Restore type information after passing through function as "interface {}"? - go

I'm running into a slight architectural problem with Golang right now that's causing me to copy/paste a bit more code than I'd prefer. I feel like there must be a solution, so please let me know if this is perhaps possible:
When I pass things through an interface {}-typed function parameter, I start getting errors such as "expected struct or slice", etc. ... even though what I passed was previously a struct or a slice. I realize that I could manually convert these to another type after receiving them in that function, but then that become tedious in instances such as this:
local interface type *interface {} can only be decoded from remote
interface type; received concrete type
... In this case, the receiving function seems like it'd need to be hard-coded to convert all interface {} items back to their respective original types in order to work properly, because the receiving function needs to know the exact type in order to process the item correctly.
Is there a way to dynamically re-type Golang interface {} typed variables back to their original type? Something like this, How to I convert reflect.New's return value back to the original type ... maybe?
EDIT: To clarify, basically, I'm passing &out to a function and it needs to be its original type by the time it reaches another inner function call.
Example code:
// NOTE: This is sort of pseudo-Golang code, not meant to be compiled or taken too seriously.
func PrepareTwoDifferentThings(keyA string, keyB string) {
var somethingA TypeA;
var somethingB TypeB;
loadFromCache(keyA, &somethingA, nil);
loadFromCache(keyB, &somethingB, nil);
fmt.Printf("Somethings: %v, %v", somethingA, somethingB);
func loadFromCache(key string, isNew, out interface {}, saveNewData interface {}) {
if err := cache.load(key, &out); err!=nil { // NOTE: Current issue is that this expects "&out" to be `TypeA`/`TypeB` not "interface {}", but I don't want to copy and paste this whole function's worth of code or whatever.
panic("oh no!");
if (saveNewData!=nil) {, saveNewData); // This doesn't seem to care if "saveNewData" is "interface {}" when saving, but later cache fetches above using the "load()" method to an "interface {}"-typed `&out` parameter throw an exception that the "interface {}" type on `&out` does not match the original when it was saved here (`TypeA`/`TypeB`).

To change the type of an interface into its rightful type, you can use type assertions:
package main
import r "reflect"
type A struct {
Name string
func main() {
// No pointer
aa := A{"name"}
var ii interface{} = aa
bb := ii.(A)
// main.A
// Pointer
a := &A{"name"}
var i interface{} = a
b := *i.(*A)
// main.A
c := i.(*A)
// *main.A
d := r.Indirect(r.ValueOf(i)).Interface().(A)
// main.A
Playground 1
When using type assertions, you have to know the underlying type of your interface. In Go, there is no way to use type assertion with a dynamic type. reflect.Type is not a type, it's an interface representing a type. So no, you can't use it this way.
If you have several type possibilities, the solution is the type switch:
package main
import "fmt"
type TypeA struct {
A string
type TypeB struct {
B string
func doSomethingA(t TypeA) {
func doSomethingB(t TypeB) {
func doSomething(t interface{}) {
switch t := t.(type) {
case TypeA:
case TypeB:
panic("Unrecognized type")
func main() {
a := TypeA{"I am A"}
b := TypeB{"I am B"}
// I am A
// I am B
Playground 2

It turns out that using JSON instead of Gob for serialization avoids the error that I was encountering entirely. Other functions can handle passing into interfaces, etc.


Go Reflect field name to specific interface

I have a struct type with a number of fields that all implement a Renderer interface. The field types implement the interface with pointer receivers. I would like to have a function that takes the field name and calls the Render method on that field. I am able to locate the field and get lots of information about it, but doing the type assertion seems to be biting me because of the pointer receivers. Here's some code that shows my problem:
package main
import (
type Renderer interface {
type First struct {
ExampleField Field
type Field []int
func (f *Field) Render() {
fmt.Println("Hello from first")
func main() {
f := First{
Field{1, 2, 3},
renderField("ExampleField", &f)
renderField2("ExampleField", &f)
func renderField(field string, f *First) {
structVal := reflect.ValueOf(*f)
renderType := reflect.TypeOf((*Renderer)(nil)).Elem()
fieldToRender := structVal.FieldByName(field)
fieldPtr := reflect.PtrTo(fieldToRender.Type())
fmt.Printf("Implements? %v\n", fieldPtr.Implements(renderType))
fmt.Printf("Addressable? %v\n", fieldToRender.CanAddr())
fieldInter := fieldToRender.Interface()
if renderer, ok := fieldInter.(Renderer); ok {
// Pointer receiver so this never gets called
fmt.Print("Able to cast")
func renderField2(field string, f *First) {
structVal := reflect.ValueOf(*f)
fieldToRender := structVal.FieldByName(field)
vp := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(fieldToRender))
vpAddr := vp.Elem().Addr()
typeVal := vpAddr.Interface()
fmt.Println(typeVal) // <main.Field Value>⏎
renderer := typeVal.(Renderer)
// interface conversion: *reflect.Value is not main.Renderer: missing method Render
renderField2 seems to get me close but Addr() gives me a *Reflect.Value and when I call Interface() that seems to be the underlying type instead. If I switch to a non-pointer receiver then the first function works. I found reflect value Interface and pointer receiver which seems to be almost exactly what I'm asking, and the question is answered but if I actually call the isZeroer method presented in the playground link it's always false so it doesn't actually seem to answer the question.
It seems like Addr is the key because it specifically mentions pointer receivers but I'm struggling to coerce it back into an interface.
Use this code:
func renderField(name string, f *First) {
structVal := reflect.ValueOf(f).Elem()
field := structVal.FieldByName(name).Addr().Interface()
if renderer, ok := field.(Renderer); ok {
The key point is to change:
structVal := reflect.ValueOf(*f)
structVal := reflect.ValueOf(f).Elem()
The statement used in the question creates a non-addressable struct value. The fields in a non-addressable struct are also not addressable, therefore it's not possible to access the pointer receiver on the fields.
The statement used in this answer creates an addressable struct value.

In golang, struct with a slice variable of any type is possible?

Simple golang app gives below error
.\test.go:13: cannot use ds (type Data_A) as type []interface {} in field value
for below code
package main
type Data_A struct {
a string
type DTResponse struct {
Data []interface{} `json:"data"`
func main() {
ds := Data_A{"1"}
dtResp := &DTResponse{ Data:ds}
I would like to have a struct with slice variable of any type. Using struct{} gives the same error.
In Java I could use Object as it is the parent object of any object. But I could not find such one in golang.
Any help would be appreciated.
Yes, as a slice of interface{} which can hold any arbitrary value.
var s = []interface{}{1, 2, "three", SomeFunction}
fmt.Printf("Hello, %#v \n", s)
Hello, []interface {}{1, 2, "three", (func())(0xd4b60)}
But I do not recommend simulate dynamic-typed languages (like Python, JavaScript, PHP, etc) this way. Better to use all static-typed benefits from Go, and leave this feature as a last resort, or as a container for user input. Just to receive it and convert to strict types.
Go is a strongly explicitly typed language thus you can't substitute an object of one type with another (it is already compiled in this way). Also when you do type Data_A struct {... you define new type named Data_A. []interface{} and Data_A are completely different types and these types (like any other) are not interchangeable. Note, even interface{} is not interchangeable with anything. You can pass any type in a function like this func f(a interface{}){... but inside the function you will have exactly interface{} type and you should assert it to use properly.
package main
type Data_A struct {
a string
type DTResponse struct {
Data Data_A `json:"data"`
func main() {
ds := Data_A{"1"}
dtResp := &DTResponse{ Data:ds}
package main
type DTResponse struct {
Data []interface{} `json:"data"`
func main() {
ds := []interface{}{"1"}
dtResp := &DTResponse{ Data:ds}
Possibly the cause of confusion: struct is not slice or array.

How to cast interface{} back into its original struct?

I need a way to dynamically cast a struct/interface back to its original object.
I can add methods / functions inside. basically I need something like this:
MyStruct => Interface{} => MyStruct
When on the final conversion I don't know anything about the original struct besides what come inside the struct, so I can't just so:
You need to know at least the possible types it could be. There's a couple cases, 1. You think you might know what it is. 2. You have a list of possible types it could be, 3. Your code knows nothing about the underlying types.
If you think you know it, you can use type assertion to convert back to the original struct type.
package main
import (
type MyStruct struct {
Thing string
func (s *MyStruct) Display() {
type Thingable interface {
func main() {
s := &MyStruct{
Thing: "Hello",
// print as MyThing
var thinger Thingable
thinger = s
// print as thingable interface
// convert thinger back to MyStruct
s2 := thinger.(*MyStruct) // this is "type assertion", you're asserting that thinger is a pointer to MyStruct. This will panic if thinger is not a *MyStruct
You can see this in action here:
Note if you want to test the type without panicking if you're wrong, do s2, ok := thinger.(*MyStruct). ok will be true if it was successful and false otherwise.
if you want to test your interface variable against a bunch of types, use a switch: (scroll to bottom)
package main
import (
type MyStruct struct {
Thing string
type MyStruct2 struct {
Different string
func (s *MyStruct) Display() {
func (s *MyStruct2) Display() {
type Thingable interface {
func main() {
s := &MyStruct{
Thing: "Hello",
// print as MyThing
var thinger Thingable
thinger = s
// print as thingable interface
// try to identify thinger
switch t := thinger.(type) {
case *MyStruct:
fmt.Println("thinger is a *MyStruct. Thing =", t.Thing)
case *MyStruct2:
fmt.Println("thinger is a *MyStruct2. Different =", t.Different)
fmt.Println("thinger is an unknown type:", reflect.TypeOf(thinger))
You can try that out here
If you really don't know anything about the underlying types, you'll have to expose the things you need through interface functions and call those. Chances are you can do this without knowing anything about the underlying type. If all else fails, you can use the reflect package to introspect your interface object and gather information about it. this is how the json package reads json text and returns populated structs—though this is an advanced topic and expect to sink a lot of time into it if you go this route. it’s best to hide reflection code inside a package with a clean interface(ie the package api).
No: as mentioned in this thread
Go is neither covariant nor contravariant. Types are either equal or they aren't.
You have to either take the structs apart and deal with the pieces, or use reflection.
Type assertions are only "assertions", not "coercions" of any kind.
See also this thread, which reminds us that:
A pointer is one kind of type.
A struct is another kind of type.
An integer is another kind of type.
A floating point number is another kind of type.
A boolean is another kind of type.
The principle of an interface concerns the methods attached to a type T, not what type T is.
An interface type is defined by a set of methods.
Any value that implements the methods can be assigned to an interface value of that type.
That would make the conversion from interface to concrete type quite difficult to do.

Golang type conversion/assertion issue with unmarshalling json

package main
import (
type GeneralConfig map[string]interface{}
var data string = `
func main() {
jsonData := &GeneralConfig{}
json.Unmarshal([]byte(data), jsonData)
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(jsonData)) //main.GeneralConfig
jsonTemp := (*jsonData)["important_key"]
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(jsonTemp)) //map[string]interface {}
//newGeneralConfig := GeneralConfig(jsonTemp)
//cannot convert jsonTemp (type interface {}) to type GeneralConfig:
//need type assertion
newGeneralConfig := jsonTemp.(GeneralConfig)
//panic: interface conversion: interface {} is map[string]interface {},
//not main.GeneralConfig
Available at the playground
I understand that I can use a nested struct in lieu of GeneralConfig, but that would require me knowing the exact structure of the payload, ie it wouldn't work for different keys (I would be locked into "important_key").
Is there a golang workaround for when I don't know what the value of "important_key" is? I say golang, because if possible, one could require all "important_keys" to have a constant parent key, which could resolve this issue.
To summarize, given an arbitrary json object, there must be a way that I can traverse its keys, and if a value is a custom type, convert the value to that type. Right now it seems that if I use type conversion, it tells me that the type is interface{} and I need to use type assertion; however, if I use type assertion, it tells me that interface{} is map[string]interface{} not main.GeneralConfig.
I agree the comments about trying to utilise the expected structure of the incoming JSON in order to write well-defined Structs, but I'll attempt to answer the question anyway.
The thing to take away from what you're seeing printed versus the error messages that you're seeing is that the compiler knows less about the type than the runtime because the runtime can look at the actual value. To bring the compiler up-to-speed we must (i) assert (*jsonData)["important_key"] is a map[string]interface{} -- the compiler only knows it to be an interface{} -- and then (ii) type-cast that to a GeneralConfig type. See:
package main
import (
type GeneralConfig map[string]interface{}
func main() {
jsonStruct := new(GeneralConfig)
json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"parent_key": {"foo": "bar"}}`), jsonStruct)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", jsonStruct)
// => &main.GeneralConfig{"parent_key":map[string]interface {}{"foo":"bar"}}
nestedStruct := (*jsonStruct)["parent_key"]
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nestedStruct)
// => map[string]interface {}{"foo":"bar"}
// Whilst this shows the runtime knows its actual type is
// map[string]interface, the compiler only knows it to be an interface{}.
// First we assert for the compiler that it is indeed a
// map[string]interface{} we are working with. You can imagine the issues
// that might arrise if we has passed in `{"parent_key": 123}`.
mapConfig, ok := nestedStruct.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
// TODO: Error-handling.
// Now that the compiler can be sure mapConfig is a map[string]interface{}
// we can type-cast it to GeneralConfig:
config := GeneralConfig(mapConfig)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", config)
// => main.GeneralConfig{"foo":"bar"}
You are looking for json.RawMessage.
You can delay unmarshalling based upon some other value and then force it to unmarshal to a specific type.
This is not a good idea, but might be closer to what you are looking for.
This is a standard "workaround" if get what you're after. When handling unknown data you can implement this pattern (modified from your example) of switching on the type recursively to get to the concrete values in an unknown body of json data.
package main
import (
var data = `
func main() {
var jsonData interface{}
json.Unmarshal([]byte(data), &jsonData)
func parseArbitraryJSON(data map[string]interface{}) {
for k, v := range data {
switch a := v.(type) {
case string:
fmt.Printf("%v:%v\n", k, a)
case map[string]interface{}:
fmt.Printf("%v:%v\n", k, a)
The resulting output is:
map[string]interface {}
This example only accounts for the base data being a string type but you can switch on any type that you expect to receive, and like any switch you can group your cases, so you can treat all numbers similarly for example.

Perform an action on a collection of items

In my actual code, I'm parsing an XML document using encoding/xml, and I basically have a bunch of nested structures of the following form — all of which may occur multiple times, except the top-level statements element:
I'm fairly new to Go, and I'm clearly misunderstanding how interface{} (the empty interface) works:
.\stmtgen.go:58: cannot use print_name (type func(Statement)) as type func(interface {}) in argument to performAction
.\stmtgen.go:58: cannot use slist (type []Statement) as type []interface {} in argument to performAction
Relevant example code:
package main
import "fmt"
// Actually a structure in my code, but this suffices for demonstration.
type Opcode int
// A Statement has a Name and multiple Opcodes may use this Name.
type Statement struct {
Name string
Opcodes []Opcode
// Print the statement name.
func print_name(stmt Statement) {
// Perform an action on each item of a collection.
func performAction(action func(interface{}), v []interface{}) {
for i := range v {
func main() {
slist := make([]Statement, 3)
slist[0] = Statement{"Statement 1"}
slist[1] = Statement{"Statement 2"}
slist[2] = Statement{"Statement 3"}
performAction(print_name, slist)
Must I create functions to print the values for every single type?
An empty interface{} can contain any value and passed around as the type interface{}. when you need the value from it, you can perform a type assertion like this:
var anyValue interface{}
anyValue = "hello"
strValue := anyValue.(string)
If anyValue is not of the type being asserted then it will cause a panic
the type assertion can also be used to return a bool if the interface is of that type with a multiple return
strValue, ok := anyValue.(string)
if ok {
//anyValue contains a string!
If you dont know the type of the interface, you can use a switch to determine it's type like this:
switch val := anyValue.(type) {
case string:
// anyValue contains a string
// and val is a string
case int:
// anyValue contains an int
// and val is and int
//unhandled interface type
Hopefully this makes the empty interface{} type clearer.
interfaces{...} which have methods declared in them are different, they can not have members (like structs can), only methods, and their underlying type must implement all the methods declared in the interface. You could have an interface actionPerformer (interface names should have the suffix "er" as they are doing something)
type actionPerformer interface {
A type that implements all the methods in an interface can be cast to that interface type, then if you call one of those methods on the interface, it will run the method on the underlying type.
For example, if the Statement struct implements the action(interface{}) method, the Statement struct can be cast to an actionPerformer type and if the action(interface{}) function is called on the actionPerformer, the action function on the Statement struct is run. So you could have multiple types that all have the action(interface{}) method and they can all be cast to an actionPerformer which you can call the action function on.
func (code Opcode) action(arg interface{}) {
fmt.Println(arg.(int) + int(code))
func (stmt Statement) action(arg interface{}) {
fmt.Println(arg.(string), stmt.Name)
stmt := Statement{"Statement 1", nil}
stmtActionPerformer := actionPerformer(stmt)
opcode := Opcode(5)
opcodeActionPerformer := actionPerformer(opcode)
stmtActionPerformer.action("hello") // will print "hello "+whatever the statements name is
opcodeActionPerformer.action(2) //will print be 7
Type assertions can still be used on these types of interface e.g.
stmt := stmtActionPerformer.(Statement)
This is a contrived example, but with this in mind, you might want to write your code using interfaces like this.
Remember casting between interfaces is costly, so should be done sparingly, however they are a powerful tool when used correctly.
For your example, a simple printNames function would be much more efficient than all that interface casting (note that in golang, names should be in the CamelCase format, not using underscores)
func printNames(stmts []Statement) {
for _, stmt := range stmts {
It might also be useful to have a type StatementList and add methods to it:
type StatementList []Statement
func (list StatementList) printNames() {
for _, stmt := range list {
Getting the hang of this stuff make golang a lot more fun, hope this helps :)
You have to declare the parameters of performAction exactly same like the arguments type.
func performAction(action func(Statement), v []Statement) {
for i := range v {
Or you could use interface{} on all parameters instead. Then cast it according to the needs.
func performAction(action interface{}, v interface{}) {
for _, each := range v.([]Statement) {
data with type []Statement cannot be assigned to []interface{}
also for type func(Statement) cannot be assigned to func(interface{})
Use interface{}, then cast it to the original type.
this works for me:
package main
import (
// Actually a structure in my code, but this suffices for demonstration.
type Opcode int
// A Statement has a Name and multiple Opcodes may use this Name.
type Statement struct {
Name string
Opcodes []Opcode
// Print the statement name.
func print_name(stmt interface{}) {
if s, ok := stmt.(Statement); !ok {
panic("typ err")
} else {
// Perform an action on each item of a collection.
func performAction(action func(interface{}), v []interface{}) {
for i := range v {
func main() {
slist := make([]interface{}, 3)
slist[0] = Statement{"Statement 1", nil}
slist[1] = Statement{"Statement 2", nil}
slist[2] = Statement{"Statement 3", nil}
performAction(print_name, slist)
Statement 1
Statement 2
Statement 3
