How to embed image in RTE componet in CQ5 - image

I have a CQ5 component where the users can write some text with a richtext editor. It is also possible to paste Image script code into source editor available in RTE.
When I am pasting the source code as below
<div style="background:url(''); height:100;width:100;"></div>
into RTE, It's getting converted as shown below and it is not rendering the image.
<div style="background: url('data:image/png; base64,ivborw0kggoaaaansuheugaaaauaaaafcayaaacnbyblaaaaheleqvqi12p4//8/w38giaxdibke0dhxgljnbaao9txl0y4ohwaaaabjru5erkjggg=='); height: 100; width: 100;"> </div>
Has anybody a suggestion what can be the cause of this problem?

I believe the code that is formatting the HTML is in /libs/cq/ui/rte/core/HtmlSerializer.js and/or /libs/cq/ui/rte/core/HtmlProcessor.js so you may need to override that by copying that file to apps as /apps/cq/ui/rte/core/HtmlSerializer.js and/or /libs/cq/ui/rte/core/HtmlProcessor.js. This code is doing toLowerCase in several places, though I don't know specifically where it would be altering a style attribute value. But I suspect it is. One of those files has a comment that seems suspicious:
// IE < 9 will report uppercase style names; hence normalize to
So perhaps there is some code added to work around an IE bug that is messing up what you are wanting to do--essentially introducing a different bug while fixing an IE issue.


How to provide details/summary HTML element in TYPO3's CKEditor?

Unfortunately there's no details/summary element in the default CKEditor configuration of TYPO3 and I'm looking for a way to add it.
What I've been trying to do:
I searched and found a widget on , but it's repository on GitHub has been archived and the widget does not work as expected. It requires 'api,widget' and this generates a JavaScript error:
[CKEDITOR.resourceManager.load] Resource name "api" was not found at "/typo3/sysext/rte_ckeditor/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Contrib/plugins/api/plugin.js?t=K24B-4e13cc129f".
When removing this requirement for "api", there's an error regarding line 72
CKEDITOR.api.parser.add(item, el);.
Then I found a similar widget at GitHub , which looks like an older version of the former without requirement for "api".
It already looks quite good, but is still a bit buggy: the HTML structure is changed when saving and the summary is duplicated. When switching to the source code, the HTML structure specified in the template ...
<details><summary>Summary</summary><div class="details-content"></div></details>
… get's partially lost.
I'm not sure if the widgets are buggy or if the editor is limited by the integration into TYPO3 and I was also not able to combine the two in a way that would lead to a working solution.
Update (Jul 22):
I successfully modified the Creating a Simple CKEditor Widget (Part 1) example to create
a widget with the following HTML structure:
<div class="expander">
<p class="expander-title">Title</p>
<div class="expander-content"><p>Content...</p></div>
With the help of a small JavaScript snippet and some CSS it now behaves almost like a details-summary element, but is not quite as good in terms of SEO and accessibility.
If I replace the elements <div class="expander"> and <p class="expander-title"> with <details> and <summary> in the widget, it unfortunately doesn't work properly anymore and changes the structure when saving. For some reason the RTE treats them differently.
I have already manually added the following to the RTE configuration:
- details
- summary
- details
- summary

Deled special tgas inckeditor

I have this line in code into a longtext field in ckeditor:
<div style="width:100%"> <canvas id="canvas3"></canvas></div>
but when I save then delete and replace by:
<div style="width:100%"> </div>
so delete all: I use to show graphics. Any idea to solved it?
You need to add config.extraAllowedContent = 'canvas[*]{*}(*)'; inside your config.js. Basically none of existing plugins has reported canvas element to Advanced Content Filter (ACF) thus they get removed. This filter lets you decide what tags, attributes, styles and classes can be used inside the editor.
Once you add this, please simply switch to source mode. If canvas are there it means CKEditor is fixed and it no longer removes that tag. If the tag, despite being in editor, still isn't saved in your data base, please check your server-side code for potential HTML filters.
If you wish learn more about ACF, please see:

CKEDITOR force VSPACE and HSPACE on images

I'm working on an email editor using the last ckeditor version.
To provide compatibility with outlook, I need to force HSPACE and VSPACE on images.
I found some workarounds that have been working on previous ckeditor version.
Now CKEDITOR output is:
<p><img alt="" src="/userfiles/images/river.jpg" style="float:left; height:900px; margin:10px; width:1600px" /></p>
I need something like:
<p><img alt="" src="/userfiles/images/river.jpg" align="left" vspace="10" hspace="10" /></p>
Any idea how to achieve that on the last ckeditor version?
Thank you in advance
My method would be simpler than modifying ckeditor. I would attempt to do something like the following. Disclaimer, the regex here probably doesn't work as written. Regex is not my strength and it takes a lot of research and time for me to get it right. And depending on the various possibilities for your output, you might have to loop through multiple images if each has different needs. But as an idea.... I am replacing the whole style statement with the vspace and hspace settings. Note, editor is the name of your instance of the editor
window.onbeforeunload = function (e) {
data = CKEDITOR.instances.editor.getData();
data = data.replace(/<style=(.*)>/g, 'align="left" vspace="10" hspace="10"');

JQTransform and reCAPTCHA not playing nice

The Problem:
I am working on a site where I wanted to use JQTransform to quickly get a good looking form for a contact page. Also, to avoid the customer getting junk, I decided to add reCAPTCHA. I ran into the issue of JQTransform styles for the textbox causing the elements in the reCAPTCHA to be displaced.
It seemed like the type of problem that would have a simple fix but I struggled with it for a while.
I tried the solution at:
JQTransform - Exclude an element from styling?
This did not solve the issue, nor did a few other answers to the "How do you make JQTransform stop JQTransforming an element?" question.
What has produced usable results is adding:
<script type="text/javascript">
var RecaptchaOptions = {
theme: 'clean'
This changes the reCAPTCHA to a format that looks better in the form anyway. But it leaves 2 textbox styles. One that is your normal default textbox and another underneath that is the JQTransform rounded corner, light blue on hover/focus textbox.
Then I added:
$(function () {
$( "#recaptcha_response_field" ).attr('style', 'border: 0px; padding: 5px; solid #3c3c3c; width: 302px;');
and this alters the style that reCAPTCHA has for the textbox. Now the textbox looks like the other inputs of the form. I am pretty happy with the result.
(I know you're now asking: "Then why are you here?")
The Question:
Is there a way to have JQTransform ignore any input,checkbox,etc that is in the <form></form> by wrapping those in a div?
If I want to use JQTransform with some other plug-in in the future I would like to be able to just drop it in to a div like:
<div class="donot-jqtransform">
echo printCaptchaPlugin();
<div class="donot-jqtransform">
<%= PrintPasswordValidationPlugin() >
That way I don't have to worry about what the code brings into the form and it will work and look as intended. That's the idea of having the abstraction in the first place, right? So if I want to switch out reCAPTCHA with another option, all I do is replace code in the printCaptchaPlugin() function and all should be bacon(good) for any form that uses it.
well i've made a new library - csTransPie – basing it on jqtransform – jqtransform is a great library but it really has many problems
I'm creating regular input fields (css styled) and you won't have those problems
It’s a work in progress but even now it’s better than jqtransform (more than half of the css rewritten, many bugs solved, clean css…)
now you can use it per element with just one class!
all suggestions are welcome!
Sorry if it's bad form to pile in on an old answered question, but I found this as I had the same problem.
I didn't want to add another library to my project, so I amended the jqtransform.js to include this line in the TextArea handler (line 221-ish)
if (textarea.parents().hasClass('jqTransformIgnore')) { return; }
I then just had to add the jqtransformIgnore class to the recaptcha div...
<div class="g-recaptcha jqTransformIgnore" data-sitekey="blahblahblah"></div>
... and that did the trick!

dompdf font family issue

I'm using Bamboo invoice as an invoice generator, and I'm trying to customize the invoice template, but no matter what I do, the font just won't seem to adjust.
currently I have
body {
margin: 0.5in;
font-family: 'helvetica';
font-size: 10pt;}
I've read up on it, and helvetica is an installed font, so it should work
to make sure I changed it to 'courier'; which is also in the lib/fonts directory, but the font remains the same.
Any help?
Kinda late, but still applicable for google visitors
I had a similar problem with DomPDF, but since BambooInvoice uses it... Anyway DomPDF has trouble with the font-family definition in the CSS. I applied inline style to the top div box to solve the problem.
<div id="container" style="font-family:sans-serif;">
I solved my problem by removing a font: inherit that was applied as a 'css-reset' to almost all elements as a first declariation. Apparently this is not overridden by later declarations, and/or inherit doesn't work properly.
I had similar problem with DomPDF 6b3 when trying to use font-family or font-size. Finally discovered that using font instead of those seems to be working.
Remove the quotes around helvetica.
