Can I Check in/Check out files directly from my sharepoint site to TFS? How? - visual-studio

Is it possible to check in /check out files to Team foundation server from share point site without going through Visual studio? Is this Integration possible?

No, it's impossible. This can't be achieved for now. The ways how to add a file in source control, please refer Adding a file to version control from MSDN.


How to determine who is using/modifying file in VisualSVN?

Recently I have intalled VisualSVN and TortoiseSVN extensions in my Visual Studio 2015. I have successfully configured Repository and now it is working fine.
I have also configured svn:needs-lock property to my pages. Now, I need to know who is modifying or using the particular file and which is supposed to be committed.
The problem is that there may be multiple developers might be modifying multiple files and Now, I need a list of files which is exclusively checked out by developers. Just like a Pending Changes Explorer in Visual Studio for whole repository. So, where can I get a list of files which are being used same as Visual Source Safe Control?
If you need any information just ask me in comment I will add it.

Cannot find location of the TFS Default Template

I am looking for the DefaultTemplate.xaml. Is it part of Team Foundation server or part of Visual Studio?
On MSDN it states how i can edit the file etc but it doesn't tell me where to get it from.
Can anyone assist me please?
It is part of Team Foundation Server. You can find it in Source Control of your project in the BuildProcessTemplates folder:
You can check-in your changes there or (better) create a copy and change it. The Build server will also access this folder, so you can select your template when editing the Build definition.

Create a Sharepoint site populated with default settings for an existing team project in TFS 2012

Has Microsoft addressed the difficulty of creating a SP site after creating the Team Project in TFS 2012? I am aware of the methods outlined here, but I was hoping they had come up with something slicker in the new version. If not, does anybody know of a better method or tool than the one suggested in the previous link?
The TFS Power Tools has a command tfpt addprojectportal that will create the SharePoint site for you after the Team Project has already been created. You will need to know process template that was used to create the team project. You will be able to find all the options you need for the command by using the /? switch.

Project management with Visual Studio, without TFS?

Can I have some basic project management in Visual Studion without TFS or is TFS what I need?
Basically I like to get a list with my projects, last edited dates, and if possible project tags (customer for example), and when selecting one VS should load it. From the right repository (Mercurial/Git/Svn). I can move my project to some repo host if they have this solution (Addon).
At the moment I handle the projecs manually with Windows standard folders + SVN/Hg in folder context menu, and thats a headache.
Thank you
As far as I know Visual Studio doesn't support that functionality natively.
TFS isn't my forte but I know it comes with MSDN subscriptions and the retail version is around $500 if that is the path you are interested in. If you do go the TFS route you have an option to use TFS Basic during install which is a greatly simplified install of TFS that can even use SQL Express.
You can check out pricing and download the trial from here if you want more info:

How to set up source control in VS2010

I want to set up source control for my project, but it seems like I need a server for this. I've never done this before, and I couldn't find anything helpfull yet.
Is there any way to host a server locally so Visual studio can use it? Or do you know any online (free) servers I can use?
By the way, if source control is not actually what i should use for keeping track of changes in my files, please suggest a better option.
Thanks in advance.
There's a lot of solutions to this problem.
A simple way to go is use subversion.... get tortiseSVN, and you can make a local repository ( you don't need to run any kind of server software ).
Then get something like Ankh SVN for Visual Studio
All free software!
You need to pick a source control provider, such as Team Foundation Server, Perforce, or GIT.
You can then install a server on your machine, install a Visual Studio plugin (not applicable for TFS), and connect to the server.
If you have your VS2010 licence through a MSDN subscription, then you have a licence to TFS, see:
