Add Converter to Spring Boot - spring

I've written an implementation of Converter. How do I register it so that BeanPropertyRowMapper will use it when called by jdbcTemplate?
I'm using Spring Boot without webmvc. So far I haven't used xml configuration, and would like to keep it that way. My application class is annotated with #SpringBootApplication
This is my converter class:
public class StringToDelegationScope implements Converter<String, DelegationScope>
public DelegationScope convert(String s)
return DelegationScope.valueOf(s.toUpperCase());
There is a solution from 2010 here but it involves extending BeanPropertyRowMapper. That shouldn't be necessary. This is made clear in the Spring Boot docs. However, I can't follow what they are actually after.


Spring Boot: scanning components into an injectable list or set

Spring Boot here. I have dozens and dozens of classes that are all subclass/implementations of the same interface:
public interface AnimalService {
void eat();
// etc.
public class DogService implements AnimalService {
public void eat() { return ... }
// etc.
// many many many of these
I have a #Service-annotated class (AnimalService) that needs to be injected with each one of these subclasses:
public class AnimalProcessingService {
private List<AnimalService> allAnimalServices; // DogService, SharkService, etc.
// the rest of the class definition is omitted intentionally
Now I could do this injection the hard way:
public class AnimalConfig {
private DogService dogService;
private SharkService sharkService;
// ...etc.
public List<AnimalService> allAnimalServices() {
return Arrays.asList(dogService, sharkService /*, ...etc. */);
But there's gotta be an easier way to do this, right?
How can inject this List<AnimalService> without having to manually create the list? Does this method allow you to filter out certain candidates (like if I just want a subset of the animal services)? Ideally something annotation-based (even if I have to define my own annotations) that works with Spring autowiring/DI/component scanning. Thanks for any and all help here!
Essentially you're looking for #ComponentScan, which is a Spring (not Boot) annotation. It allows you to define a list of packages for Spring to scan for #Components (or "sub-annotations" such as #Service), to automatically instantiate beans of those classes and add them to the Spring context. So you can consider it a more automated way of the more manual #Bean method declaration.
Since you're using Spring Boot, however, you might want to look into #SpringBootApplication which, when used, enables component scan automatically. All you have to do is making sure your #Component classes are defined in the same package as, or sub-packages of, the #SpringBootApplication-annotated class.
Once you've enabled component scanning, you can just inject a List<AnimalService> where you need it, like in a constructor, and do your processing (filtering?) there.

Error on injecting service: UnsatisfiedDependencyException: There was no object available for injection at SystemInjecteeImpl

I am trying to inject service in spring boot app. However I'm getting following error:
org.glassfish.hk2.api.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: There was no object available for injection at SystemInjecteeImpl(requiredType=RecommendationService,parent=RecommendationResourceImpl,qualifiers={},position=-1,optional=false,self=false,unqualified=null,1163111460)
Here is the code:
package com.example.test.recommendations.resources;
public class RecommendationResourceImpl implements RecommendationResource {
private RecommendationService recommendationService;
public List<Recommendation> get(String currency,
String entity) {
return recommendationService.getRecommendations(currency, entity));
Service interface
package com.example.test.recommendations.resources;
// imports
public interface RecommendationService {
List<Recommendation> getRecommendations(String currency, String entity);
Recommendation get(UUID uuid);
Service implementation
package com.example.test.recommendations.resources;
public class RecommendationServiceImpl implements RecommendationService{
public List<Recommendation> getRecommendations(String currency, String entity) {
return Collections.emptyList();
public Recommendation get(UUID uuid) {
return null;
What is correct way to inject services in spring boot applications?
I am using spring boot version 1.3.8 and Jersey version 2.25.1
From your stacktrace it is evident that the server cannot find the dependency bean to be injected.So initially check that the desired bean for the class is getting created during applciation start up.Verify that the service class is in the classpath for component scan to take place, otherwise include the package for scanning.
You are using the #Inject annotation instead of the spring #Autowired annotation to inject the beans.It will work fine but the first and most important difference between #Autowired and #Inject annotation is that the #Inject annotation is only available from Spring 3.0 onwards, so if you want to use annotation-driven dependency injection in Spring 2.5 then you have to use the #Autowired annotation.
Secondly, use the annotation #Service for the service layer rather than using the #Component annotation.
Indicates that an annotated class is a "Service", originally defined
by Domain-Driven Design (Evans, 2003) as "an operation offered as an
interface that stands alone in the model, with no encapsulated state."
May also indicate that a class is a "Business Service Facade" (in the
Core J2EE patterns sense), or something similar. This annotation is a
general-purpose stereotype and individual teams may narrow their
semantics and use as appropriate.
This annotation serves as a specialization of #Component, allowing for
implementation classes to be autodetected through classpath scanning.
public class RecommendationServiceImpl implements RecommendationService{
public List<Recommendation> getRecommendations(String currency, String entity) {
return Collections.emptyList();
public Recommendation get(UUID uuid) {
return null;
I am not an expert on using jersey with springboot , so i do not know if any configurations are causing this issue.
Maybe this thread might be of help to you more:
Dependency injection with Jersey 2.0
You probably never registered your Service with the DI-container. You can do that in your ResourceConfig, which you probably have since you are using jersey:
public class MyApplication extends ResourceConfig {
public MyApplication() {
register(new org.glassfish.hk2.utilities.binding.AbstractBinder() {
protected void configure() {
I am using hk2 without spring, so I usually annotate my interfaces with org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Contract and the implementations with org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Service. (note: not the spring #Service annotation), so I recommend trying that as well.

How to use in org.quartz.Job Class

I have created a spring boot application to implement Quartz scheduler. In Job class, I want to use some property from How to inject that?
I have tried below but getting null:
public class ScheduleJob implements org.quartz.Job {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(ScheduleJob.class);
public ScheduleJob() {
private String ijobsUrl;
public void execute(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException {"Job exceution starts--->");
Spring requires annotating the class with #Component for it to manage it (including loading any properties into the class). If you use "new" to create the object, then it is outside Spring's control and it won't inject the dependencies/values into it.
On side note, there is native support for Quartz if using Spring Boot:
Firstly, the ScheduleJob class should be annotated with #Component for spring to manage it. Secondly, if you want any property to be injected you could do it in a similar way to how you are injecting value of ijobsUrl.
put your required property in
private String myProperty

How to Inject custom method argument in Spring WebFlux using HandlerMethodArgumentResolver?

I want to create an custom method argument Resolver using Spring WebFlux. I am following link but its seem to be not working.
I am able to create the custom argument resolver using WebMvc.
import org.springframework.web.reactive.result.method.HandlerMethodArgumentResolver;
public class MyContextArgumentResolver implements HandlerMethodArgumentResolver {
public boolean supportsParameter(MethodParameter parameter) {
return MyCustomeObject.class.isAssignableFrom(parameter.getParameterType())
public Mono<Object> resolveArgument(MethodParameter parameter, BindingContext bindingContext,
ServerWebExchange exchange) {
return Mono.just(new MyCustomeObject())
Please note that i am using HandlerMethodArgumentResolver from .web.reactive. package.
My AutoConfiguration file look like
#ConditionalOnClass(EnableWebFlux.class) // checks that WebFlux is on the class-path
#ConditionalOnWebApplication(type = ConditionalOnWebApplication.Type.REACTIVE)//checks that the app is a reactive web-app
public class RandomWebFluxConfig implements WebFluxConfigurer {
public void configureArgumentResolvers(ArgumentResolverConfigurer configurer) {
MyContextArgumentResolver[] myContextArgumentResolverArray = {contextArgumentResolver()};
configurer.addCustomResolver(myContextArgumentResolverArray );
public MyContextArgumentResolver contextArgumentResolver() {
return new MyContextArgumentResolver ();
My spring.factories looks like
# Auto Configure
Please note that above configuration is part of the jar which is added in Spring WebFlux Boot project enabled using #EnableWebFlux .
It seems you're conflating two different problems here.
First, you should make sure that your method argument resolver works in a regular project.
For that, you need a #Configuration class that implements the relevant method in WebFluxConfigurer. Your code snippet is doing that but with two flaws:
Your configuration is using #EnableWebFlux, which is disabling the WebFlux auto-configuration in Spring Boot. You should remove that
it seems you're trying to cast a list of MethodArgumentResolver into a single instance and that's probably why things aren't working here. I believe your code snippet could be just:
Now the second part of this question is about setting this up as a Spring Boot auto-configuration. I guess that you'd like WebFlux applications to automatically get that custom argument resolvers if they depend on your library.
If you want to achieve that, you should first make sure to read up a bit about auto-configurations in the reference documentation. After that, you'll realize that your configuration class is not really an auto-configuration since it will be applied in all cases.
You should probably add a few conditions on that configuration like:
#ConditionalOnClass(EnableWebFlux.class) // checks that WebFlux is on the classpath
#ConditionalOnWebApplication(type = ConditionalOnWebApplication.Type.REACTIVE) // checks that the app is a reactive web app

Spring Boot, DI possible using interface, but not possible in Spring?

Spring docs says that currently interface DI is not possible. See here:
I've just started working with Spring boot and I made a simple webapp where I've used DI using interfaces. I can't find the reason on web. Why Spring Boot has this feature while Spring doesn't have!
Please help me in understanding the concept.
Dao Imple.
public class AbcDaoImpl implements AbcDaoInt{
JdbcTemplate jdbc;
public int selectABC(String user, String password){
// some db query
Dao Interface
public interface AbcDaoInt{
int selectABC(String user, String password);
public class adapter {
AbcDaoInt abcDao;
public Map<String, Object> abc(String user, String password) {
int abcId = abcDao.selectABC(user, pwd);
There is no difference between spring and spring-boot regarding DI.
It is possible to use an interface for a field and to inject an implementation into that field.
I do not understand what the linked page means by
Interface Injection - This is not implemented in Spring currently
it seems to b wrong our outdated.
what exactly are you gonna do with injecting an interface . isn't interfaces are supposed to be implemented by a java class so whenever you are injecting a interface that means some class implementing the interface should be injected.
this is how you should do it, you have to enable component scan on the package where these classes are present then enable annotaions in order to use annotations.
<context:component-scan base-package="" />
public interface singleInterface{
void someMethod();
class B implements singleInterface{
public void someMethod(){
System.out.println(“from b class”);
class A implements singleInterface{
public void someMethod(){
System.out.println(“from A class”);
singleInterface bInterface;
bInterface.someMethod();//print from b class.
singleInterface aInterface;
aInterface.someMethod();//print from a class.
this works on spring boot and on spring mvc you dont have to enable component scan in spring boot.
