QtCreator Xcode 5 file not found issue - xcode

I previously had qtcreator 5.1 working with Xcode 4. I now have upgraded to Xcode 5 and I am not abble to compile my previous prject with qtcreator.
When I run, I have the following error :
:-1: error : /Applications/Xcode: No such file or directory
Here are the things I have tried
Check that Xcode was indeed installed in /Applications/Xcode
I have reinstalled the developper tools with Xcode 5 but it did not work.
I have checked in Qt creator -> preferences -> compiler -> tab compiler. I have verified that all the compiler mentionned there can be called with the terminal
I have uninstalled and reinstalled Qt creator (I thought this way it may have a chance to figure out where xcode had moved)
Any idea ?
Thanks in advance

I had the same issue after installing XCode5. What you should do is to make sure XCode 5 is named as Xcode (and old Xcode deleted or renamed e.g. Xcode4) and run command
sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer


Attempt to install Qt on OS X gives 'You need to install Xcode 5.0.0', but this version is so old it's not available

I am a Windows/Linux developer who occasionally builds for OS X - particularly in Qt.
I have a simple Qt project that I have been developing on Windows. I now wish to build it on OS X.
I am running Yosemite. I have installed Xcode 7 and am attempting to install Qt 5.5.
When I run the Qt installer, immediately after the prompt to log in to Qt (which is successful), I receive the following error:
You need to install Xcode version 5.0.0.
I have attempted to locate Xcode 5.0.0 on the Apple Developer site, but this is 2 major versions behind the most recent version, and I cannot even find an installer for it.
More to the point, I do wonder why the most recent version of Qt requires a version of Xcode that is considered so old by Apple that it's not even available.
How do I overcome this problem so that I can get Qt installed on OS X?
I ran into the same problem and solved it by following the instructions here. This link describes a similar, but slightly different installer issue.
To summarize, you need to ensure that the Xcode command line tools are installed and set up correctly. I already had them installed, but had to go into Preferences -> Locations in Xcode and set the dropdown to the currently installed version.
The link shows an earlier version of Xcode where the path is actually Preferences -> Downloads -> Components.
Once I'd made this change, the installer continued successfully.
The solution that worked for me (on OSX Sierra XCode 8.2.1) is to open XCode Preferences -> Locations.
There is a drop-down menu named Command Line Tools. Select the available XCode version here. Then restart the Qt Creator installation.
taken from the link above, this resolved my issue:
sudo /usr/bin/xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
For me closing the prompt and smashing keys (alt F4, I know that its not windows) before the next prompt opened worked... qt is running fine now, as it doesn't need the old version.
you can find the old version of XCode on the the Apple offical site here and download .dmg of xcode 5 or 6.1 for example :
I do this and it's ok for me.

Xcode 5.1 crashing after installing Xcode6-beta version

The application "Xcode5.1.1" can't be opened.
I use x-code 5.1 to build iOS apps, now when i installed x-code6 beta version to implement app with swift language then xcode 5.1 is not working. It is giving me such error-
I use to resolve problem with Xcode 4.6.3 crashing after installing xcode 6 beta but not found this useful for my case.
I have tried to restart machine but it is giving same error. I googled for it but not got useful stuff. Any help would be appreciated.
Try to select different "Command line tools" in the bottom of Xcode -> Preferences -> Locations.
You can do it in your working Xcode 6.
After trying more I found it useful
Restart your machine then it can work, if not like my case then try below command in your Terminal
sudo mv /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework{,-saved}
then again restart your machine then it will ask for installing few components of Xcode so allow it, then your Xcode 5.1.1 will work fine.

Running both Xcode 4.6 and Xcode 5 (DP5) - Homebrew showing an error

I have both Xcode 4.6.3 and Xcode 5 (DP5) installed. I've also
installed command line tools on both (via the preference settings).
I just installed Homebrew and ran brew doctor in the terminal and I get the following error:
Is this likely because I have two versions of Xcode installed?
Is there a way to fix this?
Do I need to fix this?
You don't need to reinstall Xcode. Go to Xcode preferences menu and click on downloads. You will see option to install "Command Line Tools" under Components. After that's installed homebrew stops complaining.

MonoMac projects cannot compile: ibtool exited with code 1 - Can't run /Developer/usr/bin/ibtool (no such file)

I'm moving my first steps in MonoMac.
But I stopped right at the beginning due to some configuration error. I've created a new ManoMac project in MonoDevelop, and then tried some other sample MonoMac xamarin projects from GitHub, but I always get this error compiling:
Error: Can't run /Developer/usr/bin/ibtool (no such file).
ibtool exited with code 1
My configuration:
Operating System:
Mac OS X 10.7.3
Mono 2.10.8 (tarball Mon Dec 19 17:43:18 EST 2011)
GTK 2.24.5
GTK# (
Mono for Android not installed
Apple Developer Tools:
Xcode 4.3.1 (1176)
Build 4E1019
Monotouch: 5.2.5
All my Monotouch projects compile fine, and I have no problem with the last XCode (following the Xamarin guidelines I successfully upgraded XCode and moved it from the obsolete Developer folder to the Application folder, and downloaded the updated developer command line tools from apple).
I've tried reinstalling MonoDevelop, but with no success. I always get: "Error: ibtool returned error code 1."
Any help is appreciated.
This problem is caused by the Xcode 4.3 installer not updating the Xcode symlinks correctly to point to the active Xcode version. You can fix it with the following command:
sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app
This upcoming MonoDevelop 2.8.8 release contains a fix for this. You can get it from the beta update channel.
It looks like the MonoMac addin was never updated to work with Xcode 4.3.
A temporary workaraound is to setup symlinks in the proper places in /Developer.
I found the way in the MonoMac forum:
I report it here:
When using MonoMac and Xcode 4.3, the current MD beta build fails with an ibtool error.
The solutions is to type the following commands in the Terminal console:
sudo rm /usr/bin/ibtool
and then:
sudo ln -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/ibtool /usr/bin/ibtool
Now it compiles fine.
I got a similar error running Xamarin on Xcode 6.2 and I solved the problem by re-installing the same version of Xcode again replacing the old version per the suggestion on this post: xcode-select active developer directory error on OSX Mavericks.
I may have caused this problem as I was renaming XCode Application. I have several versions installed and was trying to keep them all straight.

How do i install additional packages for Xcode on OSX Lion to allow MacPorts to work

When I try and install MacPorts it complains
'Xcode is not installed, or was installed with UNIX Development (10.5+) or Command Line Support (10.4) deselected.'
I do have Xcode installed from the Appstore so I guess I just have to install these extra parts but how ?
Ive read a couple of questions on Stack Overflow about this but I think the answers must be outdated as they do notmake sense for me, I do not have an Xcode dmg I can reinstall from, and I can't see anything useful in /Developer either, or any preferences within Xcode itself.
I only want Xcode for the purposes of using Macports so I'm not familiar with it.
You probably got Xcode 4.1 from the Mac App Store. In that case, you haven't got Xcode 4.1 installed. However, you now have an Xcode installer in your Applications directory.
Spotlight should find it in any case.
The command line tools aren't included in the default install of Xcode anymore.
Goto the Xcode Preferences --> Downloads Pane --> click the Install button beside "Command Line Tools".
If you don't have Xcode installed you can get the command line tools separately as explained here..
The App Store installs the XCode installer, not Xcode itself. The installer is in your applications folder. Run that.
Today, 16 Feb 2012, when I installed Xcode 4 from the App Store, there was no Setup. Just the app installed, because it was Xcode 4.3 !
Make sure that you install Xcode 4.2 with UNIX Devel. to MacPorts works!
To get the Xcode 4.2 go to https://developer.apple.com.
