Can VisualStudio autocomplete be like Eclipse's one - visual-studio

I am starting to write in C#. I use VisualStudio, but I don't like the autocomplete. I was mainly writing in Android and I really like the autocomplete of AndroidStudio and Eclipse. It there a way to make the VisualStudio's one the same? I don't like that when I have a one method which can take a different set of arguments (overloaded) I have to click up and down arrow, to see the parameters. Can it just show me a scroll list like AndroidStudio and Eclipse? And is there a way when autocomplete some method to put automatically the braces and semicolon- "();"? I am really new to VisualStudio and I don't know can I modified it in this way or I should have to use to it. I just don't find anything about this.
Thanks in advance.

I suggest to have a look at ReSharper plugin for VS. It is a complete package for enhancing Productivity, but it is not a free plugin. It also have some features you mentioned. also you can check this videos:
Resharper features video list
Here is the website:
Resharper website


Is there a view/widget to show details of language elements in Visual Studio?

In Eclipse, there is a view called "ABAP Element Info", which can show details about language elements such as functions, classes, etc. when they are clicked on. It will display details such as function/method signature, class/struct members, element documentation, etc. as you can see on the image below:
It is a great help for me and it's very quick to find out details of elements, but I cannot find anything like it in Visual Studio standard package (except Object Browser, but I does not show what I click on, I need to look it up). Is there any extension or something with similar functionality I could make use of? I'm using C++ desktop version if it helps. Thanks a lot for any input.
Instead of using Visual Studio, try to check if your project is fully supported and operational in Visual Studio Code.
In VSCode there are various plugins for ABAP development, including syntax highlighting which is your main concern.
Check out the following article on how to prepare your environment:

VS Code how to enable documentation when scrolling intelliSense suggestions?

In Intellij Idea I can see documentation on intelliSense options:
Can I enable something like this in vs code for golang ?
Can I control the width and height of the two rectangles ?
Try installing the Go extension. Here's the source:
It offers Intellisense/completion lists, though the completion lists feature is not working too well right now (I'm sure it will improve over time). The extension is able to get function signatures and documentation by mousing over their names once you've typed them in, even if they don't show up in Intellisense, however.
Be sure to read the extension documentation on how to get everything installed, as it makes use of a number of tools to offer all of its functionality.

Visual Studio 2010/Resharper Plugin development

I am having trouble tracking down information regarding extending Intellisense. It looks like creating a plugin for VS 2010 or Resharper would do the trick. However, I can't find any documentation for adding items to the intellisense dropdown.
This post got pretty close: How to extend IntelliSense items?
But I couldn't find any documentation for the interfaces or classes being used.
What I am trying to do is to read from an XML file, and add those tags as part of the results that show up in intellisense in the C# code (not in XML).
The part of the R# Plugin Development Guide concerning Code Completion (i.e., IntelliSense) is on our todo list but has not yet been written. When done, it should be available here. While we're working on that, feel free to email me dn at jetbrains dot com, and I'll try to help you out with any queries you might have.

Extending Visual Studio's "Code Snippet" functionality

When I write a test method, I type "testm", hit tab and magically see:
public void MethodName()
When I type the methodName it is highlighted (can't show that here) as a "field" that I'm filling in. I'm sure you're all familiar with this behavior.
Personally, I like names for my test methods like
Can_My_Method_Do_That_Thing instead of CanMyMethodDoThatThing. I find them much easier to read, and most times they're really a sentence anyway.
For reasons I'd rather not get into, I have a difficult time typing all those _ characters and I'd like to be able to use the space bar, and have the spaces in the name automatically replaced when I hit "Enter".
I hear that Visual Studio is extendable and customizable and so on. Is it extensible enough to do this?
You can implement and use your own code snippets and Microsoft provides a very nice guide on how this could be done: Walkthrough: Implementing Code Snippets
To have a quick look at how the "testm" Expansion (that's the Snippet Type) is "partially" implemented you may go to c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC#\Snippets\1033\Test\ directory and edit the testmethod.snippet file.
I have never implemented this kind of "Expansion" myself, but Microsoft's Extending the Editor website is a really good source of info of how this can be achieved. This is where you should start lookin'.
If you install CodeRush Xpress then not only do you get some great free productivity and refactoring tools but there is also an open source community of plugins for CodeRush Xpress.
I found this plugin that does (almost) exactly what you want.
The caveat is that it is developed for NUnit and not MSTest so you will get a [Test] attribute instead of a [TestMethod] attribute. Since this is open source, it should be fairly easy to modify the code to your requirements.
The best method i would suggest is look into the Editor extensibility and work it out. Following steps is what you might need to do.
Map a key to your "underscorize" action.
Using the editor extensibility points, you can get access to the Selected text, process it.
And finally replace it.
One suggestion. Though the learning curve might be a bit high with having to go through MEF and stuff like that. But its worth it.
Another approach worth considering would be to use an external tool to remap the keyboard. For example, it should be straightforward to get AutoHotKey to react to the testm[Tab] sequence of keystrokes and switch into a mode where it maps spaces to underscores (or deletes each space as soon as it's typed and adds an underscore). Similarly, the Enter key could switch it out of that mode again.

Customize VisualStudio syntax highlighting even more

I am wondering if it is possible to set VisualStudio IDE so it highlights private/protected/public variables of the class differently as well as change formatting on locals (i.e. variables that are either passed in or declared inside a function, like this).
I did not find any such options in the normal Fonts and Colors menu of VS. Also a search on SO reveals that (at least as of 2 years ago) only add-ons provide such features. But is there a way to manually edit some file? Just because we don't get a nice UI to edit, doesn't mean underlying framework automatically doesn't support it. I mean add-ons have to plug into something to do their magic in the editor. Any insights into this issue?
EDIT: I have found the following information on MSDN Syntax Highlighting (Managed Package Framework). But the explanation/examples given are woefully inadequate. Does anyone know of a more extensive docs/tutorials/etc. for MPF?
I could be wrong (probably am) but I think plugins that do what you want replace the default highlighter in Visual Studio, so I don't think there is a file you can edit. As far as I know, you need a plugin. ReSharper might do this...I'm not sure though (I don't use it)
