Do we need xml file for doing Spring configuration using Annotation? - spring

I was reading about the ways of doing Spring configuration and came to know that there are three ways of doing the same viz:
1) Plain XML based.
2) Using annotation based.
3) Java Based Configuration.
I am comfortable with approach #1 viz. pure XML based.
Now, I tried to use the approach #2 viz. Using annotation based.
For example:
public class Circle {
private Point point;
public String toString() {
return "Circle [point=" + point + "]";
I expected Using Annotation there won't be any need of any xml file, but we still to have XML file for the following.
<context:component-scan base-package="com.example.point , com.example.shapes" />
So isn't using annotations approach we are providing information in parts, some by XML and some by Annotations?
I am not clear on this, can anyone help me in getting this doubt cleared?

XML is not required for Spring configuration. You can configure Spring with pure Java-based configuration (annotations).
For example, instead of using the XML you posted in your question you can create a class with #Configuration and #ComponentScan annotations:
#ComponentScan(basePackages = {"com.example.point", "com.example.shapes"})
public class MySpringConfig {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create Spring ApplicationContext from annotation config
ApplicationContext context =
new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(MySpringConfig.class);
// ...
See Java-based container configuration in the Spring Framework reference documentation.


Bean overriding in Spring context that uses both annotation and xml config

There is a spring project A which is completely annotation based.
I need to override some beans conditionally in project B which is a legacy application using Spring 4.1.3 and uses xml based config.
There is FooConfig which is configuring beans using #ComponentScan. This config is a third party code for me. i.e I do not have access for this
#ComponentScan(basePackages = {""})
public class FooConfig {
I have created a BarConfig at my end, which imports this FooConfig and overrides some beans based on a condition. This is achieved using #Conditional
public class BarConfig {
public HelloService getHelloService() {
return new HelloService() {
public String getGreeting(String name) {
return "Hola "+name;
And I have included BarConfig in my application-context.xml
<bean class=""/>
While this approach works flawlessly in Spring 5.1.2.RELEASE, it does not work in Spring 4.1.3.RELEASE
00:14:20.617 [main] INFO org.springframework.context.annotation.ConfigurationClassBeanDefinitionReader - Skipping bean definition for [BeanMethod:name=getHelloService,]: a definition for bean 'helloService' already exists. This top-level bean definition is considered as an override.
Also, I have observed the same issue in Spring 4 in a completely annotation based context as well. i.e. it is not because of xml and annotation config mix but due to the Spring versions used here
What changed in Spring 5?
Is there any rule of thumb while working with a Spring application that uses both xml and annotation config especially when it comes to overriding the beans?
Also FTR, these are the solutions that worked
1.Overriding the beans using BeanPostProcessor
2.Using profiles. But this wouldn't work for complicated conditions.
public class EnglishConfig {
public class SpanishConfig {
public HelloService getHelloService() {
return new HelloService() {
public String getGreeting(String name) {
return "Hola "+name;
The issue here is that you are trying to override a xml bean from a #Configuration class, now I'm not 100% sure, but in spring 4 a xml bean still had precedence in choosing a bean, so the #Configuration beans would not get permission to overwrite the xml bean. Which was resolved in spring 5.
Your approach to use BeanPostProcessor is i guess the only viable solution for this.
I'm thinking maybe you could use a different bean name, implement your own behaviour and use #Qualifier annotation to choose which bean will get selected?

Spring Boot - bean definition

I'm looking into using Spring Boot for a new application but I'm having trouble figuring out the best approach to create the application beans.
At a high-level, this would be a web application that can have one or more beans of the same type - each with different property values. If I need to add a new bean of the same type, I should only have to configure it. Typically, if I was using Spring MVC, I would just define each bean in application context and load in the property values via a context file. Spring Boot prefers to do away with xml config, but I'm not sure how to translate the bean definitions into a Spring Boot solution. How do I still take advantage of IoC using Spring Boot.
Actually this has nothing to do with Spring Boot. As you mentioned, it supports both Java and XML bean configurations.
You can easily create multiple beans out of the same class using Java configuration.
XML config like:
<bean id="first" class="" />
<bean id="second" class="" />
translates into:
class MyConfiguration {
MyClass first() {
return new MyClass();
MyClass second() {
return new MyClass();
with Maciej Walkowiak's answer, it is also recomended to write it like this:
class MyConfiguration {
MyClass first() {
return new MyClass();
MyClass second() {
return new MyClass();
then later when you autowire you can use:
private MyClass myClass;

Add Converter to Spring Boot

I've written an implementation of Converter. How do I register it so that BeanPropertyRowMapper will use it when called by jdbcTemplate?
I'm using Spring Boot without webmvc. So far I haven't used xml configuration, and would like to keep it that way. My application class is annotated with #SpringBootApplication
This is my converter class:
public class StringToDelegationScope implements Converter<String, DelegationScope>
public DelegationScope convert(String s)
return DelegationScope.valueOf(s.toUpperCase());
There is a solution from 2010 here but it involves extending BeanPropertyRowMapper. That shouldn't be necessary. This is made clear in the Spring Boot docs. However, I can't follow what they are actually after.

Convert Spring bean configuration into XML configuration

i am working on BIRT reporting tool. which is need to called by spring MVC.
i got one example from spring which is here. in this example, configuration is done via bean. can anyone help me convert this configuration in to xml based configuration ?
#ComponentScan({ "org.eclipse.birt.spring.core","org.eclipse.birt.spring.example" })
public class BirtWebConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry) {
public BirtView birtView() {
BirtView bv = new BirtView();
// bv.setReportFormatRequestParameter("ReportFormat");
// bv.setReportNameRequestParameter("ReportName");
return bv;
public BeanNameViewResolver beanNameResolver() {
BeanNameViewResolver br = new BeanNameViewResolver();
return br;
protected BirtEngineFactory engine() {
BirtEngineFactory factory = new BirtEngineFactory();
return factory;
I wants a similar configuration in xml file.
There's really no tool for extracting Spring annotations to Spring bean context xml file. You'll have to do it by hand, shouldn't be too hard as all the Spring annotations functionality can be duplicated into Spring context xml tags.
if you want to use spingmvc, so no need the configuration files.
my solution is that in Birt Script i call the impl java file like this :
sampleService = new;
pojo = new;
iterator = sampleService.getSamples().iterator();
because my SampleService is a interface and SampleServiceImpl is impl java, the two java file are not config as #Bean.
At first i want to get the data from ModelMap but failed, so i skip the controller and straight to call Service, then final call the DAO to get the Data from DB

Spring AOP: advice is not triggered

Trying to design simple aspect,that will print word "logg" to console,when any of public methods executed.
public class LoggingAspect {
#Pointcut("execution(public * *(..))")
public void publicServices() {
public void logg() {
xml config:
<context:component-scan base-package="aspectlogging" />
<bean id="loggingAspectHolder" class="aspectlogging.LoggingAspect"/>
simple bean:
package aspectlogging;
public class TestableBean {
private String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public class TestLogging {
public static void main(String[] args) {
TestableBean tb = new TestableBean();
I expect,that result of running of TestLogging will be "logg" word in console,and no output returned.
Do I understand AOP correctly in this case?
With #Around advice, you need to have a ProceedingJoinPoint pjp argument to the advising method and to call pjp.proceed() at the point in the advisor when you want the wrapped method to be called. It's easier to use #Before advice really, when what you've done will otherwise work just fine.
[EDIT]: Also, you must let Spring construct your beans for you instead of directly calling new. This is because the bean object is actually a proxy for your real object (which sits inside it). Because your target object doesn't implement an interface, you will need to have the cglib library on your classpath in addition to the Spring libraries. (Alternatively, you can go with using AspectJ fully, but that requires using a different compiler configuration.)
To create your beans, you first need to create a Spring context and then query that for the bean instance. This means you change from:
TestableBean tb = new TestableBean();
To (assuming you're using Spring 3, and that your XML config is in "config.xml" somewhere on your classpath):
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("config.xml");
TestableBean tb = context.getBean(TestableBean.class);
The rest of your code remains the same (after adjusting for import statements and possibly additional dependencies).
Not quite sure on this one, but maybe you need to use a spring managed TestableBean to have spring AOP pick up the method call.
edit: of course, you can't use #Around the way that you provided - but this subject has been addressed by another answer, so it's omitted here.
edit2: If you need help on how to get a spring managed bean, please feel free to ask. but since you already got your aspect bean set up, I believe you can handle this :)
edit3: Hehe. Ok.. maybe not :)
ClassPathXmlApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml");
will load your application context.
Load beans from there by calling:
TestableBean testableBean = (TestableBean )ctx.getBean("testableBean ");
Define the TestableBean just like you did with your Aspect bean.
edit4: Now I'm pretty sure that the fault is the non-spring managed bean.
Use the simplest thing that can work. Spring AOP is simpler than using full AspectJ as there is no requirement to introduce the AspectJ compiler / weaver into your development and build processes. If you only need to advise the execution of operations on Spring beans, then Spring AOP is the right choice. If you need to advise domain objects, or any other object not managed by the Spring container, then you will need to use AspectJ.
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