Adding SVN to Spring Tool Suite, Subclipse extension not available - spring

I have Spring Tool Suite (STS) 3.6.3 installed. On another PC at home I recall being able to add SVN integration into STS by bringing up the Dashboard window, and checking the "Subsclipse" check box on the Extensions tab. However, I don't see this option on my current installation. I am including installed extensions, too, and I do not see Subclipse in the list.
When I select the Project folder in the Project Explorer window, right mouse click → Team → Share Project, I see only CVS and Git as options, but I would like to use SVN.
My experience with all things Java is measured in hours rather than years, so don't assume anything :-)
How do I integrate SVN with STS?

Check once if it's installed properly:
Here is how to add the SVN plugin (Subclipse) to your Spring Tool Suite
Open the Spring Tool Suite and go to the dashboard.
Click on Extensions (It is under the Help and Documentation heading).
Search for Subclipse. Check the checkbox and click Install.
Note: If you do not see Subclipse it implies that it is already installed on your IDE, but you can verify by checking the ‘Show Installed’ beside the search field.
Source URL:

Open Spring Tool Suite.
Select menu Help → Install new software
Click on the Add button.
Set the Location field as
Click OK
Select the required components.
Click on Install button.
Select the I accept the terms of the license agreements radio button
Click the Finish button
Click Yes to restart Spring Tool Suite

Subclipse is available in the Eclipse Marketplace and can be installed via the Marketplace Client. It is also available at the following update site URL's.
NOTE: These are update site URL's to be entered inside the Eclipse installation dialog, not your web browser.
Latest -
4.2.x -
The "latest" site will automatically move on to 4.2.1, 4.3.0, 5.0.0 etc. as those releases are produced. Where as the "4.2.x" site will only pick up new releases in the 4.2.x series such as 4.2.1, 4.2.2 etc.
More info at:

I needed to run with elevated or administrator rights.


How do I supress false 'Java version is out of date message' when running projects in Netbeans

I use the Netbeans 8.2 IDE to design and run a desktop application written in Java FXML. The current Java RTE is 1.8.0_261. The OS is Windows 10. When I compile the project and attempt to run it at project level (Run > Run Main Project) a Java Update Project dialog is displayed with the message
Your Java version is out of date
There are three prompts in the dialog,
Update (Recommended) Block and Later
The first time the popup was displayed I selected Update. Then I closed NB, reopened it and tried to run the project again. The same dialog appeared. I selected the Update prompt again, but all this returned was a new popup saying
You already have the latest Java version on this platform.
To investigate the issue I opened the Java console via the Windows control panel. In the Security level for applications radio button set to High. I also notice an Exception Site List, which should not be of concern to me as I am only developing a desktop application.
How can I stop this happening and go back to Run > Run Main Project without these impediments?
Solved. In Netbeans > Project Properties > Run I discovered that Netbeans had unilaterally changed the property
Run: Standalone
Run: as Web Start
I shall report this as a Netbeans bug as I cannot find any explanation for this behavior.

Unable to download Bluemix starter code

I have created multiple applications from boilerplate templates and for some reason, it is no longer possible to download the Starter Code. I open the application panel, select Start Coding in the left pane, then select Eclipse Tools for Bluemix. Further down, as expected, there is a "Download Starter Code" button, but it links back to instead of to a code archive file. Has anyone seen this? I have deleted / re-created the apps many times, but it never produces an archive. I have seen several posts here on Starter Code, but none specifically with this issue.
In some cases this behaviour is related to the browser language setting. Try setting it to English (if you use another language) and check if the download button url now points to the correct zip.
Another possible workaround is to instantiate one of the boilerplates and then click on the Add Git button at the top right hand of the screen when viewing the overview of the running app. Using the Add Git button on a boilerplate (or runtime) instantiated app you can see the sample code in DevOps Service. You can download it from there or you could git clone the repository and get the code that way.
Alternatively please take a look at the IBM Bluemix repo on GitHub.
you can do same by three ways you can also clone git repository of starter code or you can download commandline interface and fallow instruction
for me while developing node application download eclipse archive worked fine

Eclipse RCP: Accidently added plugins that contribute to UI

So I accidently added a few plugins, whichs name I have forgotten to the runtime configuration of my application. Since then a ton of not needed contributions to the UI where made:
Help-> "Like 5 new links"
New Entry "Window"
Menu-Icon-Bar: Open Task, Create new visual class.
I'm unable to figure out what the responsible plugins are (There are about 300 plugins selected). If you happen to know which plugins make these contributions please let me know.
You can get the minimum set of plugins needed for your RCP using:
Open the Run Configuration for the RCP.
Go to the Plug-ins tab.
Click Deselect All
Select your plug-ins in the Workspace
Click Add Required Plug-ins
You should end up with just the plug-ins required. Use the -clean option on the next run to make sure the plug-ins cache data is rebuilt.

How to download/attach source code in Intellij 12

I had created a new project in Intellij 12 version ,which is a maven module.I have selected autoscroll options from the IDE too.But when I hover to WebDriver using Ctrl Q it prompts me to download /attach source code.I tried downloading/attaching but no change shows and WebDriver.class opens up instead of
Also note that this is happening for my new projects only ,for old selenium version like 2.39.0 it shows fine,it prompts me to attach for only 2.41.0 selenium dependency.
Message that shows is "Source not found" in the IDE.Why is it only for 2.41.0 selenium version and not for 2.39.0?
In order to add sources choose:
1.File | Project Structure
2.Click Libraries tab
3.Pick library and click + icon
4.Find a JAR file containing sources.
But in your case,( using maven as a build tool), IntelliJ will automatically download and attach available source to all libraries, no manual work needed.
Feel free to do the following step to update the indexes so that idea know that we have done the above change.
File > Invalidate Caches/Restart -> click invalidate and restart

Magento development environment on windows with debug capability

I have seen hundreds of post on how to setup an Magento development environment for Windows. But nowhere i could find a good tutorial on this works with proper debugging enabled. I have tried many IDE's and debugging frameworks (Zend, Xdebug) but i can't find a way to actually get this to work.
It would be great if i could set a break-point in an .phtml file so i can see what is going on and check all variables/objects.
Any (experienced) Magento developers who can explain on how to setup a proper development environment for Magento on a windows machine.
Hope to get some feedback....
Here is a simple step-by-step
Download the latest version of Z:WAMP
Extract Z:WAMP wherever you like.
Download the XDebug DLL
Copy the XDebug DLL to {zwamp directory}/vdrive/.sys/php/ext/
Add the following text to the bottom of the {zwamp directory}/vdrive/.sys/php/php.ini file
Run {zwamp directory}/zwamp.exe and accept the security messages for Apache and Mysql.
Delete everything under {zwamp directory}/vdrive/web/
Copy your magento project into the {zwamp directory}/vdrive/web/ directory
Download the latest version of NetBeans PHP and install it.
Start netbeans and click File > New Project
Click the PHP Category, Select the PHP Application with Existing Sources option
Click Next
Click Browse on the Sources Folder option
Select the {zwamp directory}/vdrive/web directory
For PHP Version, Select version 5.3
Click Next
For Project URL enter "" (Magento had/has a problem with names that do not have a TLD)
Click Finish
Wait for the Scanning Projects.. to finish (bottom right status bar, it takes a while)
Open a code file, add a breakpoint, and run in debug mode (Ctrl-F5).
To turn off the 'break on start' option
Select Tools > Options
Select PHP
Select the General tab
Under Debugging, un-check the Stop at first line option
Click Ok
