detect when playback controls are on the screen - controls

I want to display a banner in the lower third an AVPlayer. I am trying to detect when an AVPlayerViewController's playback controls appear and disappear from the screen so I can hide the banner accordingly.


Starting section zoom *before* specific animations on slide

Section zoom seems to always start last on a PPT slide. How can I start it somewhere between several animations? (given that I don't have touch screen our mouse at the presentation to directly click on it)
You can start a section zoom at any time during an animation sequence. Click on the section thumbnail you want to zoom to. By default, the home slide is reset to the beginning of the animation sequences, so the animations you already ran before zooming will run again.
To avoid this, create a duplicate of the home slide, but place it after the section to which you zoomed. On the Zoom Tools tab, uncheck Return to Zoom, so the presentation doesn't jump back. Include only the animations you want to run after the zoom.

AVPlayerView disappears when exiting full screen

On OS X (not iOS), I have an AVPlayerView in a window along with other controls. I am able to play it and have it go full screen with the button in the control bar. However, when I click the control bar to return to normal view (exiting full screen), the video and player disappear. The audio continues, but my view seems to have been lost.
Any ideas?
This was because I was setting the AVPlayerView as the contentView of an NSBox to make a "tab-like" interface. Using an NSTabView instead (without a border) works.

iOS8 UIAlertView blinks as it replaces white background with translucent one

I'm seeing a strange behavior of one of my UIAlertViews, which I have not seen before. When shown on iOS8.0.2 it pops into existence with a white background, then it gets translucency effect applied to it. Because I'm showing it over a black background, there's a momentary flash as the background becomes translucent.
Is there a way to disable translucent background for native iOS8 alert views?

Don't want user to have playback control using MPMoviePlayerController?

I am wanting to remove/hide playback buttons so that the user can not control playback. Is this possible in MPMoviePlayerController?
You can remove all the control buttons from the MPMoviePlayerController using the controlStyle property:
playerController.controlStyle = MPMovieControlStyleNone;

OS X Lion: Fullscreen NSWindow Bait & Switch

I currently have a NSWindow that allows for full screen. The window has a video player and a playlist below it. When the user goes fullscreen, I want to get rid of the playlist and just show the video.
My first thoughts for doing this is to swap out the window when I detect a fullscreen entry point. I have found that I can detect this with the following:
- (void)windowWillEnterFullScreen:(NSNotification *)notification
NSLog(#"My window is going fullscreen");
But I have been unable to figure out how to swap out the window for a new one at this point. One option I haven't yet attempted would be to modify all of the resizing flags of the video and hide the other components but I'm not certain if this would be the best solution.
Does anyone have any suggestions on a better way for doing this?
Why do you want to swap the window? Just manipulate the views in the window.
Just remove the playlist from your view when you go fullscreen with -removeFromSuperview and then resize the video view so that it fills your window.
Make sure you hold a reference to the view as an ivar somewhere, because otherwise the view will be deallocated. You can then use that reference to add the view back when the window exits full-screen mode.
