Golang type conversion/assertion issue with unmarshalling json - go

package main
import (
type GeneralConfig map[string]interface{}
var data string = `
func main() {
jsonData := &GeneralConfig{}
json.Unmarshal([]byte(data), jsonData)
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(jsonData)) //main.GeneralConfig
jsonTemp := (*jsonData)["important_key"]
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(jsonTemp)) //map[string]interface {}
//newGeneralConfig := GeneralConfig(jsonTemp)
//cannot convert jsonTemp (type interface {}) to type GeneralConfig:
//need type assertion
newGeneralConfig := jsonTemp.(GeneralConfig)
//panic: interface conversion: interface {} is map[string]interface {},
//not main.GeneralConfig
Available at the playground
I understand that I can use a nested struct in lieu of GeneralConfig, but that would require me knowing the exact structure of the payload, ie it wouldn't work for different keys (I would be locked into "important_key").
Is there a golang workaround for when I don't know what the value of "important_key" is? I say golang, because if possible, one could require all "important_keys" to have a constant parent key, which could resolve this issue.
To summarize, given an arbitrary json object, there must be a way that I can traverse its keys, and if a value is a custom type, convert the value to that type. Right now it seems that if I use type conversion, it tells me that the type is interface{} and I need to use type assertion; however, if I use type assertion, it tells me that interface{} is map[string]interface{} not main.GeneralConfig.

I agree the comments about trying to utilise the expected structure of the incoming JSON in order to write well-defined Structs, but I'll attempt to answer the question anyway.
The thing to take away from what you're seeing printed versus the error messages that you're seeing is that the compiler knows less about the type than the runtime because the runtime can look at the actual value. To bring the compiler up-to-speed we must (i) assert (*jsonData)["important_key"] is a map[string]interface{} -- the compiler only knows it to be an interface{} -- and then (ii) type-cast that to a GeneralConfig type. See:
package main
import (
type GeneralConfig map[string]interface{}
func main() {
jsonStruct := new(GeneralConfig)
json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"parent_key": {"foo": "bar"}}`), jsonStruct)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", jsonStruct)
// => &main.GeneralConfig{"parent_key":map[string]interface {}{"foo":"bar"}}
nestedStruct := (*jsonStruct)["parent_key"]
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", nestedStruct)
// => map[string]interface {}{"foo":"bar"}
// Whilst this shows the runtime knows its actual type is
// map[string]interface, the compiler only knows it to be an interface{}.
// First we assert for the compiler that it is indeed a
// map[string]interface{} we are working with. You can imagine the issues
// that might arrise if we has passed in `{"parent_key": 123}`.
mapConfig, ok := nestedStruct.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
// TODO: Error-handling.
// Now that the compiler can be sure mapConfig is a map[string]interface{}
// we can type-cast it to GeneralConfig:
config := GeneralConfig(mapConfig)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", config)
// => main.GeneralConfig{"foo":"bar"}

You are looking for json.RawMessage.
You can delay unmarshalling based upon some other value and then force it to unmarshal to a specific type.
This is not a good idea, but might be closer to what you are looking for.

This is a standard "workaround" if get what you're after. When handling unknown data you can implement this pattern (modified from your example) of switching on the type recursively to get to the concrete values in an unknown body of json data.
package main
import (
var data = `
func main() {
var jsonData interface{}
json.Unmarshal([]byte(data), &jsonData)
func parseArbitraryJSON(data map[string]interface{}) {
for k, v := range data {
switch a := v.(type) {
case string:
fmt.Printf("%v:%v\n", k, a)
case map[string]interface{}:
fmt.Printf("%v:%v\n", k, a)
The resulting output is:
map[string]interface {}
This example only accounts for the base data being a string type but you can switch on any type that you expect to receive, and like any switch you can group your cases, so you can treat all numbers similarly for example.


Context value is nil when getting it with unexported struct key in Go HTTP handlers

Any help here is appreciated! I'm sure that I'm missing something really basic.
The problem I have is I am trying to get a value out of context in a demo web application, and I'm receiving the error:
2021/04/11 11:35:54 http: panic serving [::1]:60769: interface conversion: interface {} is nil, not []string
In my main function I'm setting the context with the following:
package main
type ctxKey struct{}
func someHttpHandleFunc() {
// .....
ctx := context.WithValue(r.Context, ctxKey{}, matches[1:])
route.handle(w, r.WithContext(ctx))
Then in my handler, I have the following:
package some_package
type ctxKey struct{}
func getField(r *http.Request, index int) string {
fields := r.Context().Value(ctxKey{}).([]string)
return fields[index]
I know that I'm missing something simple because if I try the above code and put my getField() function within the package main everything works.
For reference, this is a learning exercise, I'm trying to teach myself Go routing. I do know that there are routing packages available - but my goal is to learn. I'm trying my best to follow along with Different approaches to HTTP routing in Go. I have also read through Pitfalls of context values and how to avoid or mitigate them in Go. The latter seems to directly address the problem I'm having, but I can't seem to figure out how to solve it based on what is there.
Defined struct types defined in different packages are different.
package main
type ctxKey struct{}
is not the same type as
package some_package
type ctxKey struct{}
To make it intuitively clearer, think that if you were to reference these types from a third package — let's pretend the types were exported — you would have to import the corresponding package and use the appropriate selector:
package baz
import (
func doBaz() {
foo := foo.CtxKey{}
bar := some_package.CtxKey{}
Now, the implementation of Value(key interface{}) uses the comparison operator == to determine whether the supplied key matches:
func (c *valueCtx) Value(key interface{}) interface{} {
if c.key == key {
return c.val
// then it checks if the key exists on the parent
return c.Context.Value(key)
Which implies that the types also must match. From the specs, comparison operators
In any comparison, the first operand must be assignable to the type of the second operand, or vice versa.
And clearly in your example ctxKey struct{} declared in main is not assignable to ctxKey struct{} declared in some_package, and vice-versa, because their types differ.
To solve your error, make sure the keys used when setting and getting the context value are the same type. The best way, also to ensure proper encapsulation, would probably be to set and get the context value from the same package:
package some_ctx_helper_pkg
// unexported, to ensure encapsulation
type ctxKey struct{}
func Set(ctx context.Context, value interface{}) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, ctxKey{}, value)
func Get(ctx context.Context) interface{} {
return ctx.Value(ctxKey{})

In golang, struct with a slice variable of any type is possible?

Simple golang app gives below error
.\test.go:13: cannot use ds (type Data_A) as type []interface {} in field value
for below code
package main
type Data_A struct {
a string
type DTResponse struct {
Data []interface{} `json:"data"`
func main() {
ds := Data_A{"1"}
dtResp := &DTResponse{ Data:ds}
I would like to have a struct with slice variable of any type. Using struct{} gives the same error.
In Java I could use Object as it is the parent object of any object. But I could not find such one in golang.
Any help would be appreciated.
Yes, as a slice of interface{} which can hold any arbitrary value.
var s = []interface{}{1, 2, "three", SomeFunction}
fmt.Printf("Hello, %#v \n", s)
Hello, []interface {}{1, 2, "three", (func())(0xd4b60)}
But I do not recommend simulate dynamic-typed languages (like Python, JavaScript, PHP, etc) this way. Better to use all static-typed benefits from Go, and leave this feature as a last resort, or as a container for user input. Just to receive it and convert to strict types.
Go is a strongly explicitly typed language thus you can't substitute an object of one type with another (it is already compiled in this way). Also when you do type Data_A struct {... you define new type named Data_A. []interface{} and Data_A are completely different types and these types (like any other) are not interchangeable. Note, even interface{} is not interchangeable with anything. You can pass any type in a function like this func f(a interface{}){... but inside the function you will have exactly interface{} type and you should assert it to use properly.
package main
type Data_A struct {
a string
type DTResponse struct {
Data Data_A `json:"data"`
func main() {
ds := Data_A{"1"}
dtResp := &DTResponse{ Data:ds}
package main
type DTResponse struct {
Data []interface{} `json:"data"`
func main() {
ds := []interface{}{"1"}
dtResp := &DTResponse{ Data:ds}
Possibly the cause of confusion: struct is not slice or array.

Casting compatible but different slices of maps

I'm working with two libraries, and one defines a type:
type Attrs map[string]string
while the other defines:
type StringMap map[string]string
A function from the first library returns an []Attrs, and struct required by the other has a field as []StringMap which needs to be set. Attempting to either use a simple assignment, or a cast in the form of ([]StringMap)(attrs), just results in an error:
./wscmd.go:8:22: cannot convert attrs (type []mpd.Attrs) to type []StringMap
So, how can those be bridged?
Edit: Ok, apparently this is a language limitation (booo-hooo). Can it be stepped aside with unsafe pointers?
You can do this, but it circumvents Go's type safety, which can lead to trouble depending on implementation type.
package main
import (
func main() {
type Attrs map[string]string
type StringMap map[string]string
a := Attrs{"key1": "val1", "key2": "val2"}
b := Attrs{"key3": "val3", "key4": "val4"}
attrs := []Attrs{a, b}
// This is what you're asking for, keep in mind this circumvents the type safety provided by go
sh := *(*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&attrs))
unsafeStrMaps := *(*[]StringMap)(unsafe.Pointer(&sh))
// This would be the preferred way of casting the array
strMaps := []StringMap{}
for _, v := range attrs {
strMaps = append(strMaps, StringMap(v))
It is much better for type safety to just iterate the []Attrs slice and append to a []StringMap.

usage of interface{} on a struct to check if it satisfies an interface in golang

Given the following code:
package main
import (
type work interface {
filter() bool
type organ struct {
name string
func (s *organ) filter () bool {
return true;
func main() {
kidney := &organ {
name : "kidney",
_, ok := interface{}(kidney).(work)
I did not fully get the following part:
_, ok := interface{}(kidney).(work)
It seems to me, it is converting struct to the interface{} type, which I understand, but why is it required to convert to an interface{} type to check if it satisfies another interface. More specifically, why the following code fails?
ok := kidney.(work)
with error
invalid type assertion: kidney.(work) (non-interface type *organ on left)
TL;DR If you always know the concrete type (e.g., kidney), then you don't need a type assertion; just pass it into your work variable and carry on--the compiler will guarantee that kidney satisfies the work interface, otherwise your program won't compile.
The reason you must first convert the concrete type into an interface{} is because type assertions (i.e., dynamic type checks) only make sense between dynamic types (i.e., interfaces). It doesn't make sense to do a runtime type check on a thing the compiler can guarantee at compile time. Hopefully this makes sense?

Restore type information after passing through function as "interface {}"?

I'm running into a slight architectural problem with Golang right now that's causing me to copy/paste a bit more code than I'd prefer. I feel like there must be a solution, so please let me know if this is perhaps possible:
When I pass things through an interface {}-typed function parameter, I start getting errors such as "expected struct or slice", etc. ... even though what I passed was previously a struct or a slice. I realize that I could manually convert these to another type after receiving them in that function, but then that become tedious in instances such as this:
local interface type *interface {} can only be decoded from remote
interface type; received concrete type
... In this case, the receiving function seems like it'd need to be hard-coded to convert all interface {} items back to their respective original types in order to work properly, because the receiving function needs to know the exact type in order to process the item correctly.
Is there a way to dynamically re-type Golang interface {} typed variables back to their original type? Something like this, How to I convert reflect.New's return value back to the original type ... maybe?
EDIT: To clarify, basically, I'm passing &out to a function and it needs to be its original type by the time it reaches another inner function call.
Example code:
// NOTE: This is sort of pseudo-Golang code, not meant to be compiled or taken too seriously.
func PrepareTwoDifferentThings(keyA string, keyB string) {
var somethingA TypeA;
var somethingB TypeB;
loadFromCache(keyA, &somethingA, nil);
loadFromCache(keyB, &somethingB, nil);
fmt.Printf("Somethings: %v, %v", somethingA, somethingB);
func loadFromCache(key string, isNew, out interface {}, saveNewData interface {}) {
if err := cache.load(key, &out); err!=nil { // NOTE: Current issue is that this expects "&out" to be `TypeA`/`TypeB` not "interface {}", but I don't want to copy and paste this whole function's worth of code or whatever.
panic("oh no!");
if (saveNewData!=nil) {
cache.save(key, saveNewData); // This doesn't seem to care if "saveNewData" is "interface {}" when saving, but later cache fetches above using the "load()" method to an "interface {}"-typed `&out` parameter throw an exception that the "interface {}" type on `&out` does not match the original when it was saved here (`TypeA`/`TypeB`).
To change the type of an interface into its rightful type, you can use type assertions:
package main
import r "reflect"
type A struct {
Name string
func main() {
// No pointer
aa := A{"name"}
var ii interface{} = aa
bb := ii.(A)
// main.A
// Pointer
a := &A{"name"}
var i interface{} = a
b := *i.(*A)
// main.A
c := i.(*A)
// *main.A
d := r.Indirect(r.ValueOf(i)).Interface().(A)
// main.A
Playground 1
When using type assertions, you have to know the underlying type of your interface. In Go, there is no way to use type assertion with a dynamic type. reflect.Type is not a type, it's an interface representing a type. So no, you can't use it this way.
If you have several type possibilities, the solution is the type switch:
package main
import "fmt"
type TypeA struct {
A string
type TypeB struct {
B string
func doSomethingA(t TypeA) {
func doSomethingB(t TypeB) {
func doSomething(t interface{}) {
switch t := t.(type) {
case TypeA:
case TypeB:
panic("Unrecognized type")
func main() {
a := TypeA{"I am A"}
b := TypeB{"I am B"}
// I am A
// I am B
Playground 2
It turns out that using JSON instead of Gob for serialization avoids the error that I was encountering entirely. Other functions can handle passing into interfaces, etc.
