Deploying into remote TC server from STS ( spring tool suite ) - spring

I wanted to configure STS to deploy my application into remotely running tc server. When I try to add a new server from STS and select vmware vFabric tc server. I get error saying only local server is supported for this type.
Any one know how to setup a remote server on STS?

One option is to use this maven plugin that connects to a tomcat server:
With more specific instructions here for tomcat 6:
or replace 6 with 7 in the link for tomcat 7.
As far as I know, STS (eclipse) can only directly deploy to a local tomcat instance, but once you configure that plugin you can make a run configuration with the maven goal tomcat6:redeploy to easily deploy to your remote server.


How to specify JDBC URL in spring boot application in case of the MySQL running as a Kubernetes Service?

I have a java application with maven build. I have provided the k8 service name of the mysql in the application properties of the spring boot application. However, I get error as unknown host and the maven build fails. How do I overcome this?
Application properties:
When I build the application using mvn clean install, the build fails with error as
For the record, I am running the maven build in the master machine of the Kubernetes cluster. Should I run the java application only as a Kubernetes service? Is it possible to just run the java application without deploying in the Kubernetes cluster?
If you do
kubectl get service
You should be able to see the servicename. Pay attention to the port too.

how to deploy with pivotal tc server of STS

I have a backend project using STS and TC Server
i can't deploy my project to the server i get 404 not found.

Deploy Spring MVS project on Ubuntu Server

I have an Ubuntu Server virtual machine on Amazon EC2. I want to deploy a Spring MVC project on it. As a result of my searching I found that this is possible but how? What steps should I go through?
Found a solution. I build a runnable jar file with maven and send it to my EC2 machine with scp. Then I just run the jar file and it works.

Weblogic Maven Plugin Deployment Issue

I'm using eclipse Kepler, Weblogic 10.3.5 and Maven 3.0.5 with the Weblogic-Maven-Plugin. When I deploy my application using eclipse Run As...Run On Server, this is what I get:
When I deploy this way, you see the application on the Weblogic Server and I'm able to reach my application through my localhost link.
When I use the Weblogic-Maven-Plugin, this is what I get:
You see the application has been placed under the adminServer and I get an error when I try to reach the application through my localhost link (Yes, I even ran the start-app command).
I have few questions:
Why is it that when I use the weblogic-maven-plugin, it deploys under the adminServer?
Is there a way to have the weblogic-maven-plugin deploy in a similar fashion as the Run As option in eclipse?
Why can I not reach the application with my localhost link after deploying with the plugin?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I face this problem some weeks ago but in another environment Jdeveloper 12c with Maven and OJMake and OJDeploy.
The deployment is the last step on your way to run our application on WLS(WebLogic Server)
How do i solve the issue?
I create an Maven Ear projet
I create also Maven War project
I add the war project in the ear project also dependency and later also web_module
My deploy(to WLS) Configuration is in the pom from Ear project.
I you use run as from Eclipse or Jdeveloper there is a complex mechanism which do the work for us. If we want maven to do the job for us, then we must tell him what to do. We must also know what type of archive file we suppose to send/deploy to WLS

Deploy to weblogic using maven and jenkins

We are using Jenkins in our project for build and deployment on dev environments. I have sucessfullly created a war file using maven in jenkins and now I have to create another job to deploy that war file into the weblogic server.
However, I am not aware of the required steps for configuring this job in jenkins. Will it be a matter of just invoking a maven deploy command? Can some one please tell me what will be the required steps to deploy a war file into weblogic 10.3.5 using jenkins?
edit : The approach we are following is after creating the war file we are cheking the war file created into svn and then the deploy job will take the war file from there and deploy it into the weblogic. Does some one thing there is a better way of doing thhings than this?
Use the Jenkins "Weblogic Deployer Plugin". This will do the deployment for you. All you need to do is specify:
Task Name: Give the deployment a name; Eg. Webapp WL Deployment
Environment: Specify the environment you are deploying to. Make sure you are using the AdminServer port number and not the Managed Server port number; default is 7001
Name: The name weblogic should use for your webapp to display the deployed component
Built resource to deploy: The file name of your webapp. You can use also use regular expressions for this
Targets: The name of the managed server you want to deploy the webapp to
Weblogic libraries: Whether or not the webapp should be deployed as a library component.
