Maven remove version from dependency jar - maven

I'd like to know if there is a way to remove version number from maven dependency.
Let's say for my project I'd like to fetch commons-lang3 3.4 using maven dependency plugin:
My pom configuration says, it is fetching dependencies to the ./lib directory inside of my project.
What I would like to achieve is remove on the fly version number from commons-lang3-3.4.jar. It would look like:
Question: Is there any way to do such thing?
Specifying finalName won't help here.
Below my existing configuration:

To remove the version from copied dependencies, you can use the stripVersion option of the maven-dependency-plugin:
Strip artifact version during copy
Which has default value to false.
Hence, given your existing configuration, here is the change:
<!-- new configuration entry below-->


Maven-dependency-plugin (unpack-dependencies) ignores configuration

The following problem occurred:
There is a dependency in the project. The dependency contains .js and .css files (essentially they will be used as resources). I need to extract and put these files in a certain place. I thought to use maven-dependency-plugin for this, but it does not use the configuration I specified (use defaults). Please tell me where I could be wrong.
You are declaring your plugin execution inside a <pluginManagement> section. This section is great for putting configuration in one place and reusing it later, but it won't execute your plugin.
Try this:
<groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <!-- your example contained a typo. -->
<overwriteIfNewer>true</overwriteIfNewer> <!-- Typo in your POM here as well -->

Tycho copy-dependencies do not include plugin dependencies

For one plugin in my tycho reactor I would like to copy a "pure-maven" dependency and its transitive ones in a folder named "lib/".
Currently if I use the copy-dependencies goal from maven-dependency-plugin, my dependency is correctly copied but the "plugin-dependencies" resolved by tycho are also copied, and I don't want those.
Any suggestion to achieve this goal ? I'm currently using the following code snippet
Any suggestions are welcome.
Following this discussion on Eclipse forums it seems that we can tell maven to only include dependencies coming from the current pom.xml file using a combination of excludeScope and includeScope tags.
This updated XML snippet does the job as expected
<!-- The lines below are aimed at telling maven NOT TO COPY tycho dependencies. Do not remove those! -->
<!-- See: -->

Can I produce both jar and war of a project in maven?

I have a project(A) in maven that has packaging of war. One other project(B) depends on A and it needs project A jar file but in phase of compile, the war of project A will produce and no jar is available for project B.
How can I create a jar of project A in phase of compile so that project B can use it?
I would suggest to go a different way and use the maven-war-plugin which can produce a separate artifact for the classes which can be used like the following:
This can be achieved by using the following configuration in your war module:
I found the solution : :)

Reference resources from a test-jat artifact

I have two artifact:
artifact-A: contains resources in src/test/resources/
artifact B: uses resources from artifact A
The problem is that the resources are never extracted in the project artifact-B.
How can I do that ?
If you define a dependency like this the used jar will never be extracted cause it will be put on the classpath during compilation etc. This means to access the resources from artifact-A you need to access them via the classpath.
In artifact-B, I used the maven-dependency-plugin to extract resources from the test-jar

Automatically activate parent plugin in Maven

Is it possible to have a plugin defined in the parent POM which is deactivated, and when the child inherits this plugin it gets automatically activated?
I guess you want to configure the plugin in your parent pom, but use it only in the inherited projects. Maven has a section for this - configure your plugins in pluginManagement, but bind them to a phase just when you needed it, e.g. omit the phase tag in pluginManagement, but specify it under in you inherited pom.
So 'siddhadev' is exactly correct. You can define the plugin configuration in the parent pom with a given id:
<!-- 'phase' omitted -->
<echo message="called from child!" />
And, in the child POM, you can explicitly list the phase where this should be called:
I've used this for targeting various JREs. Unfortunately, because you can't use the maven-compiler-plugin with different destination directories (which I consider a bug in the plugin), you must use Ant.
This isn't exactly what you're after, but I think it will work well enough for you.
If you declare the plugin in a pluginManagement tag in the parent, the configuration will be inherited by any child projects that declare that plugin.
For example, in the parent declare that the compile plugin uses Java 5 for test compilation.
Then in a child, you simple declare the compiler plugin and the configuration from the parent will be inherited:
You can declare a plugin at the top level pom and tell it to be skipped and then tell it to not be skipped at the child level. It's not quite automatic, but very minimal in the override verbosity.
Parent Pom, disabling the plugin, but declaring all the config:
...lots more config...
...lots more config...
...lots more config...
Child Pom, enabling the plugin:
I went with the following solution:
Configure the plugin in the parent-pom in the pluginManagement-section. Bind the plugin to an existing phase.
Deactivate the plugin for the parent-pom by binding it to a nonexistent phase: Override the phase in the plugins-section.
Activate the plugin in each child-pom by including the plugin in the plugins section.
Example parent-pom:
<!-- deactivate the plugin for this project, only child-projects do generate ejb-clients -->
Example child-pom:
<!-- Install the generated client-jar. Property 'ejb-client-file' has to be set! Plugin configuration is in the parent pom -->
As far as I know, there is no generic solution for this. At least for the moment...
One idea (I didn't try it, but it may work) is to define, in the parent pom.xml an execution goal that does not exist, for example:
and in every child, you redefine a correct goal.
The problem of this solution (if it works, of course ;) ) is that you must redefine the plugin configuration for every child. Otherwise, it will not be executed.
