Unable to fix code signing issue error in Xcode - swift2

I am trying to launch my app on an i-pad.
I have connected my iPad to Mac and then ran the solution. I got an error saying "Failed to code sign "myAppName". None of the valid provisioning profiles include the devices: "myDeviceName". Xcode can attempt to fix this issue. This will reset your code signing and provisioning settings to recommended values and resolve issues with signing identities and provisioning profiles." with a fix issue button.
Upon clicking the fix issue button, I got another error saying - "Unable to fix code signing issue. Xcode failed to resolve the issue. Check your code signing settings; ensure you have a matching signing certificate and provisioning profile installed; and try again."
Then I tried to click on fix-issue in the Xcode->Project->General Window.
enter image description here
But then got another error msg saying - "The 'In-App Purchase' feature is only available to users enrolled in Apple Developer Program. Please visit
developer.apple.com/programs/ to enroll."
enter image description here
I do not need in-app purchasing, but still I am not able to disable it.
I have been stuck with this issue since few days, not able to find a workaround.
I tried revoking my apple certificate, deleting all the existing profiles and downloading them again, but nothing seems to work.
Any suggestions would be helpful.


Xcode 13 - Cannot Submit Archive - Errors occurred while locating signing assets

This issue only started after updating to Xcode 13. Never had it under 12.x and no other changes. I am tying to send an Archive to Appstore Connect for a client. I have the "App Manager" role which has always been enough for this activity. However, when trying to send or even validate in Xcode, I receive an error related to "locating signing assets" with the log indicating the following:
2021-10-02 18:18:38 +0000 [MT] Failed to locate signing assets with
errors: (
"Error Domain=DeveloperAPIServiceErrorDomain Code=5 "Communication with Apple failed."
NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=You are not allowed to perform this
operation. Please check with one of your Team Admins, or, if you need
further assistance, please contact Apple Developer Program Support.
NSLocalizedDescription=Communication with Apple failed.}",
"Error Domain=IDEProfileLocatorErrorDomain Code=1 "No profiles for 'com.company.app' were found"
UserInfo={IDEDistributionIssueSeverity=3, NSLocalizedDescription=No
profiles for 'com.company.app' were found,
NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Store
provisioning profiles matching 'com.company.app'.}" )
I have tried to remove my account from Xcode and re-add, but to no effect. Again, I have had the App Manager role forever and never had a problem until upgrading to Xcode 13. I was thinking of having him elevate me to "Administrator" but that really should not be necessary. I also created a new distribution cert through Xcode (no errors there) but that didn't help either.
As an update. I went the manual route and created a profile and chose to select it manually rather than having Xcode handle it automatically. That worked. However, of course it should not have to work that way and I still don't understand why the automatic method is failing.
Anything else I can try?
It seems an Apple issue with the automatic sign-in process with Xcode 13. But maybe it's a wanted behavior for Xcode 13 using cloud base certs instead of the local ones.
Here's my story looking for a solutions for this.
I can confirm that downgrade back to Xcode 12 or switch to the manual signing way all works fine
Someone says that doing that:
Switch "automatically manage signing" in the project or re-select
Team. Make sure the changes appear in the project file:
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = "Apple Development"; CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;
May solve the issue, but it didn't work for me.
It seems that Xcode 13
In Xcode 13 or later, Xcode will cloud sign any apps or software for
distribution when you’re using the Xcode Organizer archive and
distribution workflow. Additional permissions are available in App
Store Connect to enable Admins and Developers to sign apps and
software with these certificates.
So I ended up enabling Access to Cloud Managed Distribution Certificate in App Store Connect -> Users and Access for my account, as Jane Doe said in this thread.
And that did solve the issue.
Here are all my references:

Flutter xcode release signing issue

Flutter i am try to release my app on appstore. Issue is when i am signing it showing error of No profile for 'com.lunchbox.admin.app'
I try to go in build setting and change it to IOS Distrubution like this
But then its showing error Runner has conflictiong provisional setting
I tried every thing like enable/disable automatic managing signing. Quit Xcode even i have change the bundle id create new one then signing but got stuck. I think this night i am going to full bald head.
Please give any tips, hints i can do because i have try all answers research now not see any hope :D
Try both may be it will helps you.
Create certificate with your bundle identifier.
Connect your device with your system and then register your device in your apple developer account.
Click XCode.
Open xCode Preferences.( press 'command' and then ',' ).
Click Accounts.
Sign in with Apple id Account.
Clicked on Download certificate.
Hope its works :)

Xcode10 error: "iPhone has denied the launch request"

Xcode10 error: "iPhone has denied the launch request"
Here are couple of things you can try to troubleshoot this problem.
Make sure that iPhone is not locked, when Xcode launches the app.
Reconnect your iPhone to your Mac.
Restart Xcode
Restart phone it may help
Restart your machine as a last step to fix the issue.
This issue encountered because of invalid code signing. Make sure you are signing with developer, not with distribution.
If your certificates are not properly configured then you can create new build ID and check on sign automatically.
This will also solve your issue but best solution is to configure developer certificate.
If you have a free Apple developer account, you can’t debug your apps on a device anymore. It is unknown if this is temporary or permanent, but if you want the app to launch without the error you have to go to Product -> Schemes -> Edit Scheme and uncheck the “debug” checkbox. You will not be able to debug the program but it will run.

Xcode provisioning profile errors

I'm trying to set up Xcode to test a game I have developed with Unity. I'm getting these strange errors about provisioning profiles and signing. When I search for any solutions to this they all say "Xcode will automatically generate these for you" but it doesn't. It just errors. Other places say "Click the fix issue button" but there is no fix issue button. Here are some screenshots of the errors:
I have entered my Identity and signing details and team:
And for some reason there are no provisioning profiles at all, and "Download All" doesn't actually download anything:
I also found another comment from apple that told me to download the profiles manually from the apple website, but the page he mentioned wasn't even there.
Been going around in circles for hours, I would really appreciate any help with this.

Resetting a Device in Xcode Organizer

I've made many mistakes in the process of adding a device to the organizer to deploy to it.
I want to completely start over, but every time I delete the device, unplug it from my computer, and re-add it, it already recognizes it, meaning the "Use for development" option is unavailable, and the error "Xcode cannot find the software image to install this version" always pops up.
How do I just start from scratch??
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
And this is very urgent, thanks!
UPDATE:: Have these errors constantly pop up -
Provisioning Profiles - VAlid Signing identity not found
2.Unable to codesign using identities in this team: no provate keys available
3.Software version - XCode cannot find the software image to install this version (5.1.1 (9B206) )
I figured it out.
You can start from scratch by going to "Keychain Access." Go to passwords, and delete your appleID. Then, it will prompt you for your apple ID again.
To resolve the specified issues, you need a development certificate, which will automatically be requested only if you login using your account. Then the administrator will log in to his account and approve your request. Once the certificate is created, it will still not work.
You need to download both the certificate to add to your certificates in keychains, and also the provisioning profile.
