HTML API callback doesn't work - clickatell

I tried to send sms via the HTML API and I would like to use the callback function, but clickatell doesn't call the entered URL.
I could send via this URL and I recived the sms
SMS Integration \ Settings \ Enable delivery notifications is enabled and I entered the url in this format: I tried the POST and GET method too.
When I enter this url to the address bar than this is works fine.
I read the documentation and I found the question from 2015 on stackoverflow, but this is a new API, I didn't found any other settings for callback url. I tired the parameter named callback with multiple value, but this didn't worked.
When I didn't found more settings I activated this integration, but I didn't found any difference.
Have somebody any idea?


Slack Bot OpenModal Error: missing_post_type

I newly started with Slack Bot programming and I got an issue.
I am using Zapier as a webhook, and I created a new message with a button.
Now I want to open a modal like documented here:
For that, I make a POST Request via Zapier Webhooks like this:
Instead of that the modal opens, I get a response with an error message "error
I hope some expert can help me with this issue.
Thank you for the support!
The solution can be found in the linked documentation.
The method was called via a POST request and included a data payload, but the request did not include a Content-Type header.
You only need to add the content-type header. Then the post request should work.
Content-Type: application/json

Google location auto complete is not working on aws server

I am using google location autocomplete at aws server its not working and the same code i am using on another server its working fine you can check here AWS==> other server==> geocomplete needs any server side setting ?
You should use a valid API key as mentionned in the message received when the autocomplete message is sent:
You can see this message under Network panel in developer console. Each time you hit a key in the input, an ajax request is sent and you receive this message.

Shopify webhook verification in parse

I am trying to get a shopify webhook to fill my customer class in, however something must go wrong. I don't know how to verify the parse response since Shopify sends this webhook out from it's ruby backend. I used requestbin to catch the webhook and I replicated a post request using postman to my parse url and everything works fine. Does anyone know how to debug requests like these? Is there a console in Parse where I can see all the incoming requests and the responses sent back?
Try using Runscope for debugging webhooks. Full guide here: - this is more than just a request bin. It's a full transparent proxy that will, like a bin, record the webhook notification, but will also pass it along to the intended destination (your webhook receiver) and record that response as well.

Google map places service is giving REQUEST

I am using google place api for places sugestions.
I have valid api key and this URL is working fine when I am executing it from the browser.
The api return "OK" as status and places suggestion but when I am executing the same URL by cUrl or file_get_contents It returns "REQUEST_DENIED" as status and hence no place suggestions.
why this is behaving like this.
Is there any setting which I am missing.
Any suggestion would be a great help.
Did you ever get your answer to this? As far as I am aware this is die to "cross-site-scripting" security limits. You can't go from the Places API directly to Google even though you can in a browsers address bar. You have to make the call back to your sever and have the server send the call to Google - then return those results back to your page/ web site.

Using Skype presence control over HTTPS

I would like to create a page, that displays the skype status of logged user like this:
It works fine on HTTP, but I have to use https protocol.
MyStatus link is a http link that displays the status of user, but browsers do not display this correctly or display a notification because of http link.
Has anyone had experience with this? Any suggestions?
The solution is you have to create a proxy handler (ashx) file, that catches the webrequest and returns the same content in response.
Can't you just get the data yourself and then display whatever you want that indicates their status.
You need to use this specific secured (HTTPS) domain for Skype widgets:
