How to provide details/summary HTML element in TYPO3's CKEditor? - ckeditor

Unfortunately there's no details/summary element in the default CKEditor configuration of TYPO3 and I'm looking for a way to add it.
What I've been trying to do:
I searched and found a widget on , but it's repository on GitHub has been archived and the widget does not work as expected. It requires 'api,widget' and this generates a JavaScript error:
[CKEDITOR.resourceManager.load] Resource name "api" was not found at "/typo3/sysext/rte_ckeditor/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Contrib/plugins/api/plugin.js?t=K24B-4e13cc129f".
When removing this requirement for "api", there's an error regarding line 72
CKEDITOR.api.parser.add(item, el);.
Then I found a similar widget at GitHub , which looks like an older version of the former without requirement for "api".
It already looks quite good, but is still a bit buggy: the HTML structure is changed when saving and the summary is duplicated. When switching to the source code, the HTML structure specified in the template ...
<details><summary>Summary</summary><div class="details-content"></div></details>
… get's partially lost.
I'm not sure if the widgets are buggy or if the editor is limited by the integration into TYPO3 and I was also not able to combine the two in a way that would lead to a working solution.
Update (Jul 22):
I successfully modified the Creating a Simple CKEditor Widget (Part 1) example to create
a widget with the following HTML structure:
<div class="expander">
<p class="expander-title">Title</p>
<div class="expander-content"><p>Content...</p></div>
With the help of a small JavaScript snippet and some CSS it now behaves almost like a details-summary element, but is not quite as good in terms of SEO and accessibility.
If I replace the elements <div class="expander"> and <p class="expander-title"> with <details> and <summary> in the widget, it unfortunately doesn't work properly anymore and changes the structure when saving. For some reason the RTE treats them differently.
I have already manually added the following to the RTE configuration:
- details
- summary
- details
- summary


Xpath, div with multiple classes

I feel really stupid: I just read this question How to get html elements with multiple css classes and the answer was very clear and straightforward but when I try to apply it on this HTML
<div class="header group">
I am completely unable to make it work.
Here are some of the variations I have tried
//*[contains (#class, ’header’) and contains (#class, ‘group’)]
//div[contains (#class, ’header’) and contains (#class, ‘group’)]
//div[contains (#class, ’header’)]
What am I missing here? Should be straightforward, shouldn't it?
Testing in Chrome Canary.
The invalid typographical apostrophes above happened when I copy-pasted into this form. I was using ' in the actual console.
I was playing around on an archived version of the page at the Wayback Machine (WM) and nothing worked. However, when trying on the live version, everything worked as expected (the problem with the live version was that the final element I was "aiming" at currently is missing but will return later on, therefore I used WM). Any ideas why // seems broken on WM? Even if WM adds a few levels of divs, // should be transparent about that, shouldn't it?
Just use this xpath.
//div[#class='header group']
you should use something like this
<xpath expr="//div[hasclass('header') and hasclass('group')]" position="replace">

How to embed image in RTE componet in CQ5

I have a CQ5 component where the users can write some text with a richtext editor. It is also possible to paste Image script code into source editor available in RTE.
When I am pasting the source code as below
<div style="background:url(''); height:100;width:100;"></div>
into RTE, It's getting converted as shown below and it is not rendering the image.
<div style="background: url('data:image/png; base64,ivborw0kggoaaaansuheugaaaauaaaafcayaaacnbyblaaaaheleqvqi12p4//8/w38giaxdibke0dhxgljnbaao9txl0y4ohwaaaabjru5erkjggg=='); height: 100; width: 100;"> </div>
Has anybody a suggestion what can be the cause of this problem?
I believe the code that is formatting the HTML is in /libs/cq/ui/rte/core/HtmlSerializer.js and/or /libs/cq/ui/rte/core/HtmlProcessor.js so you may need to override that by copying that file to apps as /apps/cq/ui/rte/core/HtmlSerializer.js and/or /libs/cq/ui/rte/core/HtmlProcessor.js. This code is doing toLowerCase in several places, though I don't know specifically where it would be altering a style attribute value. But I suspect it is. One of those files has a comment that seems suspicious:
// IE < 9 will report uppercase style names; hence normalize to
So perhaps there is some code added to work around an IE bug that is messing up what you are wanting to do--essentially introducing a different bug while fixing an IE issue.

Dynamic display in Grails

I have this problem I'm facing. I have been working on a project using Grails based on the advice from a friend. I'm still a novice in using Grails, so any down to earth explanation would be highly welcomed.
My project is a web application which scans broken or dead links and displays them on a screen. The main application is written in Java, and it displays the output (good links, bad links, pages scanned) continuously on the system console as the scan goes on. I've finished implementing my UI, controllers, views, database using Grails. Now, I will like to display actively in a section of my GSP page say forager.gsp the current link being scanned, the current number of bad links found and the current page being scanned.
The attempts I have tried in implementing this active display include storing the output my application displays on the console in a table in my database. This table has a single row which is constantly updated as the current paged scanned changes, number of good links found changes and number of bad links found changes. As this particular table is being updated constantly, I've written an action in my controller which reads this single line and renders the result to my UI. The problem I'm now facing is that I need a way of constantly updating the result being displayed after an interval of time in my UI. I want the final output to look like
scanning: This page, Bad links: 8, good links: 200
So basically here is my controller action which reads the table from the database
import groovy.sql.Sql
class PHPController {
def index() {}
def dataSource
def ajax = {
def sql = new Sql(dataSource)
def errors = sql.rows("SELECT *from links")
render (view: 'index', template:'test', model:[errors:errors])
Here is the template I render test.gsp
<table border="0">
<g:each in="${ errors }" var="error">
<tr><td>${ error.address }</td><td>${ error.error}</td><td>${ error.pageLink}</td></tr>
For now I'm working with a test UI, which means this is not my UI but one I use for testing purposes, say index.gsp
<div><p>Pleaseeee, update only the ones below</p></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function ClickMe(){
alert("Function works");
<div id="dont't touch">
<g:formRemote url="[controller:'PHP', action:'ajax']" update="ajaxDiv"
asynchronous="true" name="Form" onComplete="ClickMe()" after="ClickMe()">
<input id="auto" type="button" value="Click" />
<div id="ajaxDiv">
<g:render template="/PHP/test"/>
The div I'm trying to update is "ajaxDiv". Anyone trying to answer this question can just assume that I dont have an index.gsp and can propose a solution from scratch. This is the first time I'm using Grails in my life so far, and also the first time I'm ever dealing with ajax in any form. The aim is to dynamically fetch data from my database and display the result. Or if someone knows how to directly mirror output from the system console unto the UI, that will also be great.
It sounds like a form would be appropriate for your needs. Check out the Grails documentation on forms. You should be able to render a form with the values you would like without too much trouble. Be sure to pay attention to your mapping and let me know if you have any questions after you have set index.gsp up to render a form for your values.

How to programmatically add script or stylesheet on a per page basis in Docpad

How can I programmatically add script or stylesheet tag to a page specified in page's YAML front matter (meta)?
Assuming there is src/documents/posts/ with following contents:
layout: default
scripts: ['a.js']
Blog post that requires a special javascript
and layout src/layouts/ with following contents:
The final result for posts/a.html should be:
<!-- some extra stuff that was added when processing script tag -->
<script scr="/scripts/a.js"></script>
..while other pages shouldn't have a reference to /scripts/a.js
The comment above tag is just to show that there may be some processing envolved before injecting the tag.
I tried many approaches using different events in file (including approach taken from docpad-plugin-livereload plugin) but every time I was facing the same problem - script tag was applied to all pages instead of being applied to a.html only. Here is one of my tries:
renderDocument: (opts) ->
{extension,templateData,file,content} = opts
if extension == 'html' and scripts = file.get('scripts')
if typeof scripts != 'undefined'
scripts.forEach (scriptName) ->
#docpad.getBlock('scripts').add('<!-- custom script tag here -->')
I've also tried render event, populateCollections (which is not documented however I found it in docpad-plugin-livereload plugin) and even extendTemplateData events and no luck so far.
I know there is a method of doing this right inside a layout:
#getBlock('scripts').add(#document.scripts or [])
..which is totally fine and it really works as expected however it doesn't seem to provide enough freedom for me to manipulate the content before it's injected to a page.. And even if it's possible I won't like the idea of having some heavy logic inside layout template, I want it to be in a plugin/
Hopefully that makes sense
Try templateData.getBlock('scripts').add instead of docpad.getBlock('scripts').add

Blogger template: Style blog post based on label

I'm trying to change the style of a blog post (for instance change the title color), based on the labels associated to the post.
I'm a bit new to the templating, so I though I would be going to add a class with the label in the title <h3> element, and then add my CSS rules.
So I found this which would generate a proper list of labels separated by a space:
<b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'><> </b:loop>
However, it seems the validator does not let me add this inside the class attribute as follow:
<h3 class='post-title entry-title <b:loop values="data:post.labels" var="label"><> </b:loop>'>
From there, I found half the solution. Apparently, I should use expr:class instead of class as follow:
<h3 expr:class='"post-title entry-title " + data:list_of_labels'>
So now:
- How can I build this variable data:list_of_labels? (basically how to set a variable)
- Is there a full description of the template syntax somewhere?
- Is there another way to go around this?
This should do it. Using XML entities allows you bypass the XML validation and move the Blogger functions to where you need them. Longer explanation here:
<div class="post<b:if cond="data:post.labels"><b:loop values="data:post.labels" var="label"> <></></b:loop></b:if>">
There is no way to set variables in the blogger data xml, however you can set variables using javascript.
There are many pages on the blogger data xml. Google is your friend. For example this one.
You are on the right track: do a loop, use javascript to check for the combinations you want, change the style properties or load a css file dynamically.
