JCA resource adapter not recognized on websphere liberty developer tools - websphere-liberty

I am configuring a JCA resource adapter on Eclipse JEE (Mars) / Websphere Liberty ( / Websphere Liberty Developer Tools Plugin (8.5.5).
The resource adapter is correctly installed with the following server.xml configuration when server is started (jca 1.7 feature enabled) :
<resourceAdapter location="<path_to_my_rar>" />
My problem is that the tag is not recognized in Developer Tools (not validated against schema) so the server.xml has an error.
Same error (in this case just a warning) with <connectionFactory> tag not recognized as a configuration element.
Any idea to remove those validation error/warning on server.xml ?

If you installed a tooling feature outside of WDT (e.g. using the installUtility) rather than from within WDT, you may need to "refresh" WDT's metadata on the installation.
You can do this by:
Refresh runtime (update schema and feature list):
Window -> Show View -> Other -> Server -> Runtime Explorer
Right click on runtime in Runtime Explorer view and select Edit
Click on Advanced options in the dialog
Click the Refresh button
Window -> Preferences -> Server -> Runtime Environment -> SELECT YOUR RUNTIME -> CLICK Edit -> CLICK Advanced options... -> CLICK Refresh


How to add "lwIP library" to Eclipse XSDK Zynq Application Project?

How to add "lwIP library" to Eclipse XSDK Zynq Application Project?
I tried following the instructions in "Xilinx Standalone Library
Documentation" for Zynq-7000 CPU under the chapter for "lwIP" library.
So basically, I create a FreeRTOS application project
Then the instructions say open the "The Board Support Package Settings window"... which I can't find... and then:
(e) Select the lwip202 library with version 1_1 .
On the left side of the SDK window, lwip202_v1_1 appears in the list of libraries to be compiled.
(f) Select lwip202 in the Project Explorer view.
The configuration options for lwIP are listed.
(g) Configure the lwIP and click OK.
The board support package automatically builds with lwIP included in it.
How to find the BSP settings windows in XSDK?
How to adding lwIP library to XSDK project.
Create Application project named with FreeRTOS option selected.
Right click _bsp and select "Board Support Package Settings"
Click Check box "lwip"
click ok.

Adding SVN to Spring Tool Suite, Subclipse extension not available

I have Spring Tool Suite (STS) 3.6.3 installed. On another PC at home I recall being able to add SVN integration into STS by bringing up the Dashboard window, and checking the "Subsclipse" check box on the Extensions tab. However, I don't see this option on my current installation. I am including installed extensions, too, and I do not see Subclipse in the list.
When I select the Project folder in the Project Explorer window, right mouse click → Team → Share Project, I see only CVS and Git as options, but I would like to use SVN.
My experience with all things Java is measured in hours rather than years, so don't assume anything :-)
How do I integrate SVN with STS?
Check once if it's installed properly:
Here is how to add the SVN plugin (Subclipse) to your Spring Tool Suite
Open the Spring Tool Suite and go to the dashboard.
Click on Extensions (It is under the Help and Documentation heading).
Search for Subclipse. Check the checkbox and click Install.
Note: If you do not see Subclipse it implies that it is already installed on your IDE, but you can verify by checking the ‘Show Installed’ beside the search field.
Source URL: http://www.jicdesign.com/blog/web-development/how-to-add-svn-plugin-for-spring-tool-suite.html
Open Spring Tool Suite.
Select menu Help → Install new software
Click on the Add button.
Set the Location field as http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.6.x/
Click OK
Select the required components.
Click on Install button.
Select the I accept the terms of the license agreements radio button
Click the Finish button
Click Yes to restart Spring Tool Suite
Subclipse is available in the Eclipse Marketplace and can be installed via the Marketplace Client. It is also available at the following update site URL's.
NOTE: These are update site URL's to be entered inside the Eclipse installation dialog, not your web browser.
Latest - https://dl.bintray.com/subclipse/releases/subclipse/latest/
4.2.x - https://dl.bintray.com/subclipse/releases/subclipse/4.2.x/
The "latest" site will automatically move on to 4.2.1, 4.3.0, 5.0.0 etc. as those releases are produced. Where as the "4.2.x" site will only pick up new releases in the 4.2.x series such as 4.2.1, 4.2.2 etc.
More info at: https://github.com/subclipse/subclipse/wiki
I needed to run with elevated or administrator rights.

Debug yii console app using netbeans

I can debug yii web app using netbeans but can't find the way to debug console app. I have enable debug according to instruction here => http://www.larryullman.com/2010/10/07/creating-a-yii-console-application/
But still cannot make my console app break at break point set in IDE. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
If you can debug web apps in netbeans its very easy to configure netbeans to debug console yii applications.
You must add a run configuration at project properties: Right click at project name, in projects tab and select the properties menu option.
Click in the "Run Configuration" categorie, at left column.
In the field "Configuration" ,Add a new configuration pressing "new..." button and give a name to the new configuration profile (i.e. console config).
In the Run As field,select "Script (run in command line)" option.
In the field "Index File" enter protected/yiic.php
In the "Arguments" field, enter the name of you yiic command and, if needed, other arguments.
Press OK button.
Now you have 2 run configuration profiles. To debug the console app, right click at project name in the Projects and switch to the new configuration profile in "Set configuration" option and use the IDE to debug as usual.
You can create a run configuration for each console command you have.

How do I disable the Intellij "Enable Automatic Synchronization" warning that appears in the Java editor?

I have a maven project that I imported into Intellij. As libaries that are used by the project are changing, Intellij notifies me within the Java editor that "Some libraries have changed in the project. This may have change..." followed by 2 clickable options "Synchronize Dependencies" and "Enable Automatic Synchronization". Typically, I would "Enable Automatic Synchronization" but this particular project is no longer able to resolve any dependencies in the Java editor after I click "Enable Automatic Synchronization". The problem is that this particular project does not follow typical Maven standards for proper pom structure.
I would ultimately like to be able to disable this message, but I can't find the preference to do so. Does anyone know how to disable this message in Intellij?
Did you try this setting (Maven Import in Settings | Notifications)?

Visual Studio 2010 nuget error: The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel

Whenever I'm trying to install something or even just list the packages I get this error "The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel"
I tried this solution from Codeplex with no luck.
I use the latest version of Nuget.
I also tried different options in devenv.exe.config like this:
<servicePointManager checkCertificateName="false" checkCertificateRevocationList="false"/>
Go to VS2010 → Tools → Library Package Manager → Package Manager Settings.
Choose Package Manager → Package Sources.
Add a new package source as:
Name: NugetSource
Source: http://packages.nuget.org/v1/FeedService.svc/
Move Up the newly added package source to first position.
UnCheck existing "Nuget official package source"
Restart VS2010.
Go to https://nuget.org/ and get its certificate.
For example, if you're using Firefox: after opening nuget site - click site's icon on the left side of address bar, click 'More Information', and on the Security tab there should be 'Web-site identity' section with 'View certificate' button. Click there, in the opened dialog select Details tab - there you should see chain for *.nuget.org. Click button 'Export' at the bottom and save certificate to the file (add .cer extension manually, because dialog won't do it for you).
Now you need to setup you system so that it will trust the certificate. Press Win+R (Run dialog will be opened) -> type mmc there and run it (with admin privileges if you have UAC turned on). There select File -> Add or remove snapin... -> select Certificates on the left, in the dialog select Computer account and Local computer. Click OK - the tree will have Certificates node in the Console root. Open it and file folder Trusted People. From its context menu select All tasks -> Import... -> Select file that you have exported before and import it.
Everything should be working fine.
We had the same issue in work, and we resolved this by dropping the secure socket, Https -> http. This means you can use the V2 URL http://nuget.org/api/v2/.
Possibly an issue getting rid of the secure socket, but the above URL (http://packages.nuget.org/v1/FeedService.svc/) is also unsecure.
There's apparently an issue with the SSL cert on go.microsoft.com. Change the package source url to http://packages.nuget.org/v1/FeedService.svc/ and it should work just fine.
Related: ServicePointManager does not support proxies with the https scheme
If you've previously had Fiddler open, you might well have a certificate for nuget.org that is invalid.
If so, open up MMC, add the Certificates snapin (current User) and remove nuget.org from the Personal store.
Due to Nuget keeping a handle to this cert (seemingly) you will have to restart Visual Studio. Afterwards, you should have a good time.
Go to VS2012 -> Tools -> Library Package Manager -> Package Manager Settings
Choose Package Manager -> Package Sources.
Add a new package source as: Name= NugetSource Source= http://packages.nuget.org/v1/FeedService.svc/
Move Up the newly added package source to first position.
UnCheck existing "Nuget official package source"
Restart VS2012.
This is working on my machine.
As of today 21-Jan-2015, the correct url is https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/. The www is required or the certificate fails. Do NOT fall back to http because you are opening your code and all of its consumers to a nasty MITM vector.
If nothing from above works, try this....
Try pasting the following into a .reg file and run it. Then try running your NuGet command (no reboot required).
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Ran into this issue because TLS1.2 was not enabled (similar to Tony's response). Using http does not fix the situation because NuGet redirects to https now that TLS1.2 is enforced.
thanks to "neoscribe"
For me the problem was solved by clearing the nuget cache (and restarting VS)
I could solve this problem by dropping the secure socket, https -> http.
Go to Tools -> Nuget Package Manager -> Package Sources, then add a new source, but without https:
This means http://nuget.org/api/v2/.
I had to remove https in Local machine settings for Nuget and added (http) it to user level in Tools -> Library Package Manager -> Package Manager Settings Choose Package Manager -> Package Sources.
i have had no luck with any method related to Visual Studio. Not updating everything, not manually adding the Root Certificate of https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json to windows, etc. How I fixed it:
nuget restore MySolution.sln
Download nuget here.
