Flutter xcode release signing issue - xcode

Flutter i am try to release my app on appstore. Issue is when i am signing it showing error of No profile for 'com.lunchbox.admin.app'
I try to go in build setting and change it to IOS Distrubution like this
But then its showing error Runner has conflictiong provisional setting
I tried every thing like enable/disable automatic managing signing. Quit Xcode even i have change the bundle id create new one then signing but got stuck. I think this night i am going to full bald head.
Please give any tips, hints i can do because i have try all answers research now not see any hope :D

Try both may be it will helps you.
Create certificate with your bundle identifier.
Connect your device with your system and then register your device in your apple developer account.
Click XCode.
Open xCode Preferences.( press 'command' and then ',' ).
Click Accounts.
Sign in with Apple id Account.
Clicked on Download certificate.
Hope its works :)


Xcode apple developer certificate expiration: (0xE8008018)

Just for the record: I had a stranger response from Xcode when I tried to run my app on my device.
Please verify that your device's clock is properly set, and that your
signing certificate is not expired. (0xE8008018).
My certificate expires today at midnight AND my several provisioning profiles need a serious cleaning.
What is the administrative process to get it all renewed to get a build AND run working?
You need to :
Connect to Apple Developer Member Center
Click on 'Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles'
iOS Apps must not have an expiration date notification or else
renew it, and come back here
Click on 'Provisioning profiles'
If no one has 'active' status, that is the problem
Add one for 'iOS App Development'
Choose the right 'App ID' : your BundleID, or wildcard
The next screen should show you valid certificates. If not, go create one (click on 'Certificates' item on the left menu) and come back here
Choose one certificate
Then you see all the devices you declared in 'Devices', select those on which you want to run your app
Give a profile name and generate it
You will download a file named : [profile name].mobileprovision
Double-click to install it
At this step, my problem was solved. Build and run on my phone is ok.
I had the same exact thing only... all my profiles, certificates and everything were up-to-date in the Dev portal. What fixed it for me was under the General tab of my app's target, changing the 'Team' dropdown to none... and then back to my company. Forced Xcode to re-request whatever it thought it needed from the Dev Portal.
Back in business... :-)
Or go to your Utilities/Keychain and delete all the certs there. Run from Xcode and it will sort it all out for you.
If you work in a group and suffer this problem, but your colleagues do not, you may ask somebody to export the developer profile as described in https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/recipes/xcode_help-accounts_preferences/articles/export_signing_assets.html
Then import the .developerprofile file.
Worked like a charm for me.
Hi All Just delete the developer certificate and install it again.delete the account fomr xcode preferences and add it again.
Works for me
Restarting XCode made XCode solve the problem for me showing this prompt:
Just pressed "Fix Issue" and it worked.
Delete all expired certificates from Keychain rest xcode will handle.

Xcode crashing when fetching team list

So basically Xcode 6.1 is crashing whenever it's trying to get team list. From the general tab in the main screen, when trying to submit the app to iTunes, trying to validate the app.. whenever it tries to get team list, it crashes. It is working fine an hour ago but when we added some team members in the iTunes account for internal testing, it started crashing.
Any ideas?
Same problem here, however it's possible to compile and generate a .ipa file by the command line interface:
xcodebuild archive -project $projectname.xcodeproj -scheme $schemename -archivePath projectname.xcarchive
xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath $projectname.xcarchive -exportPath $projectname -exportFormat ipa -exportProvisioningProfile “Provisioning Profile Name”
Hope this could help.
I was crashing too (while fetching teams) and I finally got it fixed...
Open Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts
Check that each of the accounts is valid. I had two there that were expired/old developer accounts, no longer in use. I removed both of them and now the crash is gone for me.
Hope this works for you :O
We find a solution.
You could use Shenzhen. This is a command line util developed by Mattt Thompson.
$ gem install shenzhen
If you see permission errors, you can execute the command with sudo
After install, go to project folder and:
$ ipa build
Before, you need to configure your build settings on the XCode Project like usual.
More info and examples here: https://github.com/nomad/shenzhen
These save my day, I hope the same for you :)
Try uploading with Application Loader
Xcode -> Open Developer Tools -> Application Loader
Enter the iTunes Connect details.
TL;DR: If you think old accounts are to blame, try 'fixing' them by joining the Safari Developer Program (free).
Why I tried this:
I couldn't open the accounts tab or any dropdowns related to accounts. I had an old iOS Developer account, that had expired.
Ultimately I decided my old account was corrupt on Apple's side (somehow) and logged into their certificates page.
Not wanting to pay the $99 --to join the iOS program--, just to fix a crashing xcode I signed up for the free Safari Developer program.
Instantly my account in xcode stopped causing crashes.
Looks like Apple "fixed" the problem by Sunday (11/16). I was experiencing it too, and none of the suggestions worked for me. On Sunday it was magically working again.
I followed #cclogg's advice and saw that there was an expired account that was crashing. However, it wouldn't let me select the account without crashing XCode. I was only able to do this by selecting two accounts together and this prevented XCode from trying to fetch account information.
After that, I clicked on the minus button to delete both accounts. I figured it would be easier to re-add the second account. And now, the crashing problem is gone.

Xcode 6 OS X Submission Error: iOS Apps must have a provisioning profile

I'm having the worst time ever submitting an update to my Mac app. Everything was fine until I updated to Xcode 6. I'm in Mavericks, 10.9.4. I get the following error:
iTunes Store operation failed.
Unable to process application at this time due to the following error: iOS Apps must have a provisioning profile.
I have no idea why it says "iOS." Don't know if that's an Xcode bug or it thinks I'm making an iOS app. I used the same Xcode project file to submit the Mac app in the previous Xcode.
I have tried the following with no results:
• Revoked and deleted all certificates and provisioning profiles and started over.
• I created all certificates, provisioning profiles manually rather than Xcode managing them.
• Set the provisioning profile in "release" in the target and in a different occasion, in the project file.
• Gone into the project info and created a separate configuration.
The only "weird" thing I would say that I could be doing insanely obviously wrong is when I look at the options for code singing identity for release, it says "Mac Developer:yata" but there is no option for "Mac Distribution:(myname)" Should there be? I didn't need that in the past. Also, the only options that I can select are in a section called "identities in keychain." Should there be another section? "Identities in Xcode?"
Thank you for anyone that can help. I'll try pretty much anything at this point.
Solution for my case:
I got error in validation stage.
On organizer we see:
1) Go to Apple download page and download xCode 5.1.1
2) Double click on xcode_5.1.1.dmg
3) Copy xCode.app to Desktop
4) Rename xCode.app -> xCode511.app
5) Move xCode511.app -> Applications
6) Close xCode 6.1
7) Work with validation and upload in xCode511.app
8) Be careful ! ITC.apps.validation.prerelease_build_missing
I don't have Xcode right now, but here are the steps:
Delete your certificate and provisioning, both your mac and iTunes account
Regenerate the certificates and provisioning profile (distribution)
Download double click
Go to the account tab, then view account
All certificates and profiles will be listed refresh the stuff there
Clean and rebuild your app with the right provision and 3 party Mac developer
archive, validate and submit (select the right provison and match the app)
Everything you will ever need to know :
I was having the same problem... finally I click on Submit and it worked! It seems that the problem is on Validate only.
Okay so our problem was that our company name had an apostrophe in it ---- could have the same issue if you have quotes in your company name as well. I contacted Apple for them to change it and then uploading worked from Xcode 5.1.1.

Could not launch "<appName>" failed to get the task for process <processNumber>?

Using Xcode 4.5.2 and building for iOS4 or newer, I get this message when building for my device (iOS 6.0.1 on 4s). I dismiss the dialog then relaunch the app on my device which seems to work. I am newer to iOS development, so I aplogize in advance if this is a silly question.
Thank you in advance for your help.
My issue was using Distribution provisioning profile for signing the app, once I made a development provisioning profile, the app installed and ran on iPhone just fine.
The answer seems to be "you need to fix your provisioning profile", but can happen for several reasons, as indicated by other answers on here.
In my case, I hadn't added a new device to an existing developer provisioning profile, so I just re-created the profile with the new device, and it worked!
In my case happens all time I add a new device ID then update the provision profile, download and "install it on Xcode 5".
To fix this:
Go to Xcode>Preferences>Account Tab>Select Apple ID>View
Details>Refresh Button (Bottom left corner).
Reinitiate Xcode.
Start again the app, you will be able to test the app in the device.
Here's what my situation was and how I solved the problem:
I had been running the app from Xcode to my phone and all was fine
I switched to a different code signing identity (I had to change the bundle name also to match)
I ran the app to my phone and got the error. The app would install, but not open.
Did a bunch of stuff like Clean, close n open Xcode; delete the app from the phone. All to no good effect.
SOLUTION: turned the phone off n on.
Coincidence? I think not. :-)
XCode 6:
Just create provisioning profile for development and assing it to Project -> Build settings -> Provisioning profile
For upload you have to change provisioning profile for Distribution profile.

"A valid provisioning profile matching the application's Identifier '' could not be found" error

I am working on an app that I would like to put onto some iPads (not the App Store). I bought the developer license, and added the provisions on Xcode. Now when I try to build the app for the iPad which I have connected to my computer, I get the error:
A valid provisioning profile matching the application's Identifier '' could not be found
I think that this problem has been caused because I have two different teams running on my Xcode, and I don't know how to specify the correct one (one has expired). Also, I remember when I first created my App that I didn't really pay attention to the fields like 'Company Name', can I change those now?
EDIT: Here are the provisions I do have:
I had the same issue when i first installed the provisioning profile on the XCode. i'm using Xcode 4.5.* version. Although I installed the prov profile and certs in my mac, when i go to the Devices tab in the organizer in Xcode and clicked my device, i still couldn't see the new provisioning profile was added to the device. So I clicked the "Add to Portal" button with a + mark on it. It did the trick and i was able to test my app successfully without any errors about missing prov profile. Hope this helps for some of you with the issue i had.
This is a very common (to me at least) error. It sounds like you just don't have a mobile provision for the app you're trying to put on your iPad. You need a .mobileprovision file for each app identifier. As for the various names of things, you can edit them in the info tab of your project or in info.plist.
If one of your profiles has expired then delete it, although this shouldn't affect anything.
To get a provision for your app, go to the apple provisioning portal and add a provisioning profile. Then you just have to put all of the specifications (UDID, development cert, application ID) in and it'll kick out a provision. There's a how-to guide on the apple developer site for both making provisions and putting them where they're supposed to be.
For some reason it also looks like your app's identifier is empty; you can change this in your project's info tab. The .mobileprovision app ID and your app's ID have to match EXACTLY otherwise nothing works.
In my case, I had to first BUILD the app with Cmd-B.
This popped up a keychain window access asking me to "Allow" (or "Always Allow") Xcode to access the keychain.
Only THEN could I actually run the program to launch it on my iPhone.
Apparently, hitting only run didn't do the trick.
(Btw, remember to first sign your app with the "iPhone Developer: Your Name ()" key.
As Dustin said:
The .mobileprovision app ID and your app's ID have to match EXACTLY
otherwise nothing works.
In your info.plist XCode automatically sets the 'Bundle identifier' to something like:
Delete the '${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}' and leave only 'com.domainname.applicationname' so that it exactly matches your provisioning profile ID.
This worked for me when I had the same issue. Hope it helps.
This progress is a chaos. the hardest issue in the universe and the world I think.
it should be simple.
in xcode5 "fix issues" button doesn't fix issues. but hey ! this isnt take a day. but some hours to fix.
