I'm seeing a strange behavior of one of my UIAlertViews, which I have not seen before. When shown on iOS8.0.2 it pops into existence with a white background, then it gets translucency effect applied to it. Because I'm showing it over a black background, there's a momentary flash as the background becomes translucent.
Is there a way to disable translucent background for native iOS8 alert views?
This is similar to How to fix NSTextView's weird sizing inside a magnified NSScrollView, but I seem to have a slightly different problem, and the suggested solution does not work for me.
Basically, I have an NSTextView inside an NSScrollView with magnification. Zooming in with a pinch-and-zoom gesture and then resizing the window causes a crash with the error The window has been marked as needing another Display Window pass, but it has already had more Display Window passes than there are views in the window.
I have made a video illustrating the problem here: https://youtu.be/M_JRQI2oDaY
The project is here: https://github.com/angstsmurf/spatterlight/tree/helpviewtest
(The branch helpviewtest is a cut down test case created for this problem.)
This is the UI appears in the simulator. It appears only when pressed.
This is the UI in Storyboard.
In fact, there were clickable layers on top of those labels, where User Interaction is enabled.
This then triggers the background color of the labels to turn into white.
It is not the labels are not rendered, it is just that text color, the background color of the label and the color of the view are all white.
NOTE: Apology for the question which lacks details.
I subclass the NSWindow and use [self setHasShadow:YES] to set the shadow for window. But the shadow shows abnormally when:
Move the window a little out of the screen, then resize the window to a larger size, then when I drag back the whole window from outside the screen, I find that system does not draw shadow for those part covered by screen before.
the right part without shadow was covered by screen before
To get full shadow, I must resize the window again to let system redraw the shadow.
So is there a way to avoid this behaviour? Maybe it is more efficient to only the shadow for those parts in screen, but I hope it can redraw automatically when the whole window is in screen.
I have an MFC dialog (actual a dialog bar with in a dialog) that contains a progress bar with these strange black pixels in the corner. I have tried the following to remove them:
Change most of the border type styles and the transparent style of the control.
Override the OnEraseBkgnd in a class derived a CProgressCtrl.
Setting the background color of the control by PBM_SETBKCOLOR.
I have yet to find a way to remove these black pixel.
Here is an example of what it looks like:
It seems I have found the issue. When the progress bar performs its painting it was sending an WM_ERASEBKGND message to the dialog to get the background with which it would paint. Some how the DC brush origin was being messed up. Using the following code at the start of the function seems to have fixed the issue with no ill effects.
CRect rcClip;
pDC->SetBrushOrg(-rcClip.left, -rcClip.top);
I've seen this occur when using ActiveX controls inside control containers that don't have a a window or proper Device Contexts (The VB6 frame control is one of these) but I'm not sure if the same problem applies to MFC windows and controls though.
Try making the control parent a normal static window.
Hey, I've got a textured NSWindow, and I'm seeing some strange behaviour with the way it gets textured. If I have an IKImageBrowserView in the window, then there is a full light to dark gradient in both the title bar and the bottom bar of the window, but if I hide the IKImageBrowserView and show my NSBox, then the gradient starts light in the top, and ends dark in the bottom bar. I think screenshots may describe the problem more accurately.
Alternatively, is there a way of placing an NSTextField and an NSProgressIndicator overtop of an ikimagebrowserview? They aren't visible when placed above the ikimagebrowserview for some reason.
I experienced a similar issue with inconsistent NSWindow textured/metallic gradients.
My findings, and a solution which will work for the above issue may be found in the responses to the following post:
NSWindow textured background with NStextField