.
The Journey settings were set to "Use phone number attribute from entry source - Phone".
Here is an example record in DE:
SubscriberKey | Email | Phone
123 | | null
Help states that "To send SMS from a journey, the normalized phone number (country code + phone number with no dashes or parentheses) is required in your data extension."
Could you please tell me how to troubleshoot this case, or if you see any other potential things that have given the following output? And how to perform a send so it does not happen again?
Thanks a lot!

href mailto gets truncated in outlook

I'm running in to the following issue.
I'm working on a private intranet that makes use of user accounts. As administrator you are able to select a specific usergroup (or all) and puts all email adresses that are in the selected usergroup as a long string like so (clearly not the best way but it is what the clients budget allowed).
Send mail
Now I'm not really sure what the issue is but somehow not all email adresses are send to outlook so they can send their 'newsletter' .
In total there should be 89 adressses containing 2206 characters. When I click the link only 2065 characters get trough.
When using this method over Imail it works fine but office keeps truncating in some way.
Does office only allow a max. count of characters at once in their Bcc? There is nothing I can find about this on the internet.
Hope you guys could help me out,
Thanks in advance.
Mots browsers limit the length of a url. In IE the max length is 2083 characters:

Does Laravel take care of the AWS SES 50 email address limit?

AWS SES guide:
Maximum number of recipients per message:
50 recipients per message. A recipient is any "To", "CC", or "BCC"
Source: AWS SES Developer Guides
I'm currently using the following function:
Mail::send(['html' => 'emails.systemmail'],['mail' => $mail],
function($message) use ($emails){
$message->subject('email subject');
Question: if the $emails array has more than 50 email addresses, what happens?
Does Laravel automatically send it in batches limited by 50?
Does SES automatically send it in batches limited by 50?
Are only the first 50 sent?
Are no emails sent and the SES server returns an error?
Do I need to array split and send it in batches of maximum 50 myself?
Is there any common/standard workaround?
What if there are 30 "To:" addresses and 30 "CC:" addresses?

Error: Invalid number format while sending SMS with SIM800L

I'm using a SIM800L GSM module connected over USB-Serial to my computer.
When I try to send a SMS I got an error:
> Test (Ctrl+Z)
+CMS ERROR: Invalid number format (incomplete number)
I’m obviously connected to the network because pin is entered +CREG an +COPS seems good.
+CREG: 0,1
+COPS: 0,0,"O2 (Germany)"
As well I can receive SMS and see incoming calls.
I set the module in sms text mode and use the coding GSM
+CMGF: 1
I try different number formats like "015xxxxxxxxx" or "004915xxxxxxxxx". Also I try different values for the optional parameter from +CMGS
Could anybody advise me what to do?
To send SMS it was necessary for me to change the SMSC adress with the command AT+CSCA.
The SMSC you can found at your mobile operator. In my case Netzclub at O2 Germany.

Wrong receiver after Sending EMail

I'm trying to solve a really strange problem. Two Outlook Clients are showing the wrong reciever after sending a E-Mail (
His Contact Details are:
Jon Doe
0012 3456 7891
but after sending in the "To:" field the Name Max Musterman is listed there.
Max Musterman has following Information:
Max Mustermann
0019 8765 4321
After some testing we found out that even when you did not send the email and just enter the into the "To:" field it is associated with Max Mustermann but they don't share ANY information.
Someone some ideas ?
Double click on Max Mustermann if shown once you enter, then on the General tab and the E-mail Addresses tab (under SMTP:) what email address is shown there? If it shows, then this means is Max Mustermann and Max Mustermann's email address is
