Running casperjs tests with slimerjs - casperjs

I wrote a few tests with casperjs. They run just fine with phantomjs. However, when I tried to use slimerjs with the following command:
casperjs --verbose --engine=slimerjs test create-project-suite.js
A small window appers with the SlimerJs logo and version number but the console seems to hang with the following line:
Test file: create-project-suite.js
Is there anything else I need to do? Here are the version numbers:
Mozilla Firefox 28.0
CasperJS version 1.1.0-beta3
Innophi SlimerJS 0.9.1
3.8.0-37-generic #53~precise1-Ubuntu
I removed code until I got slimerjs to open the browser and execute tests. It seems that it hangs whenever I require a js file (I'm following the page objects pattern):
var Login = require('./objects/login');
I think require.paths could be helpful. Any ideas on how to get around this?

Using full paths makes slimerjs happy:
var path = fs.absolute(fs.workingDirectory + '/objects/login');
var Login = require(path);
It is plain simpler to move all modules to the same directory where the script is.

I tried your command and it works for me, maybe in your file you use an instruction specific to phantom :
But it should open the window(at least the start() ).
Anyway the command is fine.


Protractor 7 does not go beyond 'Using FirefoxDriver directly...'

I am unable to run e2e tests with protractor 7 with the following configuration
directConnect: true,
capabilities: {
browserName: 'firefox'
on my MacOS Catalina. I noticed the
webdriver-manager update
command from the project's package.json downloads the geckodriver-v0.29.1.
As mentioned in the title the logs do not go beyond Using FirefoxDriver directly... when I run the tests. How can I check logs in more details (is there a verbose option in protractor?), and how can I fix the issue ?
With Splaktars answer I was able to get Firefox to launch using the typical directConnect: true setting.
I had to download the geckodriver-v0.29.1-macos.tar.gz package from the Github Releases and extract the binary. Then I replaced the geckodriver-v0.29.1 binary previously downloaded through webdriver-manager with that copy from the package.
After that I launched my tests to make sure everything was still partially working and finally saw the MacOS security popup. I ran the command to remove the quarantine flag:
xattr -r -d /path/to/geckodriver-v0.29.1
Relaunched the tests and finally Firefox popped up...
Thanks again to Splaktar, just made an account so I can't comment or upvote for help
It looks like there is a known issue in the v0.29.1 release notes:
Those point to some GeckoDriver macOS Notarization docs:
However that page say
Arbitrary software downloaded through other means, such as curl(1) is not affected by this change.
I don't get any security pop ups or warnings, just the hang that you see.
xattr -r -d /Users/splaktar/Git/app/node_modules/protractor/node_modules/webdriver-manager/selenium/geckodriver-v0.29.1
Doesn't help.
In, there are a lot of old issues mentioned with Firefox and directConnect support. I tried using directConnect: false with a suggestion from that issue:
config.capabilities = {
'browserName': 'firefox',
'marionette': true,
'elementScrollBehavior': 1
config.directConnect = false;
config.seleniumAddress = 'http://localhost:4444';
config.localSeleniumStandaloneOpts = {
jvmArgs: ['-Dwebdriver.gecko.driver=node_modules/protractor/node_modules/webdriver-manager/selenium/geckodriver-v0.29.1']
I ran webdriver-manager start and then ran my tests, but that failed quickly with an error page's HTML in the console and From: Task: WebDriver.createSession() Process exited with error code 199.
I also tried setting
config.firefoxPath = '/usr/local/bin/firefox-bin';
after creating a symbolic link there to /Applications/ But that didn't help at all. Firefox never gets started. I tried with Firefox Developer Edition as well.
Still investigating...

Launch ClojureScript + ghost script from terminal

I installed phantomjs and casperjs, created a new project with lein new mies casper-ghost and added the [ghost "0.1.0-alpha1] dependency to project.clj.
I then copied over the example code from to the core.cljs file and successfully compiled it, with ./scripts/build.
When I try to run it with casperjs out/casper_ghost.js it gives me the error:
ClojureScript could not load :main, did you forget to specify :asset-path?
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: goog
file:///usr/lib/node_modules/casperjs/bin/bootstrap.js:1 in global code
I tried creating a custom build script as follows:
(require '
( "src"
{:main 'hello-world.core
:output-to "out/main.js"})
And ran that successfully with lein -m clojure.main build.clj, but running out/main.js with casperjs would cause the same error.
Can someone point me in the right direction how to run the ghost scripts from the linux terminal?
Making the Google closure compiler write everything into a single file by using :optimizations "simple" to the build options did the trick.

PHPUnit + Selenium: How to set Firefox about:config options?

When running Selenium tests remotely with PHPUnit and Firefox, onChange events are not fired as they are when a user is operating the browser.
The solution to this seems to be to set the focusmanager.testmode option to true in Firefox's preferences (i.e. about:config), as suggested in a Selenium bug report.
However all the examples are using Selenium directly, while I am using PHPUnit which has its own API hiding the Selenium internals. I can't figure out how to set this Firefox option using PHPUnit, so I'm hoping someone else can tell me how this can be done!
(No, I can't go into about:config and set it myself manually because the tests create a new clean browser profile each time the tests are run, so any manual config changes are lost.)
Thanks to the Selenium developers I have a solution!
Short version
Put this in your test so that it gets called in the setUp() function:
// Firefox mini-profile that sets focusmanager.testmode=true in about:config
protected function setUp()
$this->setDesiredCapabilities(Array('firefox_profile' => FIREFOX_PROFILE));
This sets focusmanager.testmode to true.
Long version
You need to create your own mini Firefox profile with the preferences you want set, and pass it along at the start of your tests. Here's how to do it:
Create a new folder and put the files you want in the Firefox profile in there. This can be anything (bookmarks, extensions, a copy of your own profile, etc.) but all we need here is a file called prefs.js which stores our about:config settings.
Create prefs.js in this folder with the following content:
user_pref("focusmanager.testmode", true);
Zip up the folder (prefs.js should be in the root of the archive), and base64 encode it.
If you're using Linux, you can do it all like this:
mkdir firefox-profile
cd firefox-profile
echo 'user_pref("focusmanager.testmode", true);' >> prefs.js
zip -r ../ *
base64 < ../
Then take the base64 value and set it as the "firefox_profile" capability as per the short version above.

How do I run my selenium ruby scripts on different browsers?

I have written my script specifically for FF. Now I wish to run that same script on Chrome as well as IE. Also I want to run my tests in following order :
Open browser1.
Run script on that browser.
Close browser1.
Open browser2.
Run script on that browser.
Close browser2.
Please help.
In order to run your tests on :
1.Chrome : you will need to install latest Chrome driver, unzip it and paste its path in the environment variables.
2.IE : you will need to install IEDriver server unzip it and paste its path in the environment variables and enable protected mode for each zone in following way (Internet options->security tab->enable protected mode checkbox).
For running your tests as per the way you mentioned, not sure what framework you're using or whatever, but you can do this with a loop. You can do the following :
def all_browsers
browsers = [:firefox,:chrome,:ie].each do |br|
$driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for br

CLI testing with Jasmine / PhantomJS

Running yeoman server:test opens Jasmine in my browser and says that my test has passed. Now I want to try the same, but without a browser - using PhantomJS on the CLI. Unfortunately, running yeoman test only throws a:
Running "jasmine:all" (jasmine) task
Running specs for index.html
>> 0 assertions passed in 0 specs (0ms)
Why doesn't it find any tests, even though everything is included in my test/index.html and works pretty well using yeoman server:test?
I used yeoman init jasmine:app --force over my project and adjusted the Gruntfile.js as described here. It looks like that:
// headless testing through PhantomJS
jasmine: {
all: ["test/**/*.html"]
// Alias the `test` task to run the `jasmine` task instead
grunt.registerTask("test", "jasmine");
Note: My tests are written in CoffeeScript.
After some research I found out that PhantomJS is not able to find the files at the same location as ´yeoman server´ or yeoman server:test does.
I precised my question in another thread: Running tests in both headless and browser
