In IntelliJ IDEA, can I re-order watch expressions? - debugging

After doing a quick search, I only found the main documentation that tells me how to add, edit, and remove them, but not how to move them around. I have tried dragging them around, but that doesn't seem to change anything.
I want to do this so I can see related data together but more efficient debugging. I just don't necessarily think or see what I need to debug all at once.
P.S. I'm using this with a Ruby on Rails project, with the Ruby plug-in installed, and RVM Ruby-Rails Gemset chosen, and a Rails module added to the project, running a Test Unit test.

Just found the Up and Down icons at the bottom of the window. I guess I just wanted the dragging to work =/.


Adding blackboxed libraries to Pry debugging

Is it possible to "blackbox" libraries when using Pry?
I like to walk the stack when I hit a breakpoint, but I really don't care about active-record transactions management and such. In fact, it even makes walking the stack completely useless sometimes.
In javascript, it's easy to add scripts to an ignore list and they are just skipped during debugging. Is there a way to achieve a similar behavior with Pry?
Additionnal details
What i mean by stack walk, is using "up" to move to the calling source code line which moves the source code marker to the previous stack frame.
I want to ignore frames that are outside my own code, like ActiveRecord and most third-party gems. I don't mind using either a blacklist or a whitelist.
Bundle gives me these gem versions:
Using byebug 9.0.6
Using pry 0.12.2
Using pry-byebug 3.4.3
The requested functionality does not exist in pry-byebug. You can add your +1 (or write some code) on the following GitHub issue for pry-byebug:
My question/suggestion is that if there's a way to filter or skip over external library, or a setting to step into the next line that belongs to a script within the current application. For example, step into a method call will skip over any Rails's internal script or any currently-used gem and stop at the next line of the file that's inside the application.
As well as this GitHub issue:
I think it would be super useful to have a command that lets you run until you hit the next line of non-Rails/non-gem code.
As the original issue has been open for nearly six years, I think your best bet will be to help build the feature vs. adding a +1 on the existing issues.
The author of pry-byebug also offers this workaround in another SO answer to a very similar question:
you need to manually set breakpoints to jump from controller to view and the other way around

Can VisualStudio autocomplete be like Eclipse's one

I am starting to write in C#. I use VisualStudio, but I don't like the autocomplete. I was mainly writing in Android and I really like the autocomplete of AndroidStudio and Eclipse. It there a way to make the VisualStudio's one the same? I don't like that when I have a one method which can take a different set of arguments (overloaded) I have to click up and down arrow, to see the parameters. Can it just show me a scroll list like AndroidStudio and Eclipse? And is there a way when autocomplete some method to put automatically the braces and semicolon- "();"? I am really new to VisualStudio and I don't know can I modified it in this way or I should have to use to it. I just don't find anything about this.
Thanks in advance.
I suggest to have a look at ReSharper plugin for VS. It is a complete package for enhancing Productivity, but it is not a free plugin. It also have some features you mentioned. also you can check this videos:
Resharper features video list
Here is the website:
Resharper website

How to debug the code to be tested

When I run an rspec test, I want to get details of the variables in the code that is tested. I tried to use rubymine, but it is complicated to configure. Sublime text 2 is a ruby friendly editor, so I wish someone can recommend some plugins to me.
Unfortunately, I don't know of any Sublime plugins that will do this for you, but...
Check out the pry gem. This will allow you to peek into your code, view instance variables, modify settings, etc. within the middle of an Rspec test.
There is no similar package for Sublime. What you are looking for is a debugger (in fact, RubuyMine integrates the Ruby debugger).
The most common Ruby debugger is the debugger gem. Simply install it, then place a debugger statement where you want to debug the execution and you'll be able to jump in the middle of the running spec execution.

mirroring Terminal with gets Ruby

There may be a good gem out there for this, but I've run out of Google.
I'm creating a command line interface with a basic gets each inputed command. I also want to have basic terminal features like hitting the up arrow and having it cycle the history. Are there gems which mimic this or is there a simple way to implement it?
Not to self-promote, but my friend and I wrote a project that is mostly functional with this goal. Check it out here:
It's also a packaged gem that you can install.
Some time ago I did a "smart telnet" using "Readline". I even enabled autocompletion.
It has all the cool features like up down arrow, autocompletion, ...
Take a look at it

MonoDevelop on Ubuntu -- No compiler, no debugger, nothing... why?

I've tried to use MonoDevelop 2.4 and 2.6 with Ubuntu 11.04, but neither of them seems to actually provide any way of running the project. (As the picture shows, the Run, Step, and Debug items are disabled -- both on the toolbar and inside the menus.)
This is true for all project types I've seen so far -- C#, Python, etc...
But mono-debugger is installed. Is there some post-setup task that I need to do manually, for this to work?
Looking over
Perhaps you haven't selected a 'Project'? Open up the Solution pad and click on the Test1 project (not the solution at the root of the tree, but the project just below it).
I'm just guessing here since I don't have Ubuntu and can't actually test anything.
Edit: actually, it looks like clicking on the Solution would work as well.
From looking at the code, another possibility is that you don't have a build target? Not sure how that would happen, but unless you only opened Main.cs and not actually Test1.sln, I don't know what to suggest.
When you opened the project, which file did you open? Test1.sln? Test1.csproj? Or Main.cs?
Try looking for mono-mdb and more packages in synaptic, this may fix this issue.
Don't remember exact names, Linux box at home...
Did you really open the project? It looks like you just opened Main.cs. It won't work that way.
Make sure you installed the compilers (mcs etc)
