AdxStudio: How display an entity form in Web template(Liquid Templates) - dynamics-crm

I am trying to display an entity form in a adxStudio web template, found one link Using Liquid to display EntityForm
<div class="container">{% entityform name:'My Entity Form' %}</div>
but this did't work for me.
Please help me to put an entity form on web template in adxstudio.
Thanks in advance......

Solved It!
Initially I am trying to display the web template with footer web template of home page, which did't work.
For displaying Entity form We need to:
Place the Entity Form in Web template like <div class="container">{% entityform name:'My Entity Form' %}</div>
Associate the Web template to a Page template
Page template needs to associate to a Web page
Browse the page, finally you will see/submit your form.


Intertia modal - load view into a model for create, edit etc

Im using Laravel 9 with inertia. The design of the project includes modals for creating, updating but i see that inertia doesnt have support for modals?
I have found a few projects for inertia modals but they dont seem to work.
Currently when you navigate using inertia, Laravel hits the route and then in the controller you render an inertia page and vue knows to find a specific page and then navigates to that new page (loads it in a new vue page)
I am wanting to do the same but instead of a new page loaded i want to remain on the same parent page and load the new route content into a modal.
If you want a blade view to be loaded inside a modal in an Inertia page you can do:
$modalContent = view('your-blade-view-name', $modalData)->render();
return Inertia::render('inertia-page', $inertiaData);
I created a demo repository for this

How to structure vue.js components inside laravel blade view

I'm still learning vue.js and building a laravel/vue.js Ad placement application. I structured my app such that the landing page (a laravel blade view) has a large banner introducing the app and beneath a list of the ads.When a user click on an ad, it takes him/her to the single page of the Ad(this will be a component). My challenge is that I want the app to be a single page application but don't want the banner to show while displaying the single page component. I placed a root component in the welcome view and then inside the component i used router-view to import the components.
My issue is that when I click an Ad, the single page component loads with the banner. How do I make this layout so that the banner doesn't load with the single page component?
One solution would be to put the banner in a vue page followed by the list of ads, then have another vue page without the banner for the ad (pages handled by vue-router)
Another approach would be to have the ad links going to a route that's handled by laravel, then laravel serves a blade template without a banner and with an embedded vue app that just shows the relevant ad.
Vue also supports nested views so if you need several pages with the banner at the top a nested view below the banner in one type of page, and then another type of page with just the ad.
Hope that gives you some ideas to help solve the task.
Further to this: if you're building the ad placement functionality as a tightly coupled part of a whole website, then you might want to have the navbar for the site generated by Vue rather than having it in Blade, i.e. another Vue component for the navbar.
On the other hand, if you're trying to build a reusable Laravel package to do ad placement on any Laravel website, then you'd need to leave the navbar out of your Vue templates, and in your ad module use v-if/v-else rather than Vue-router because you don't want your code to fight the Laravel site for control of the routes.
<div v-if="selectedAd">
//display selected ad
<div v-else>
//banner here
<div v-for="(ad, index) in ads" :key="index">
{{ ad.title }}
export default {
data() {
return {
ads: [],
selectedAd: null,
vue.js is spa framework not necessary do thing in blade all done inside vue.
search about vue router , vuex ,and do it easy good look.
You can use a v-on:click function of vue and set two variables for the ad and the other for the single page component.
Set the ad variable to true and the page component variable to false and when a use clicks on the ad the function switches the ad variable to false amd the page component variable to true.

Add website custom validation in aicontactsafe extension in joomla

I have one contact form in joomla site and for that i used aicontactsafe. in that required field validation is given but i need to add website validation in aicontactform.
can you give how it will posible in aicontact form
thanks in advance.

php page to be included in joomla

I have written a php page that is getting data from a database and graph it via highcharts javascript.
I would like now to be able to put that in joomla and then use the username from joomla to graph the specific data from that user.
How can I do that?
Thanks for your help,
You should use an iFrame Wrapper menu item whenever you want to include a page that isn't part of your Joomla website.

Database in Joomla?

We put the program on the joomla article and we have the config.php located in the directory/images/php/config.php
I have 2 php pages that i want to include in joomla (pond.php and p_pond.php)
pond.php has a submit button, but when the submit button is clicked, it does not connect to database and it does not go to p_pond.php page
How can we connect to the database when the page is loaded?
Use JUMI component to use your personal PHP page and look at this page for database connection
Joomla works on MVC so you should follow the MVC rule.
For displaying a page you need to make a component.
read joomla docs to make component
here is the link
