Automatically activate parent plugin in Maven - maven

Is it possible to have a plugin defined in the parent POM which is deactivated, and when the child inherits this plugin it gets automatically activated?

I guess you want to configure the plugin in your parent pom, but use it only in the inherited projects. Maven has a section for this - configure your plugins in pluginManagement, but bind them to a phase just when you needed it, e.g. omit the phase tag in pluginManagement, but specify it under in you inherited pom.

So 'siddhadev' is exactly correct. You can define the plugin configuration in the parent pom with a given id:
<!-- 'phase' omitted -->
<echo message="called from child!" />
And, in the child POM, you can explicitly list the phase where this should be called:
I've used this for targeting various JREs. Unfortunately, because you can't use the maven-compiler-plugin with different destination directories (which I consider a bug in the plugin), you must use Ant.

This isn't exactly what you're after, but I think it will work well enough for you.
If you declare the plugin in a pluginManagement tag in the parent, the configuration will be inherited by any child projects that declare that plugin.
For example, in the parent declare that the compile plugin uses Java 5 for test compilation.
Then in a child, you simple declare the compiler plugin and the configuration from the parent will be inherited:

You can declare a plugin at the top level pom and tell it to be skipped and then tell it to not be skipped at the child level. It's not quite automatic, but very minimal in the override verbosity.
Parent Pom, disabling the plugin, but declaring all the config:
...lots more config...
...lots more config...
...lots more config...
Child Pom, enabling the plugin:

I went with the following solution:
Configure the plugin in the parent-pom in the pluginManagement-section. Bind the plugin to an existing phase.
Deactivate the plugin for the parent-pom by binding it to a nonexistent phase: Override the phase in the plugins-section.
Activate the plugin in each child-pom by including the plugin in the plugins section.
Example parent-pom:
<!-- deactivate the plugin for this project, only child-projects do generate ejb-clients -->
Example child-pom:
<!-- Install the generated client-jar. Property 'ejb-client-file' has to be set! Plugin configuration is in the parent pom -->

As far as I know, there is no generic solution for this. At least for the moment...
One idea (I didn't try it, but it may work) is to define, in the parent pom.xml an execution goal that does not exist, for example:
and in every child, you redefine a correct goal.
The problem of this solution (if it works, of course ;) ) is that you must redefine the plugin configuration for every child. Otherwise, it will not be executed.


pluginManagement does not work

This is the pluginManagement in the parent POM, and it can be executed by child project that no plugins defined in child project, why??
But if I remove this plugin from parant POM then the child project can't be executed.
In your parent POM, you need to have something like:
Then in your project that extends this POM, you just need to do:
The idea here is that you don't need to have the same code copied all over the place. You define the settings in one central place and then just extend them.
In your original code, you didn't have the <version/> defined. Usually, in parent POM-s you'd like to control the versions of <dependencies/> and <plugins/>. For dependencies you can also define things like <exclusions/> and <scope/>.
For plugins, you could have the same configuration defined centrally and then, if a case arises where you'd like it to be slightly different, you can just apply the necessary changes in the extending POM.
If in your parent POM you also have a definition of <plugins/> outside the <pluginManagement/> section, then those plugins will be invoked for any project extending this parent.

maven not reading defined properties

Don't know why it is not working. I have a couple of defined properties on the POM and I'm running a little script from it which should be able to read these properties, but it's not happening.
This is the POM:
I'm calling Maven with this command: mvn deploy (which I suppose. it's the correct one)
So, once it starts, I can see a lot of exceptions because the script called on this line: "${commandline.executable}" is not reading the properties from the POM.
Help please...

Generating java from rpc wsdl

I have a pom which generates some java code from an RPC wsdl. The problem is that the code is never generated.
Any ideas as to why this isnt generating the java code?
After taken a look into your pom I realized your problem. It's not related to calling mvn its based on the configuration you made.
You have configured the axistools-maven-plugin in the pluginManagement area. In this case you need to do this in the build area like this:
instead of:
If you configure it correctly you can use mvn clean package or mvn clean install instead of calling mvn axistools:wsdl2java ...

maven goal doesn't execute properly if plugins are defined under pluginManagement

I have maven-jaxb2-plugin. I generate jaxb objects and refer it in other classes of project.I've put jaxb plugin and compiler plugin under pluginManagement tag. Maven is executing compile phase first than generate phase where as if i remove pluginManagement tag, it works fine, first generate phase gets executed and all jaxb object gets generated and then compile phase gets executed. Due to pluginManagement tag, my project doesn't compile. Is pluginManagement tag used only for defining all the plugins in parent pom so that child pom can refer to these plugins ? My project is not a multi-module project.
Yes, <pluginManagement> is used to create ready-to-use configurations, but does not automatically activate your plugins - you still need to include them.
So in effect you are right, <pluginManagement>, just like <dependencyManagement> are very useful in the parent pom to centralize plugin configurations and dependency management.
Effectively, 'declaring' your plugins in the right module benefits from a much more compact syntax:

Disable a Maven plugin defined in a parent POM

I am using a parent POM that defines a plugin that I do not want to be run in a child POM. How can I disable the plugin in the child pom completely?
Constraint: I cannot change the parent POM itself.
The following works for me when disabling Findbugs in a child POM:
<id>ID_AS_IN_PARENT</id> <!-- id is necessary sometimes -->
Note: the full definition of the Findbugs plugin is in our parent/super POM, so it'll inherit the version and so-on.
In Maven 3, you'll need to use:
for the plugin.
See if the plugin has a 'skip' configuration parameter. Nearly all do. if it does, just add it to a declaration in the child:
If not, then use:
The thread is old, but maybe someone is still interested.
The shortest form I found is further improvement on the example from λlex and bmargulies. The execution tag will look like:
2 points I want to highlight:
phase is set to nothing, which looks less hacky than 'none', though still a hack.
id must be the same as execution you want to override. If you don't specify id for execution, Maven will do it implicitly (in a way not expected intuitively by you).
After posting found it is already in stackoverflow:
In a Maven multi-module project, how can I disable a plugin in one child?
I know this thread is really old but the solution from #Ivan Bondarenko helped me in my situation.
I had the following in my pom.xml.
What I wanted, was to disable the execution of generate-citrus-war for a specific profile and this was the solution:
<!-- disable generating the war for this profile -->
<!-- do something else -->
