How to compile YARP with Xcode? - xcode

I've installed YARP from the source on my Macbook running El Capitan, and successfully configured it using the terminal as described here. However, I cannot seem to compile it with Xcode. When I run ccmake .. -G Xcode the same configuration window as with the terminal alternative pops up instead of creating a XCode project YARP.xcodeproj:
I didn't install Xcode from scratch because I've already had Xcode 7.3.1 available.
What could I be doing wrong? How can I fix this?
Thanks in advance.


Failed to initiate service connection to simulator xcode 11.4.1 and 11.3 and 11.4-beta

When I build and run any project on Xcode, I face this error:
On the other hand, when I using command-line and install and launch the app by commands, I can see logs and everything is ok.
I did see other similar questions and I did try solutions like the clean project, build and reset and restart simulator and reinstall various versions of Xcode, but didn't fix.
My OS:
Mac Os Catalina 10.15.4
I removed some additional kexts from EFI partition, this problem solved!.
Thanks to Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia

Xcode 5.1 crashing after installing Xcode6-beta version

The application "Xcode5.1.1" can't be opened.
I use x-code 5.1 to build iOS apps, now when i installed x-code6 beta version to implement app with swift language then xcode 5.1 is not working. It is giving me such error-
I use to resolve problem with Xcode 4.6.3 crashing after installing xcode 6 beta but not found this useful for my case.
I have tried to restart machine but it is giving same error. I googled for it but not got useful stuff. Any help would be appreciated.
Try to select different "Command line tools" in the bottom of Xcode -> Preferences -> Locations.
You can do it in your working Xcode 6.
After trying more I found it useful
Restart your machine then it can work, if not like my case then try below command in your Terminal
sudo mv /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework{,-saved}
then again restart your machine then it will ask for installing few components of Xcode so allow it, then your Xcode 5.1.1 will work fine.

QtCreator Xcode 5 file not found issue

I previously had qtcreator 5.1 working with Xcode 4. I now have upgraded to Xcode 5 and I am not abble to compile my previous prject with qtcreator.
When I run, I have the following error :
:-1: error : /Applications/Xcode: No such file or directory
Here are the things I have tried
Check that Xcode was indeed installed in /Applications/Xcode
I have reinstalled the developper tools with Xcode 5 but it did not work.
I have checked in Qt creator -> preferences -> compiler -> tab compiler. I have verified that all the compiler mentionned there can be called with the terminal
I have uninstalled and reinstalled Qt creator (I thought this way it may have a chance to figure out where xcode had moved)
Any idea ?
Thanks in advance
I had the same issue after installing XCode5. What you should do is to make sure XCode 5 is named as Xcode (and old Xcode deleted or renamed e.g. Xcode4) and run command
sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/

Setting environment variables to compile node on Mountain Lion with XCode4.4

After upgrading to Mountain Lion (10.8) and XCode 4.4, and installing the XCode Command Line utilities from the XCode Preferences pane, I was unable to compile node.js (0.8.5) from source. Specifically, the configure script believed that I did not have a C compiler installed.
It looks to me like the environment variables required for the command line tools were lost somewhere along the way.
I tried sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/ but this did not appear to clear up the problem.
I had to perform these steps to make the node build system happy:
export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/
export CC='gcc --sysroot=/Applications/'
export CXX='g++ --sysroot=/Applications/'
After that I was able to compile and link.
So... why did I have to do this? Am I missing some easy step that could have done this for me automatically? Or am I in some bad state because I installed XCode before upgrading to Mountain Lion, and the XCode updater went off the rails?
Once you've updated to Mountain Lion and updated XCode 4.4, you have to reinstall the command line tools inside XCode.
Go to XCode/Preferences/Downloads/Components and click install on "Command Line Tools" and once it has downloaded and installed, you should once again have gcc and g++ in your (normal) path.
The correct thing to do was to reinstall the command-line tools from inside Xcode.
This was temporarily impossible because a malformed download list was being served by Apple, but the problem was fixed. The malformation was detectable by inspecting the output from Xcode in Console.
Once the tools were reinstalled, compilation worked normally.
Please refer the above link and try to install command line from apple developer portals

Problem installing node on Mac OSX 10.6.7

I'm getting this error when I try and install node on my new mac
error: could not configure a cxx compiler!
The error always occurs when I get to the ./configure part of the installation
I found this problem which applies to a linux build with the same error, but the solution does not seem to apply in my case:
How to compile/install node.js(could not configure a cxx compiler!) (Ubuntu).
I also took a look at the troubleshoot guide on the node wiki here:
and tried this solution:
export PATH=/Developer/usr/bin:$PATH
ISYSROOT="-isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk"
./configure --prefix=$HOME --without-ssl
But I get the same problem when I get to the ./configure step
Any advice, insights or help would be much appreciated here.
When you install Mac OS X Developer Tools (XCode, etc) ensure you have the Unix Tools option checked. I had to remember to install Developer Tools/Unix tools when I set up my new MBP and it resolved this error for me.
Optionally, you could remove and try installing with Homebrew. However, it still has the same requirements (XCode/Dev Tools) so ensure that you have those installed.
Hope this helps.
I had this problem too, I resolved this in a different way, as far as I know xcode 4.3.1 doesnt come with an Install file from the appstore, if you are under this case, just run xcode, go to preferences -> downloads and click on the Install button for the command line tools option. I did just that and all the errors on the .configure and make commands were gone :)
I had the same problem on OSX 10.7 with Xcode 4.2. I was trying to build node v0.4.7. I kept getting "unable to configure a c compiler" error. What finally worked for me is installing the GCC compiler seperately. I found a nice package for that here:
configure is currently broken for some versions of MacOS; for more details, see How to compile Node.js v0.4.2 on MacOS 10.5.8. The working approach cited there is as follows:
export PATH=/Developer/usr/bin:$PATH
ISYSROOT="-isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk"
./configure --prefix=$HOME --without-ssl
This worked for me .
After installing XCode 4.3.2 (in Mac OS X Lion) I still had the error.
Open XCode, Preferences, Downloads and installed Command Line Tools.
After it gets installed ./configure runs ok.
