Is it possible to use HTML invoice? - magento

I found it very hard to customize PDF invoice that Magento use. Not only hard to customize, but my client does not like it as well.
Is it possible to disable PDF invoice and use HTML invoice?
I googled it, but found nothing.

There are three real options here to get better invoices:
Write a better invoice system that
still uses PDFs. I've done this for
a client, it takes a long time. Unfortunately, there is no really good way to change the PDFs that Magento generates by default.
Replace the controller/action that
generate the PDFs with ones that
will simply output HTML.
Same as above, but override the
mass-action dropdown to contain your
new entries. This is probably the
easiest, and you can add more
reports while you're at it. Take a
look at
specifically _prepareMassaction
Hope that helps.
grateful, grateful
But I find it a shame that magento does not have thi in core


Comic navigation in joomla?

I have a joomla site and would like to integrate some old unfinished webcomics to it, so I can pick them up where I stopped in a CMS that won't leave me in an absolute frothing rage (thanks, wordpress).
I've got some experience with Joomla and I believe it would be a pretty good platform for managing multiple comics... except for the small issue of horrid navigation between pages/articles. Joomla's integrated article navigation is a humble but passable start, but if you intend to use categories to organize chapters then getting from the end of one to the beginning of the next is... yeah. This is a pity, as Joomla's category and article management options are beautiful for archiving and presentation, and adding gantry 5 to it means a great deal of control over the reading experience. Basically, joomla has pretty much everything I want, except for the navigation.
Ideally, what I'd like to be able to accomplish for comic navigation in joomla is:
Clickable full-article-image leading to next article/page
Prev/next article buttons (already available)
Prev/next category buttons (do we have those?)
The latter two in a module I can choose where to publish (optional)
And this is it, basically. I understand that implementing the first could be very hard without some major template customization, in which case I'd be willing to insert the image as a link in the article body... but only if there was one single code I could use, like the one that generates the next category article button. Because I'm not willing to create hundreds of menu items to generate links page-by-page.
So is any of this doable?
This is a quick answer but too much for a comment. I'm assuming since you are on SO that you don't mind coding (as opposed to just configuring).
I think you need to do two things. First you need to create a pagination.php for your template. This will let you really super control what the pagination looks like. You can have images, special css and js, whatever you want. You can also add the "last" and "first" options.
I think you need to make a new plugin to replace the core pagenavigation plugin and that also generates the previous/next category links. (Or I guess you could make one just to do categorynavigation depending on what you want.) HOWEVER, it seems to me that there is data on the sibling links that is already being generated in the content category model so you might be able to use that. (Check the code; I think there was never a UI for it, but it is there. Even if it isn't there, siblings are very easy to obtain in nested sets)
The other thing you can really think about if you go that route is changing the whole thing somewhat to use a module that gets the current ID and category ID from JInput. You might also be able to use JPagination. The important thing, however is that you make sure to do the caching the way the pagination that is there does it. In other words you really want to cache the whole list in the order you want so you are not running so many queries and slowing your site down. You may want to look at the categories and category modules to get some ideas about the queries to do.
Hope that gets you started, but it is definitely something you can do without too much trouble.

Magento edit shopping cart title in header

I have a Magento webshop and in my header is standing: Shopping cart - Subtotaal winkelwagen
I was looking for a way to edit this text. I have looked into the .php files etc. but i didn't found anything there so far. I hope someone can tell me where i can edit this text.
The best way is as erwin_smit described it.
As an addition the fastest solution is by using the inline translation Tool under
System->Configuration->Developer->Inline Translation
After activation reload your Front-end and edit the dotted text.
That's probably somewhere in app/design/frontend/packagename/templatename/checkout/cart.
If not, try to switch on the template hints on.
You can also replace text using a translate file. Place a file called "translate.csv" in app/design/frontend/{packagename}/{templatename/locale/{languagecode}/
Hope this helps.

Algorithm / API for converting HTML to email friendly HTML (for newsletters)

I'm sure this is a very old question, but I could not find a straight answer
I'm looking for a works-mostly algorithm to take regular HTML content, and make it email client friendly.
I can rewrite any nice DIV layout to table layout, this is OK, but is there anything that will do it for me?
Here are my concerns
Overflow content - gmail etc ignores any overflow:hidden, the algorithm should address it
Clipped images - same as above, but here the solution will probably be server side clipping
CSS / Script / non standard tags - the algorithm should remove but keep the general look and feel
DIV layout to table layout, I heard it's a must, but I'm sure it's not an easy task to automate
There are many HTML to PDF converters, but I could not find a good HTML to "HTEMAIL" converter
Is there any standard or proposed standard for HTML for email clients? or is it an open jungle out there?
There is no way to make a converter that will be cross email client compatible. The closest you can get is using templates and adding text in certain sections using php or .net
I've been creating emails for 6 months, and the amount of time you spend correcting email client differences is normally around 50% of the time you spend making the email.
Here is some reading that may help you:
As you can see from that last link there is no way to create an algorithm that can sort out all these issues.
Hope this helps
Another option that I've been using is to build the email in HTML or directly in Mailchimp. Once I'm happy with it, using Mailchimp, I click on preview and I get the email in a popup. The source code from the popup is email-client friendly (in tables). I then copy that code and use it for my emails.
Not ideal and a bit of trouble, but so far the best solution I can find.
And before people ask, I mostly us Mailchimp directly, but there is one situation that I have to kick it old school.

Link to a specific image/slide in gallerific

I'm having problems with something which seems like an easy task, and most probably a stupid question. It will probably be my all time low experience in programming but I would really appreciate any help!
I'm using Galleriffic to display my portfolio site, and I am looking for a way to directly link to an image+description not being the first in the gallery. I would like it to link from other webpages, or from plain text/pdf documents.
In short, I would like it to link to a webaddress of slide 5 with something like:
Slide 5
but doing it this way obviously doesn't work.
Although others have tried to explain:
jquery cycle link from external page to specific slide?
I can not seem to accomplish it, and it does not help at all that I am not a programmer.
not sure if it is too late, have been search the solutions for whole day, final found out the example 4 in the official website actually make the #link show on the you can actually link the specific image ('slide'') from external page...amazing!!!!!
check this out
You can find the script after all the or just before ... and place it to your works well for me, hope it helps, good luck

How to use setColumns() in JQGrid?

Hi I wish to set the Column values for my grid using setColumns(). Now I don't know how to use the said function.
Can someone help me with this?
I already know how to use columnChooser. But what I want to happen is to set the grid depends on per users preference. I mean, per customer has its own default columns to be displayed that is saved in the database.
So now, once the page load per customer, the columns for that customer will be the one to be shown on the screen. So I need something that can do this when the page loads. And so far the only option is setColumn (even setcolumn is not the best option).
Do you have anything to offer?
Please help.
The setColumn method is old and is not more supported started with jqGrid 4.0.0. You can include grid.setcolumns.js from the plugins directory to use setColumn, but I don't recommend you to use it.
You should use more powerful columnChooser method instead. I recommend you to look at the following answer which describes how to use columnChooser.
