I am not able to install Spring STS and Microservices plug-ins to my Eclipse Neon.3. I get the following error -
I am trying to add the Spring tool suite plugin in to Eclipse (4.4),but I am getting below errorenter image description here
I created a spring boot kotlin project on the spring boot generator page. When I install the project in Intellij none of the dependencies load and I see the error:
Failed to load script definitions by org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.core.script.GradleScriptDefinitionsContributor
I have gradle and kotlin installed.
we have a multi-modules gradle project. I have imported that project as gradle project in IntelliJ 2017 and Configure JBoss eap server. Server started but artefact doesn't deploy. Gradle task creating artefacts and I have added these to deployment.
In Spring-boot application we have to configure devtools which basically reload classes. Intellij sever configuration doesn't work with spring-boot unless devtool configured.
I have installed Spring MVC tools and when I create spring mvc project, I have few errors in my pom.xml. There are three errors:
You have some Jars that are not correctly downloaded on your local repository by Maven due to a connection issue, try to do mvn -U install or delete your local repository ${username_directory}/.m2 and do maven update.
Our Spring Tool Suite (STS) not downloading Maven Dependencies automatically after starting Spring Starter Project with Web Style.
We are using:
Spring Tool Suite
Version: 3.6.1.RELEASE
Build Id: 201408250818
Platform: Eclipse Luna (4.4)
Maven 3.2.3
This issue is only happening on a computer running Mavericks. Other computers running Mountain Lion seems to run fine.
We have already tried Update the Project, Refreshing, Rebooting, Re-opening STS, opening Preferences >> Maven >> Checking Download repository index updates on startup and Update Maven projects on Startup.
All without success. Anyone having the same issue? Thanks.