AVPlayerView disappears when exiting full screen - macos

On OS X (not iOS), I have an AVPlayerView in a window along with other controls. I am able to play it and have it go full screen with the button in the control bar. However, when I click the control bar to return to normal view (exiting full screen), the video and player disappear. The audio continues, but my view seems to have been lost.
Any ideas?

This was because I was setting the AVPlayerView as the contentView of an NSBox to make a "tab-like" interface. Using an NSTabView instead (without a border) works.


macOS, changing the size of a view controller by dragging

The user clicks a button and I present a new viewController as show.
Inside that VC there is a AVPlayerView, the same size as the VC.
The app itself can change size if the user drags any of its corners but the VC displaying the movie cannot.
Why things like that that should work by default, don't work as expected? What can be done to make this work?
This is the main app.
I can drag its corners and make it bigger or small. I can click on the green semaphore and make it full screen and it works fine.
When I press the Help icon, this "window" appears. It is a viewController that was added the story board.
This cannot be scaled. It "appears" to be a window, because it contains a semaphore. I cannot scale this but I can make it full screen by the green semaphore.
Note: I have added the view to a WindowController and now when the user presses the Help button this window controller is launched and the video appears. No change. Video cannot be scaled.
Found the problem.
I had to add a window controller controlling that View Controller.
View controller was not resizing even after #1.
Then I found that I could not have
self.preferredContentSize = CGSize(width: 940,height: 504)
inside awakeFromNib.
Now it works perfectly.
"The app itself can change size" –– what you're saying is that the window can be resized by the user.
"but the VC displaying the movie cannot" –– Again in this case, you're not trying to resize a view controller, you're trying to resize a window. The window contains your view controller.
The reason the window can't be resized is probably due to the layout constaints. I imagine there must be constraints somewhere in the view hierarchy which specifies that the video player (or some other view) has a specific width and height. Because it's a constant value, the window can't resize.

How do I prevent the menu bar from moving down when my popover is open?

I have an app with a popover that appears on a status bar item. The thing is, when you click on the icon while you're in a full screen app, then move the mouse away from the menu bar to click on something in the popup, the menu bar moves up, and so does the popup. It's annoying.
Anyone know of any way to solve this? I've tried attaching an invisible menu to the popup, but I can't get the menu to be invisible.
Screenshot for clarity, the annoying part is where I wave my mouse around:
The popover window is moving because its parent window is the status item window, and when the parent window moves, the child moves with it. (Before I investigated this, I didn't even know Cocoa had parent and child windows.) I solved the problem with this code immediately after showing the popover:
NSWindow *popoverWindow = self.popup.contentViewController.view.window;
[popoverWindow.parentWindow removeChildWindow:popoverWindow];
Now, the menu bar still moves up, but at least the popup stays in the same place.
Either use Carbon events or watch for things happening to the menu bar (window of type NSStatusBarWindow):
Notifications of type
with an object of class NSStatusBarWindow should give you enough information about the menu bar showing or hiding to add proper handling.
Super-hacky approach:
Custom window with some super-high window level to make it appear over the menu bar, then add a transparent custom view to the new window that catches and handles/blocks mouse clicks according to your needs.
Get the window instance the popover is using to display and track/handle NSWindowWillMoveNotification / NSWindowDidMoveNotification.
I converted #tbodt's answer to Swift 4 and confirmed that is resolves this issue:
let popoverWindow = popup.contentViewController.view.window as? NSWindow

NSWindow resize indicator not visible

How do I show resize indicators for an NSWindow without Titlebar?
I created a new Xcode project(for Mac app) with storyboard. I just disabled the checkbox Title Bar in Appearance(It hides the Title bar of NSwindow).
The strange thing was, after disabling the TitleBar, NSWindow was not showing resize indicators while mouse was above the window edges. Although if I drag at edges it was resizing.
I guess this is a bug, because if the window can be resized by dragging the mouse over edges, it must show the resize indicators.
As it can be seen in the image, the resize indicators are seen after user drags the window, but many users would think that since there is no resize indicator, the window is not resizable.
I've fixed this issue by subclassing NSWindow and overriding canBecomeKeyWindow to return YES:
#import "MyWindow.h"
#implementation MyWindow
- (BOOL)canBecomeKeyWindow {
return YES;
Not updating resize cursors in this case looks like Apple bug. Documentation states "The value of canBecomeKeyWindow property is YES if the window has a title bar or a resize bar, or NO otherwise.", so I expect that canBecomeKeyWindow will return YES for resizable window. But it doesn't.
UPD: Checked on 10.10.5. Hopefully, you will have same behaviour on 10.11.
I have not checked this, but you could set the resize indicators manually. I think I would add four NSTrackingAreas to the windows contentView subclass (one for each side of the window, only few pixels in height/width).
In the mouseEntered() method, create a new NSCursor object for the appropriate mouse position. Remember that the position could change, so use the mouseMoved() method as well.
On mouseExited() reset the cursor.
Again, I have not tried this, but it should work.
PS: Don't forget to file a radar on this ;)

How to show popover only in window bounds?

Button which show the popover lay on the button left corner of window.
How to show popover only in window bounds?
Attention! Mac OS.
This is not possible. NSPopover is a floating window that is connected to a certain other window but otherwise stays completely on its own. You can however try manually to keep it within certain bounds on screen by calculating a popup position that keeps the popover bounds with that area. But this won't work in all cases anyway (e.g. if the user moves the app window so that there's simply not enough room for the popover).

OS X Lion: Fullscreen NSWindow Bait & Switch

I currently have a NSWindow that allows for full screen. The window has a video player and a playlist below it. When the user goes fullscreen, I want to get rid of the playlist and just show the video.
My first thoughts for doing this is to swap out the window when I detect a fullscreen entry point. I have found that I can detect this with the following:
- (void)windowWillEnterFullScreen:(NSNotification *)notification
NSLog(#"My window is going fullscreen");
But I have been unable to figure out how to swap out the window for a new one at this point. One option I haven't yet attempted would be to modify all of the resizing flags of the video and hide the other components but I'm not certain if this would be the best solution.
Does anyone have any suggestions on a better way for doing this?
Why do you want to swap the window? Just manipulate the views in the window.
Just remove the playlist from your view when you go fullscreen with -removeFromSuperview and then resize the video view so that it fills your window.
Make sure you hold a reference to the view as an ivar somewhere, because otherwise the view will be deallocated. You can then use that reference to add the view back when the window exits full-screen mode.
