How to set up source control in VS2010 - visual-studio-2010

I want to set up source control for my project, but it seems like I need a server for this. I've never done this before, and I couldn't find anything helpfull yet.
Is there any way to host a server locally so Visual studio can use it? Or do you know any online (free) servers I can use?
By the way, if source control is not actually what i should use for keeping track of changes in my files, please suggest a better option.
Thanks in advance.

There's a lot of solutions to this problem.
A simple way to go is use subversion.... get tortiseSVN, and you can make a local repository ( you don't need to run any kind of server software ).
Then get something like Ankh SVN for Visual Studio
All free software!

You need to pick a source control provider, such as Team Foundation Server, Perforce, or GIT.
You can then install a server on your machine, install a Visual Studio plugin (not applicable for TFS), and connect to the server.

If you have your VS2010 licence through a MSDN subscription, then you have a licence to TFS, see:


Syncing Visual Studio project

I have a Visual Studio project that I want to work on in two computers.
I'm looking for how to sync the project between the computers.
I have a few options, and I'm open to other suggestions:
OneDrive, which is integrated nicely in Windows 10.
Github, although I'm not sure if it is used for this purpose, and don't want my code to be public.
What has worked for you?
If you use Visual Studio, then Visual Studio Team Services is good for you.
For source control you can use TFVC or Git and it's free (for team up to 5 people) and repositories are private.
GitHub is a nice choice, not only to share between machines, but mainly as version control.
Also, if your version of Visual Studio supports it, you could use TFS - the versioning integrated to it.
OneDrive or Dropbox doesn't have version control - once your project grows, you will notice it is really needed.
For source control I would prefer tortoise svn (over git and bitbucket) - because it's easier to use.
For data replication / sync - google drive. Its similar to microsoft one drive, but bit faster.
Oh common - downvoters ! :-) I know you're absolutely love git, but unfortunately it's too over abstract, lacks of proper error handling, to difficult to use.
We can skype if you think otherwise, and I can prove it to you.

Sharing visual studio projects between computers

I have a laptop and a desktop computer that I wish to share visual studio projects between - what is the simplest way to do this?
The simplest way to do this at the moment is to use Microsoft's new and free TFS (Team Foundation Server) service "in the cloud".
First, sign up a TFS account here. You will have to choose a name, which will give you a URL like
Next, within Visual Studio you can add a TFS server, where you will be able to check-in and check-out your solutions and projects from any number of computers.
Do you want to share Visual Studio project (1) or do you want to put the project under version-control (2)?
For the first case you may consider online backup / storage service like Dropbox, Google Drive or SkyDrive. You will be able to access your project from different computers and could share it with others when needed. It's really the simplest way; no version-control though.
If you require version-control I advise you to choose Apache Subversion. TFS is like walking the hard and thorny path and is definitely NOT the simplest way.
So, you can install VisualSVN to add SVN as a source control to Visual Studio. Then you can "Add the solution to Subversion" with VisualSVN.
You can either host repositories on your LAN with VisualSVN Server (or any other SVN server) or use a hosted SVN service. Initial setup takes a couple of minutes max actually.
You can use a free SVN service. Here is one provided:-

How to work simultaneously with 2-3 users on the same project?

I have a team of 3 developers and I want that we should be able to work on the project from our own homes, at any time (or at the same time) and make changes to the project. Till now, we have to mail each other all the updates versions to keep in sync. We are developing the project in Visual Studio 2010 currently and use SQL Express 2008. I searched internet and got some idea about Team Foundation Server but it requires Windows Server. I don't want to get into this mess and I have a Win7 Pc. Please suggest me some easy solutions.
There are any number of low-cost (often free to open source projects) hosted source control providers out there.
Personally I use Subversion along with the AnkhSVN plugin for Visual Studio.
Mercurial and Git are also quite popular and supported within Visual Studio via plugins.
Any of those options can be setup in a few minutes (if you use a hosted solution) and will all work for a small team.
Version Control is what your looking for,and your right there are some complicated solutions out there. TortoiseSVN isn't too complicated but works well.

Setting up BitBucket and Mercurial for Use In a Group Environment

My company is currently implementing a versioning system using Mercurial and BitBucket. We currently have respositories set up on bitbucket and are able to use them, but our work processes for doing so are a bit clunky. We use Visual Studio for web programming in .Net. Currently, we have set up a cloned repository locally and work from there. We can do this using Visual Studio with VisualHg.
In order to edit files we open them in Visual Studio from the local repository and make our edits. We then commit our changes to Hg, which updates the repository as it should. Then we need to FTP the files from our local system to the DEV server for testing and then FTP again to the Production server once QA is completed and approved.
It would help streamline things if we could have the BitBucket repository synced with our DEV server so that all that was required is to commit changes for testing in DEV, bypassing the otherwise necessary step of locating and FTP'ing all relevant files.
Does anyone know if this is possible? If so, can you point me to any documentation that would show me how to set this up? Our developers would be eternally grateful. Thanks for your time.
In my opinion, using Mercurial is not the correct solution for this problem.
The main reason for it not being the correct solution is that the files that are in Mercurial are not the files that you want on the production server and so aren't the files that you want to use on your development server (because you want the QA environment to be as close to the production environment as possible). There are no assembly files stored in Mercurial (or there shouldn't be) and those are the files that the server should be using to run the application.
There are deployment tools built into Visual Studio that you can use for this task. They can be configured to upload all the necessary files with one button click.
Scott Hanselman has a post on his blog about this.
Troy Hunt takes it one step further by introducing a build server with this excellent set of posts. It uses Subversion as the repository but it can be done using Mercurial too.
I prefer the build server method as, once you have it set up correctly, it makes it 100% reliable. It will do the same thing every time you ask it to do the deployment. If you use Visual Studio to do it the developer doing the publish could choose different options and get it wrong.

Project management with Visual Studio, without TFS?

Can I have some basic project management in Visual Studion without TFS or is TFS what I need?
Basically I like to get a list with my projects, last edited dates, and if possible project tags (customer for example), and when selecting one VS should load it. From the right repository (Mercurial/Git/Svn). I can move my project to some repo host if they have this solution (Addon).
At the moment I handle the projecs manually with Windows standard folders + SVN/Hg in folder context menu, and thats a headache.
Thank you
As far as I know Visual Studio doesn't support that functionality natively.
TFS isn't my forte but I know it comes with MSDN subscriptions and the retail version is around $500 if that is the path you are interested in. If you do go the TFS route you have an option to use TFS Basic during install which is a greatly simplified install of TFS that can even use SQL Express.
You can check out pricing and download the trial from here if you want more info:
