I have a backend project using STS and TC Server
i can't deploy my project to the server i get 404 not found.
I have a java application with maven build. I have provided the k8 service name of the mysql in the application properties of the spring boot application. However, I get error as unknown host and the maven build fails. How do I overcome this?
Application properties:
When I build the application using mvn clean install, the build fails with error as java.net.UnknownHostException.
For the record, I am running the maven build in the master machine of the Kubernetes cluster. Should I run the java application only as a Kubernetes service? Is it possible to just run the java application without deploying in the Kubernetes cluster?
If you do
kubectl get service
You should be able to see the servicename. Pay attention to the port too.
I am not able to install Spring STS and Microservices plug-ins to my Eclipse Neon.3. I get the following error -
Deployment is in progress...
FAIL - Deployed application at context path /kipaniaSiteMarchand but context failed to start
The module has not been deployed.
See the server log for details.
at org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.deployment.devmodules.api.Deployment.deploy(Deployment.java:238)
at org.netbeans.modules.maven.j2ee.ExecutionChecker.performDeploy(ExecutionChecker.java:205)
at org.netbeans.modules.maven.j2ee.ExecutionChecker.executionResult(ExecutionChecker.java:123)
at org.netbeans.modules.maven.execute.MavenCommandLineExecutor.run(MavenCommandLineExecutor.java:235)
at org.netbeans.core.execution.RunClassThread.run(RunClassThread.java:153)
I have a Java Spring application, configured in Eclipse Mars and I am running Wildfly 9 from within Eclipse. I am using the wildfly-maven-plugin to deploy to server.
These are the steps I follow:
Start the server from Eclipse and do maven build which also deploys the application to server. I can see whole lot of logs on server of "successful deployment"and I can access my application in browser. It creates a folder under "/standalone/data/content" but no war or exploded WAR under "standalone/deployments"
If I change some code and save it in Eclipse, (I have checked Automatically publish check box and build on save), the server logs says:
Replaced deployment "myApp.war" with deployment "myApp.war"
Content removed from location "standalone\data\content..."
And I see the prev folder created during step 1 is removed and myApp.war is added to deployment folder. But now I can not access my application in browser.
That is in the section of standalone.xml.
I wanted to configure STS to deploy my application into remotely running tc server. When I try to add a new server from STS and select vmware vFabric tc server. I get error saying only local server is supported for this type.
Any one know how to setup a remote server on STS?
One option is to use this maven plugin that connects to a tomcat server:
With more specific instructions here for tomcat 6:
or replace 6 with 7 in the link for tomcat 7.
As far as I know, STS (eclipse) can only directly deploy to a local tomcat instance, but once you configure that plugin you can make a run configuration with the maven goal tomcat6:redeploy to easily deploy to your remote server.