JQTransform and reCAPTCHA not playing nice - recaptcha

The Problem:
I am working on a site where I wanted to use JQTransform to quickly get a good looking form for a contact page. Also, to avoid the customer getting junk, I decided to add reCAPTCHA. I ran into the issue of JQTransform styles for the textbox causing the elements in the reCAPTCHA to be displaced.
It seemed like the type of problem that would have a simple fix but I struggled with it for a while.
I tried the solution at:
JQTransform - Exclude an element from styling?
This did not solve the issue, nor did a few other answers to the "How do you make JQTransform stop JQTransforming an element?" question.
What has produced usable results is adding:
<script type="text/javascript">
var RecaptchaOptions = {
theme: 'clean'
This changes the reCAPTCHA to a format that looks better in the form anyway. But it leaves 2 textbox styles. One that is your normal default textbox and another underneath that is the JQTransform rounded corner, light blue on hover/focus textbox.
Then I added:
$(function () {
$( "#recaptcha_response_field" ).attr('style', 'border: 0px; padding: 5px; solid #3c3c3c; width: 302px;');
and this alters the style that reCAPTCHA has for the textbox. Now the textbox looks like the other inputs of the form. I am pretty happy with the result.
(I know you're now asking: "Then why are you here?")
The Question:
Is there a way to have JQTransform ignore any input,checkbox,etc that is in the <form></form> by wrapping those in a div?
If I want to use JQTransform with some other plug-in in the future I would like to be able to just drop it in to a div like:
<div class="donot-jqtransform">
echo printCaptchaPlugin();
<div class="donot-jqtransform">
<%= PrintPasswordValidationPlugin() >
That way I don't have to worry about what the code brings into the form and it will work and look as intended. That's the idea of having the abstraction in the first place, right? So if I want to switch out reCAPTCHA with another option, all I do is replace code in the printCaptchaPlugin() function and all should be bacon(good) for any form that uses it.

well i've made a new library - csTransPie – basing it on jqtransform – jqtransform is a great library but it really has many problems
I'm creating regular input fields (css styled) and you won't have those problems
It’s a work in progress but even now it’s better than jqtransform (more than half of the css rewritten, many bugs solved, clean css…)
now you can use it per element with just one class!
all suggestions are welcome!

Sorry if it's bad form to pile in on an old answered question, but I found this as I had the same problem.
I didn't want to add another library to my project, so I amended the jqtransform.js to include this line in the TextArea handler (line 221-ish)
if (textarea.parents().hasClass('jqTransformIgnore')) { return; }
I then just had to add the jqtransformIgnore class to the recaptcha div...
<div class="g-recaptcha jqTransformIgnore" data-sitekey="blahblahblah"></div>
... and that did the trick!


Make entire div clickable

I am trying to get the whole div clickable and this works but only with a straight link to another site. Is there a way to make it work with this text in it also:
<div class='reddit' title='Share Us On Reddit' onclick="window.open('http://www.reddit.com/submit?url=httpsFwww.example.com&title=XXX is Cape Breton's Homepage. Start Your Web Search With Beautiful Cape Breton Island')">
From CSS Tricks
This probably isn't a thing you need to rely on JavaScript for
anymore. Since HTML5, this is perfectly valid:
<a href="http://example.com">
And remember you can make links display: block; so sometimes you
don't even need the div.
<div style="cursor:pointer" onclick="document.location='evenidontknow-page.html'">
<h2>Full Div Clickable</h2>
The above code helped me very well, and this will not require any extra code.
Using a tag may solve the problem but we need to add extra code to it.
please check this link for more info w3schools
Bootstrap has a feature called "Stretched Link". From the documentation:
Make any HTML element or Bootstrap component clickable by “stretching” a nested link via CSS.
You can read more by visiting the following link:

Input text inside a link tag in IE8

Is there a way to make input text inside a link tag works well in IE8? I cannot place the caret inside nor select the text within it.
<input type="text">
I think the reason why I'm trying to do this is not important here, just consider I have no choice of make it work under an <a> tag. I only have control over what's inside the <a> tag.
As a solution, I was thinking about some JQuery DOM manipulation when in IE8 mode but there must be a easier/cleaner way of fixing this "bug".
I think this is due to the input and link tag display properties, while an input is display:inline-block; your link is display:inline;. Try to play with these properties and z-index if it's not working.
Hovever, i think jQuery solution is better, and simpler, except if this is your only usage of jQuery on your page.
<input type="text" />
jQuery script
// .trigger('focus') or .focus(), but the first one is better on my own
Have a nice day.

watir-webdriver click on image

I have an image with the following HTML code:
<div unselectable="on" class="x-grid-cell-inner x-unselectable" style="; text-align: right;" id="ext-gen1453">
<img alt=""src="" class="x-action-col-icon x-action-col-0 folder-action-add folder-action" data-qtip="Add New Music File" id="ext-gen1300">
When I click on the image it should open a pop up so that I can add new music file, I tried a few things but I am not able to click on that image. Any suggestions?
Thanks a lot
You can click on it by the class or a partial match of the class.
#browser.image(:class=>/folder-action-add folder-action/).click
Here is a list of the identifiers you can use for watir, I think it's mostly the same for watir-webdriver.
So far, you haven't got a consistent way of actually identifying the element. From what you've said in the comments, you've tried the 'text' attribute which doesn't exist, and the 'id' attribute which is auto generated and different every time.
You need to find a way of consistently identifying the element. It's usually preferable to use a semantic class on the element to make styling and testing easier and less brittle. You have a few classes declared, perhaps 'folder-action-add' expresses the intent of the button clearly? If not, you could add one such as 'add-music-file'.
Then you should be able to use watir to select an element by it's class, I'm not familiar with the syntax but at a guess, #browser.image(:class => 'add-music-file') might do the job.

Masks not working in Gecko

I am trying to mask an element that has some images inside of it, using only css.
i have done this and it works fine in webkit using -webkit-mask-box-image and its doing just what i want, but im having trouble using other browsers.
gecko is supposed to work using mask, and that tag does show up in firebug, but it doesnt actually use the mask.. i've also tried converting the png im using to base64 data uri, but to no avail.
example: http://jsfiddle.net/nNLta/
does anyone know the correct way for doing this?
<div id='wrap'>
<div class='masked flashing-anim'>
<div class='the-mask' >
<li class='blink_1'></li>
<li class='blink_2'></li>
<div class='the-outline'>
<img src='img/real-stuff.png' height=500 />
#wrap {
position: relative;
.the-outline, the-mask {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
.the-mask {
height: 500px;
width: 360px;
-webkit-mask-box-image: url(../img/the-mask.png);
-moz-mask-box-image: url(../img/the-mask.png);
-o-mask-box-image: url(../img/the-mask.png);
mask-box-image: url(../img/the-mask.png);
mask: url(data:lotsofchars);
example: http://jsfiddle.net/nNLta/
Part 1
mask is not the same as mask-box-image unfortunately. If you read the (rather sparse) docs you will see it is applicable to SVG only. More on this later.
Currently Gecko doesn't support 'mask-box-image' - if you search the MDN you'll see it applies to -webkit- only.
Additionally I don't think this is actually spec. Webkit has had this capability/concept for ages (in various forms like -webkit-box-reflect) and I think that it's just a hangover from those days. I'm not sure whether this will even be adopted by all browser vendors (although I hope, and it makes sense that, it will).
Part 2
To use the svg dependant mask: css property you need to create an SVG element and reference that. Here is a guide. I've not used this technique before so I'm afraid that's all the detail I'm going to go into right now.
An alternate option
If you don't need a clever repeating/growing mask why not create a large png and overlay the text/image you wish to hide. I'm not sure I understand what you are ultimately trying to do but this seems pretty simple to me. The obvious issue is when you need the stuff behind the mask to be selectable/interactable (err..interactive that is...); for instance when you wish to apply masking to text or links. A way around this is to use pointer-events:none which is supported in Gecko and Webkit (but nothing else...). Here's more from the MDN
Sorry I don't have better news - if none of the above is helpful please feel free to leave a comment with your specific requirement and we'll see if we can't work around the browser limitations.
Hope this is helpful!

Open a hidden div in a lightbox with Mootools in Joomla 1.5

I am using Joomla 1.5.22 with Mootools 1.1. I have a module with a form contained in a hidden div that I want to open in Joomla's built in modal box. The problem I have is that when I click the link the form opens in the modal box, but it also opens the div in the module on the page.
<div id="moduleBox">
<div id="clickMeButton"><a id="formClick" class="modal" href="#hiddenForm">Click me</a></div>
<div id="hiddenForm">
form code goes here
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
$('formClick').addEvent('click', function(){
So how do I get the form to only show up in the modal box?
You can see what I am talking about here - http://www.internextion.com/
It's the Call Back Module. I already added the handler: 'adopt' as suggested below, now the result is a little different. The target div still shows up below the link, but now the modal window contains the link rather than the target.
I think this uses Harald's SqueezeBox - in which case, you are looking at the following scenarios:
find the target div and CLONE it to insert into the modal box.
find the target div and ADOPT it into the modal box.
you are seeing the first (default) case. to achieve the second effect, add:
handler: 'adopt'
to the instantiation options. more here: http://digitarald.de/project/squeezebox/1-1/showcase/get-elements/
Option 1:
If you look at the html code (in firebug) for the overlay div you will see that it makes a "copy" of html and places inside the overlay container with id="sbox-content". In theory if you add a CSS like below +/-, it will hide the link and display everything else. This might be the simplest and easiest solution.
div#sbox-content > a#formClick{
display: none;
Option 2:
If option 1 does not work for some reason, you can try playing with CSS and hide the link when the Modal box opens and then making it visible when it closes.
Modify the JS to add a class instead of modifying the style.
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
$('formClick').addEvent('click', function(){
Load additional CSS that will make the link invisible
div#clickMeButton.hidden {
display: none;
Then you will have to overload closing event and make the link visible...
Ok, so I finally got it to work with a combination of the other answers given. First, I removed the javascript click event to make the form appear, that solved the issue of the form showing up below the link. Next, I added new CSS for the hiddenForm ID within the modal box and set that to display:block. It appears that the default handler behavior (in Joomla at least) is to adopt the content since I have removed the handler: 'adopt' and it is still adopting the content.
I knew it was something simple, thanks for the help!
BTW - the link is still live, you can see the correct behavior on the demo site. Now all I need to do is add some fancy AJAX form submission and it will be ready for prime time.
