Umbraco get rendered content in OnPublish - umbraco7

I have an ApplicationEventHandler in Umbraco to catch publish events. We want to get the rendered html for some of our PublishedEntities and store them elsewhere ...
What's the easiest way to achieve this?
kind regards

Just for reference ... Mark's answer is working but it downloads the full html.
Shorter would be to use


different post-thumbnail in wordpress

The scenario:
I'm on the Startpage of my Blog, and there is an Article with its post-thumbnail. When I click on the Header or the "…read more-link I get to the post.
My question:
Is it possible to set the image bigger when you're on the single-post-page? Furthermore I would like to understand how to set this post-thumbnail-difference up.
I hope you've understood my bad english :) I'm looking forward in receiving help from you guys.
Best regards
Here two Screenshots of the Scenario:
Startpage >
Singlepost >
The images belongs to me (© Morten Sassi)
I think it depends on the theme you're using : on mine, thumbnail isn't used for the startpage but it use the "featured image", and once on the page of the article I just add the image directly in the body of the article with the size I want.
Maybe you can have a look to your template code and either edit it (but if you're using a theme you didn't create and you update it later your modifications will be deleted) or create a child theme (better solution) to edit only the files you want.
Hope this will help ^^
The best & easy tricky way is uplod your image from media, copy the path and paste this on your post or page editor from backend..and you will get what you want.

Programmatically Open Link in WebView

I have an NS Window with a WebView.
My program takes in a search query and executes a Google search with it, the results being displayed in the WebView, like a browser.
Instead of displaying the search results in the WebView, I'd like to automatically open the first link and display the contents of that result instead.
As a better example, how do I display the contents of the first result of Google in a WebView?
Is this even possible?
Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks!
You could use the direct Google Search API. That would be more convinient.
Also you could also try to make a google request like the "I'm feeling lucky" button, which will direct you automatically to the first search result.
If you have to parse the HTML, you need to have a look at the HTML structure of the google result page. Look for specific id and class css properties in the div and a tags. If you found the ones, where the actual results are you can start parsing that content. Also i guess it would be easier to put some javascript together, that will find the first result and open it. (More easier than parsing the HTML using obj-c). You can evaluate javascript in the webview using [myWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: #"put your js code here"].
Sure it is possible.
The first way to accomplish that that goes through my head is to parse the HTML response from Google, then launch a WebView with the first link you extracted.
Take a look at regular expressions to make it easy.

Joomla $document->addScriptDeclaration to add after body

Is there a way I can load a script at the end of the body tag instead of loading in the header? I want to load Facebox and load the jscipt calls to it after the body has loaded.
Despite what jdog wrote, there are a number of ways to take content just before Joomla echoes it to the browser and edit it. This article gives a good overview:
The specific example turns strings into links, but you can modify that to insert your markup right before the </body> tag.
I assume you want to do this for website load speed reasons, what you could do is look at CSS/JS compression components, such as JFinalizer and see which of those support deferred loading of Javascript.

Change appearence of page dynamically like twitter or tumblr

I'm trying to find tutorials or code to allow users to customise their page, just like twitter ,wordpress and tumblr do.
Could someone tell me what technology their using?
i'm a .net developer, but maybe they're using jquery?
Any help would be great.
You can use javascript to change style sheets and the DOM
Question is a bit broad. To change the page you simply need to manipulate the DOM or change the CSS associated with the page's elements. This can be done any number of ways. E.g. you could write out a new CSS class dynamically, you could add new elements to the DOM itself or you could modify the existing attributes of the page. e.g. to set the background of the page you can do something like:
(assuming JQuery)
Hope that helps,

Is it possible to use HTML invoice?

I found it very hard to customize PDF invoice that Magento use. Not only hard to customize, but my client does not like it as well.
Is it possible to disable PDF invoice and use HTML invoice?
I googled it, but found nothing.
There are three real options here to get better invoices:
Write a better invoice system that
still uses PDFs. I've done this for
a client, it takes a long time. Unfortunately, there is no really good way to change the PDFs that Magento generates by default.
Replace the controller/action that
generate the PDFs with ones that
will simply output HTML.
Same as above, but override the
mass-action dropdown to contain your
new entries. This is probably the
easiest, and you can add more
reports while you're at it. Take a
look at
specifically _prepareMassaction
Hope that helps.
grateful, grateful
But I find it a shame that magento does not have thi in core
