Cannot find location of the TFS Default Template - visual-studio-2010

I am looking for the DefaultTemplate.xaml. Is it part of Team Foundation server or part of Visual Studio?
On MSDN it states how i can edit the file etc but it doesn't tell me where to get it from.
Can anyone assist me please?

It is part of Team Foundation Server. You can find it in Source Control of your project in the BuildProcessTemplates folder:
You can check-in your changes there or (better) create a copy and change it. The Build server will also access this folder, so you can select your template when editing the Build definition.


Can I Check in/Check out files directly from my sharepoint site to TFS? How?

Is it possible to check in /check out files to Team foundation server from share point site without going through Visual studio? Is this Integration possible?
No, it's impossible. This can't be achieved for now. The ways how to add a file in source control, please refer Adding a file to version control from MSDN.

My team members' Visual studio team foundation server cannot find files I checked in

We're using team foundation server as source control management tool. I checked in my projects and files . But when my team members get the latest version of code, what happened is they can find the files in file explorer but not in the visual studio solution explorer. This results in they have to add the files manually by clicking on adding existing items.
Anyone knows any possible root cause for this?
You checked in the files, but you also need to check in the updated solution (and/or) project files. Once they are checked in, have your teammates get the latest version of solution (and/or) project files.

Rename project folder in Visual studio and Team foundation server

My Visual Studio 2013 solution has a project "Test". I can rename it in solution explorer, but I also want to rename the project folder in disk and also reflect the change in Source Control(TFS). How can I easily do this?
Thank you
#CodeCaster, Thank you. Based on your advice, I have done some quick experiment, and worked it out. First step is rename the folder name in TFS; the new folder will appear in local workspace and all contents of the folder moved to this new folder. The old folder stays there with rest content which not belong to source control. You can delete it manually.
Using TFS Power Tools to rename from Explorer.
I followed those steps to preserve the version history of the files inside of TFS:
Rename/move project file (.csproj) in source control explorer in VS (alternatively, this also works from within VS Solution explorer, simply select "rename")
Rename/move project folder in source control explorer in VS
now the project should be unavailable in VS, solution also gets closed
remove project from VS
add project (new path) to VS
fix project references in other projects
adjust namespaces if desired
adjust assembly name and default namespace in project settings
Don't know of an easier way. Was searching for this myself, and this should be the way to go.
I think you can rename it from the TFS Database.
Try going into tbl_Project of the Tfs_DefaultCollection Database, which you can find on the SQL Server Instance used by tfs. You can know which one is that by going into the TFS Console, click on Application Tier, then find the details of the Server under the Data Tier Summary. Run an update query against the project you want to rename.. I haven't tested this but just assuming it should work (some educated guess)..
I am using TFS 2015 Express and rename project is grayed out.
You can still rename the project using the TFS Site for the project.
Here is a link that shows how to do it.
I was facing a similar issue while trying to rename a folder in Visual Studio 2015.This is what I tried.
Right click on the project file
Open with Notepad
This will generate your current solution file
Change the occurences of your prev file name. (Find and Replace with the desired name)
Save it and close
Change solution explorer name and rename the folder to your desired name.
This should work.

Getting Team Foundation to recognize new files added to source controlled directory

I am working on a PHP project, so I am not using Visual Studio, however the company I work at is mostly a .NET shop so we use Team Foundation Server for version control. I can use VS to manually add files to the TFS project but that is a bit cumbersome when I am adding a bunch of new files, I pretty much have to add the file right after I create it so I don't forget.
What I want to know is if there is a way to have TFS pick up a new file added to a directory that is under source control for a project. For instance if I added a few PHP files to the source controlled html directory I would like to be able to just go to check in pending changes in TFS and have the newly added files included in the list. Does anyone know if this is possible? Thanks much!
There's no way to have this happen automatically with TFS 2010 or below. I've seen a video that says they'll be adding this feature for the next release.
In the meantime, you can use Source Control Explorer, then right-click a folder in the left pane and choose "Add Items to Folder". Follow the dialog and you'll be able to add any of the items that haven't previously been added.

Visual Studio 2010 TFS Build Error

I'm setting up VS 2010 Team Foundation Server for a personal project. It is overkill for a single developer but It is a learning experience for me. I'm having a problem with the build configuration. I set up a controller and agent with the default settings. However, when I run a build I get the following error:
The project file 'C:\Builds...{Solution}.sln' was not found.
I find that the folder is created, but it is empty. Looking for a push in the right direction here. Thanks.
Open the Build Definition and make sure that the Workspace tab is filled in correctly. something like $/FolderWithMySolutionFile -> $(SourceDir) and that it's set to Active, not Cloaked
See also:
