PhantomJS can't find jasmine fixture - jasmine

In Jasmine I am adding a fixture as below:
jasmine.getFixtures().fixturesPath = '/';
var fixture = readFixtures('test2.html');
The tests run fine in the browser.
However, when I try to run the tests using PhantomJS I get the following error:
Network - Resource request error: QNetworkReply::NetworkError(ContentNotFoundError) ( "Error opening /test2.html: No such file or directory" ) URL: "file:///test2.html?_=123456789
It's as if PhantomJS cannot read the correct relative file path.
Is there anything I can do differently to get past this error?

For anyone else running into this, the trick is to call the actual url as opposed to a file, so instead of
$ phantomjs myTest.js path/to/my/SpecRunner.html
$ phantomjs myTest.js http://localhost/path/to/mySpecRunner.html


Getting the error "Cannot find module './commands'" while trying to run cypress tests

When I'm trying to run cypress test I'm getting this error:
The following error originated from your test code, not from Cypress.
\> Cannot find module './commands'
When Cypress detects uncaught errors originating from your test code it will automatically fail the current test.
Cypress could not associate this error to any specific test.
We dynamically generated a new test to display this failure.
I was expecting my tests to run, and I've tried to create an index.js in the support folder with:
import './commands'
Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (err, runnable) => {
return false;
But that doesn't seem to work.
When I had this issue it was because I tried to import from the wrong file.
Instead of importing in the test file, commands should be imported into /cypress/support/e2e(.js|.ts) file.
Ref Custom Commands
We recommend defining queries is in your cypress/support/commands.js file, since it is loaded before any test files are evaluated via an import statement in the supportFile.
That way they are available in any test that requires them. This is because the /cypress/support/e2e.js file is automatically integrated into the start of any and all test runs.

Change browser in runtime with cypress

I have 2 tests running using command:
browser: "chrome"
How can i run second test on eletron with out changing much in config file. Can i use Cypress.config() in my second test to pass browser as electron?

Cannot open File protocol links in Resource protocol page in Firefox 41

I've made a local file (log.html) in Firefox profile and tried to open it in an add-on page (add-on folder/data/log.html and it's shown as Resource protocol in URL bar).
self.port && self.port.on('add-log-path', function(payLoad) {
function addLogPath(url) {
// url == "file:///Users/usr/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/05rhodfg.cfxo/log.html"
$('#logpath').attr('href', url);
I've also tried changing that to JS method
function addLogPath(url) {
$('#logpath').on("click", function() {;
But the error is
JavaScript error: , line 0: Error: Access to
from script denied
BTW, before Firefox version 41, it has no problem doing this.
Can you suggest other workaround to solve this? Thank you!
added add-on example to reproduce the problem
download and run the following statement in Terminal:
$ cd fileProtocolExample && cfx run
Do'filename_here') to get that path to your file.
It will look something like resource://your-extension-id/data/filename_here, then this should load fine. That resource:// in front is important, make sure you get and use that URL.
The file:// won't work, because your addon is packed in a zip. Its not extracted into the system. How did it work in Firefox 41? Was your addon unpacked at that time? This is an Addon-SDK addon right?

Running casperjs tests with slimerjs

I wrote a few tests with casperjs. They run just fine with phantomjs. However, when I tried to use slimerjs with the following command:
casperjs --verbose --engine=slimerjs test create-project-suite.js
A small window appers with the SlimerJs logo and version number but the console seems to hang with the following line:
Test file: create-project-suite.js
Is there anything else I need to do? Here are the version numbers:
Mozilla Firefox 28.0
CasperJS version 1.1.0-beta3
Innophi SlimerJS 0.9.1
3.8.0-37-generic #53~precise1-Ubuntu
I removed code until I got slimerjs to open the browser and execute tests. It seems that it hangs whenever I require a js file (I'm following the page objects pattern):
var Login = require('./objects/login');
I think require.paths could be helpful. Any ideas on how to get around this?
Using full paths makes slimerjs happy:
var path = fs.absolute(fs.workingDirectory + '/objects/login');
var Login = require(path);
It is plain simpler to move all modules to the same directory where the script is.
I tried your command and it works for me, maybe in your file you use an instruction specific to phantom :
But it should open the window(at least the start() ).
Anyway the command is fine.

CLI testing with Jasmine / PhantomJS

Running yeoman server:test opens Jasmine in my browser and says that my test has passed. Now I want to try the same, but without a browser - using PhantomJS on the CLI. Unfortunately, running yeoman test only throws a:
Running "jasmine:all" (jasmine) task
Running specs for index.html
>> 0 assertions passed in 0 specs (0ms)
Why doesn't it find any tests, even though everything is included in my test/index.html and works pretty well using yeoman server:test?
I used yeoman init jasmine:app --force over my project and adjusted the Gruntfile.js as described here. It looks like that:
// headless testing through PhantomJS
jasmine: {
all: ["test/**/*.html"]
// Alias the `test` task to run the `jasmine` task instead
grunt.registerTask("test", "jasmine");
Note: My tests are written in CoffeeScript.
After some research I found out that PhantomJS is not able to find the files at the same location as ´yeoman server´ or yeoman server:test does.
I precised my question in another thread: Running tests in both headless and browser
