How do I disable the Intellij "Enable Automatic Synchronization" warning that appears in the Java editor? - maven

I have a maven project that I imported into Intellij. As libaries that are used by the project are changing, Intellij notifies me within the Java editor that "Some libraries have changed in the project. This may have change..." followed by 2 clickable options "Synchronize Dependencies" and "Enable Automatic Synchronization". Typically, I would "Enable Automatic Synchronization" but this particular project is no longer able to resolve any dependencies in the Java editor after I click "Enable Automatic Synchronization". The problem is that this particular project does not follow typical Maven standards for proper pom structure.
I would ultimately like to be able to disable this message, but I can't find the preference to do so. Does anyone know how to disable this message in Intellij?

Did you try this setting (Maven Import in Settings | Notifications)?


How to hide the Maven build-phase tool window in IntelliJ 2019.2?

How can I disable the Maven build-phase tool window either
(a) permanently or
(b) temporarily?
(see screenshot below)
It was introduced in IntelliJ IDEA2019.2 (CE & Ultimate) and is activated by default during a Maven build.
My questions are:
Is there any change of deactivating this behaviour completely?
If not: Can it be configured to show only errors instead of all warnings?
As a temporary solution, if you do a right-click on that section you can disable the Show Warnings option:

STS unable to bind maven file (.m2)

I'm working on a maven project in Spring tool suite(STS), issue is unable to navigate to other classes and methods (using ctrl+ mouse click), and its showing many error messages near import statements and other places in the class.
When clicked on the red cross mark which states error and select FIX project setup below is the message displayed on popup window.
The following proposals have been found to fix the unresolvable reference to 'Bootstrap'
Add archive 'lpa-core-1.2.5.jar - c:\Users\tom.m2\repository\com\lpa\lpa-core\1.2.5' to buildpath of 'lpa-realtime-service'
Please suggest how to include .m2 file automatically while build process to avoid the error messages and to navigate to other classes and methods using ctrl and mouse click.
It sounds like your project is not properly set up so that the IDE doesn't really configure its classpath correctly. Normally this would all happen automatically via m2e (i.e. Eclipse's maven support).
M2e is included in STS by default, so its probably installed, but somehow your project isn't treated as a maven project.
You can try to re-import it using the proper 'import wizard' which should set things up correctly for you.
Delete the project from the workspace. Take care not to actually delete the files themselves. (There's a checkbox 'Delete project contents on disk', so don't select that).
clean out all the 'junk' data from your project. Delete all tese files / folders from your project .classpath, .project, .settings, target.
Now that you have a 'clean slate'. Import it using m2e. Menu: File >> Import >> Existing Maven Projects".
This should setup everything correctly.
I say should because it depends to a large degree on what is in the project itself. But this, in principle, is the correct way to import maven project into STS (or Eclipse in general).

How to get the Maven project window in Intellij 14 | Update: cannot see the right side "tab bar" with Maven project

I have a very simple question, but I Googled and somehow I couldn't find it. I was wondering how can I get the
in Intellij 14 or something similar?
I saw it in a tutorial, but couldn't find the panel. In my case when I followed this video exactly, I couldn't see the panel and I couldn't find it anywhere. I have IntelliJ 14.
I just experimented a bit with the Intellij interface but I can't seem to see the right hand side bar. See
I had similar problem until I right-clicked the option in POM "Add as Maven Project".
Notice: IDEA 2019.2 and I couldn't even find Maven in "Tool Windows" of the (existing) project before it.
First, make sure you have enabled maven plugin in
File → Settings → Plugins → Maven Integration
If so and still the tool window is hidden then
go to View → Tool Windows → Maven Projects to open it.
For those stuck with this issue, enable View -> Tool Buttons.
Finally found the solution, right-click on the pom.xml file (parent pom.xml if it is a multi-module project) and hit "add as a maven project".
You can find the Maven Projects pane by going to Help > Find Action or press Ctrl + Shift + A and type in "Maven Projects". However I can't see it anywhere in the elaborate menu's.
I had the same problem with a maven project, the tab wasn't showing up and even in the View->Tool windows menu, there was no maven item.
After searching the internet i could not find a solution but then i looked in Intellij idea
and noticed a Even Log showing a number in a red circle, i clicked it and then read an error message:
Non-managed pom.xml file found:
Add as Maven Project
check out solution proposed by invzbl3, It might help.
Simple solution to see maven on intelliJ is go to your right click on your pom.xml and then click on Add as Maven project.
Very simple. NO PLUGINS.
Maven comes by default so you should press two times the shift key and write "maven".
Then import the maven project ".pom" and the bar cames automatically after selecting the pom.
The question asked is how to show the sidebar, not show the Maven Plugin. On my version of Intellij this is enabled with the following:
View -> Appearance -> Tool Window Bars
if you have a pom file in your project, right click the file, click "add as maven project"
This got it back for me. None of the other solutions worked. I had no warnings for unmanged poms, toggling toolbars did not help and the maven option just where it should be anywhere!
It's a bit late, but I had the same problem with missing sidebars. At least in IDEA 2017.3 there is an icon on the bottom left of the screen that toggles the sidebars. That's how I got it back.
Right-click on your project > Add Framework Support > Maven
If View → Tool Windows → Maven Projects doesnt work that means tools button is deselected
go to View -> Tool Buttons and select it . You should be able to Maven window now
Try with File-->Project structure --> Modules-> Remove Parent/existing modules and add parent/all modules again
None above helped.
In my case I had to ad Java SDK. It keeps disappearing for some reason.
Right click on project folder -> Open Module settings -> Project in this window define SDK under SDK:
Maven toolbar appeared after doing that.
Weird but this works at times:
Disable File → Settings → Plugins → Maven Integration first and restart Intellij. Then re-enable it back and restart - this might fix the issue.
Enable maven plugin first in
File → Settings → Plugins → Maven
Also, make sure you enable Tool Buttons in
View → Tool Buttons
Check if at the bottom line of Intellij, it says "non-managed pom files found."
You can then "Add as a Maven Project"
Make sure your Maven plugin is enabled as well. In my case, it was disabled for an unknown reason. To enable it: Settings → Plugins → Installed (Scroll down to Bundled section)
If you not use Maven, can delete it.
open ProjectName.iml file in root of project of module.
then remove "org.jetbrains.idea.maven.project.MavenProjectsManager.isMavenModule="true"" from file.
save and reBuild project.
Looks like my maven integration plugin got disabled.
Go to IntelliJ Idea --> Preferences
and enable Maven integration plugin.
Looks like Intellij Idea disables dependent plugin also, when one of the plugins are disabled.
Make sure that the home directory of the project is correct. I was creating Intellij project one level above the actual maven project folder and that's why the maven tool window wasn't showing.
No Need to do any settings i have attached the image of intelij in that marked area click on that multi window suport then you will be able to access the panels for all

Eclipse RCP: Accidently added plugins that contribute to UI

So I accidently added a few plugins, whichs name I have forgotten to the runtime configuration of my application. Since then a ton of not needed contributions to the UI where made:
Help-> "Like 5 new links"
New Entry "Window"
Menu-Icon-Bar: Open Task, Create new visual class.
I'm unable to figure out what the responsible plugins are (There are about 300 plugins selected). If you happen to know which plugins make these contributions please let me know.
You can get the minimum set of plugins needed for your RCP using:
Open the Run Configuration for the RCP.
Go to the Plug-ins tab.
Click Deselect All
Select your plug-ins in the Workspace
Click Add Required Plug-ins
You should end up with just the plug-ins required. Use the -clean option on the next run to make sure the plug-ins cache data is rebuilt.

Can't switch from release to debug configuration in Visual Studio 2010

I downloaded an ASP.NET open source solution and opened it in Visual Studio 2010. VS is running as admin.
Everytime I switch the solution or a project from Active (Release) to Debug and uncheck 'Optimize code' and save, these changes don't stick. The solution or project reverts back to Active (Release).
Why is this happening?
You also have to change it in Configuration-Manager (see pictures).
I just had this exact issue. The solution ended up being:
Go to Tools ⇒ Options ⇒ Make sure "Show All Settings" in the lower left is checked.
Then, in that same window, go to Projects and Solutions ⇒ General ⇒ check "Show advanced build configurations".
I have no idea why this checkbox was suddenly unchecked for me this morning, but this worked.
This is guessing a little, but anyways:
Most likely, you are using build configurations that don't include your start up project for Debug build.
Look for the 'Manage Build Configurations' (I think, no Windows machine nearby) menu item. It will show you a list of projects with tickboxes on the right to show whether it is to be built in the build configuration.
Switch to 'Debug' in that dialog and make sure your startup project - or the project that your starting the build for - is actually included in the build.
PS It is even entirely possible that the 'misbehaving' project is actually lacking a Debug build (it might have a deviant name, like DebugConsole or something else entirely). In that case, use the Project menu to add a build configuration of the proper name for that single project. Afterwards, check (again) that said build configurations are checked in the 'solution wide' build configuration dialog.
Changing the properties of a configuration doesn't change the current build configuration. If you open project properties, change from Release to Debug and make some changes, after exiting the dialog, you will build on the same platform as before. To change the platform you're building on, there is a combo-box right above the code - use that. You should have all available configurations in the list. When you open the project preferences dialog, the current configuration will be the default one in the dialog.
I opened the csproj file in a text editor. Noticed there were two PropertyGroup sections which look like duplicates, one was Debug|AnyCPU and the second was Release|AnyCPU. I deleted the second one and the debug one showed up.
Luchian Grigore's answer explains correctly one simple misconception that could lead to this problem and aaaaaaa's answer gives another way of correcting it: there is a dialog that looks like you are selecting the configuration to build but you are actually just selecting the configuration to configure.
However neither of their ways of opening the 'Configuration Manager' actually worked for me -- I had to click on the button configuration manager at the top right of the solution Properties.
(Note that the place where you choose the configuration is called Configuration Manager, whereas the place where you manage the configurations is Properties.)
