Maven-dependency-plugin (unpack-dependencies) ignores configuration - maven

The following problem occurred:
There is a dependency in the project. The dependency contains .js and .css files (essentially they will be used as resources). I need to extract and put these files in a certain place. I thought to use maven-dependency-plugin for this, but it does not use the configuration I specified (use defaults). Please tell me where I could be wrong.

You are declaring your plugin execution inside a <pluginManagement> section. This section is great for putting configuration in one place and reusing it later, but it won't execute your plugin.
Try this:
<groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <!-- your example contained a typo. -->
<overwriteIfNewer>true</overwriteIfNewer> <!-- Typo in your POM here as well -->


Maven checkstyle use wrong style

I have the following configuration in my pom.xml:
It is set to use the Google coding style, however is use the sun_checks.xml file (which is the default for this plugin):
mvn checkstyle:check | grep sun
[INFO] There are 913 errors reported by Checkstyle 8.19 with sun_checks.xml ruleset.
What is wrong in my POM configuration?
Thank you in advance.
The configuration should be in <build> and not in <reporting>:

How to combine multiple build plugins into a single import?

For different projects, I am often using the same build plugins such as:
Is it possible to combine these into a single maven plugin so that all I would need is something like:
Thanks for your help!

Cannot run tests with build-helper-maven-plugin on a groovy project

I have a groovy project in Eclipse. I have to change from Gradle to Maven and now I cannot run the tests that exist in it.
Here is the structure of the project:
Here are the contents of the pom.xml:
<indy />
<!-- optional; supported by batch 2.4.12-04+ -->
However, if I do a mvn clean install, the tests are not being ran.
Here is the output of the console:
The test cases we have are called Spec and not Test, this is fixed like this:

maven not reading defined properties

Don't know why it is not working. I have a couple of defined properties on the POM and I'm running a little script from it which should be able to read these properties, but it's not happening.
This is the POM:
I'm calling Maven with this command: mvn deploy (which I suppose. it's the correct one)
So, once it starts, I can see a lot of exceptions because the script called on this line: "${commandline.executable}" is not reading the properties from the POM.
Help please...

Spreading flyway profiles over phases

I'm trying to create separate profiles which using flyway-maven-plugin, but phase definition doesn't work properly. Which mean that when i use both profiles i have an error on execution because i guess "drop-create-database" using configuration from "migrate-database" thus it`s failed. Does anyone have an idea how to fix it?
<!-- Need to garantee order of execution -->
You have to specify the configuration per execution instead of per plugin. Otherwise a later configuration for the same plugin will overwrite previous ones.
This means your pom.xml should look something like this:
<!-- Need to garantee order of execution -->
