Cannot install Spring STS and Microservices Plugins on Eclipse Neon.3 - spring

I am not able to install Spring STS and Microservices plug-ins to my Eclipse Neon.3. I get the following error -


Unable to install sts in eclipse

I am trying to add the Spring tool suite plugin in to Eclipse (4.4),but I am getting below errorenter image description here

Intellij issue Failed to load script defintions by org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.core.script.GradleScriptDefintionsContributor

I created a spring boot kotlin project on the spring boot generator page. When I install the project in Intellij none of the dependencies load and I see the error:
Failed to load script definitions by org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.core.script.GradleScriptDefinitionsContributor
I have gradle and kotlin installed.

Intellij Idea not deploying artifacts in JBoss Eap 7.0.4 deployment

we have a multi-modules gradle project. I have imported that project as gradle project in IntelliJ 2017 and Configure JBoss eap server. Server started but artefact doesn't deploy. Gradle task creating artefacts and I have added these to deployment.
In Spring-boot application we have to configure devtools which basically reload classes. Intellij sever configuration doesn't work with spring-boot unless devtool configured.

Spring MVC + eclipse + STS

I have installed Spring MVC tools and when I create spring mvc project, I have few errors in my pom.xml. There are three errors:
You have some Jars that are not correctly downloaded on your local repository by Maven due to a connection issue, try to do mvn -U install or delete your local repository ${username_directory}/.m2 and do maven update.

Spring Tool Suite (STS) not downloading Maven Dependencies automatically after starting Spring Starter Project in Mavericks

Our Spring Tool Suite (STS) not downloading Maven Dependencies automatically after starting Spring Starter Project with Web Style.
We are using:
Spring Tool Suite
Version: 3.6.1.RELEASE
Build Id: 201408250818
Platform: Eclipse Luna (4.4)
Maven 3.2.3
This issue is only happening on a computer running Mavericks. Other computers running Mountain Lion seems to run fine.
We have already tried Update the Project, Refreshing, Rebooting, Re-opening STS, opening Preferences >> Maven >> Checking Download repository index updates on startup and Update Maven projects on Startup.
All without success. Anyone having the same issue? Thanks.
