Intertia modal - load view into a model for create, edit etc - laravel

Im using Laravel 9 with inertia. The design of the project includes modals for creating, updating but i see that inertia doesnt have support for modals?
I have found a few projects for inertia modals but they dont seem to work.
Currently when you navigate using inertia, Laravel hits the route and then in the controller you render an inertia page and vue knows to find a specific page and then navigates to that new page (loads it in a new vue page)
I am wanting to do the same but instead of a new page loaded i want to remain on the same parent page and load the new route content into a modal.

If you want a blade view to be loaded inside a modal in an Inertia page you can do:
$modalContent = view('your-blade-view-name', $modalData)->render();
return Inertia::render('inertia-page', $inertiaData);
I created a demo repository for this


Is it possible to navigate through page by navbar without page refresh with Laravel Livewire and AlpineJS?

I am just wondering whether it's possible to navigate through navigation without any page refresh using Laravel Livewire and AlpineJS? I also want to keep the state of the clicked link of the navbar, so I can change it's color.

Layout is broken after login or logout, Laravel and Vue.js

I am developing an application using Vue.js and Laravel JetStream. My problem is that when i login the layout of the main page is broken and after the refresh it fixes:
This is how it should look:
This also happens when I logout from this layout, If I login and land on another page the layout loads correctly. I checked the network data on Chrome and the problem is that it doesn't load the css and js at all. I don't know why it happens.
Thanks in advance.

Laravel Livewire Anchor Tag Url Not Working

I am using Laravel 8 with Livewire.
My Laravel Livewire application URL is like http://localhost/myproject.
My Laravel Livewire admin panel url is like http://localhost/myproject/admin.
I am fetching problem with anchor tag. When I change the page in pagination the View button URL in Livewire add public is automatically.
My View button code as below:
but, link is showing like http://localhost/myproject/public/admin/manage-product/15. That View button link in public is automatically added by Livewire.
How i can remove public from url('/') function?
I attached a screen shot, please check.
Dont forget to add entry point to your project in server settings. and in .env file you should write "APP_URL=http://localhost".
Change the
Also you can check the official documentation to know more about URL

Loading Laravel blase views using Vue

I have a Laravel project with a dashboard that contains a side menu. When navigating through this side menu, it refreshes the whole page (layout & view in blade). This is my dashboard:
I want to know how I'm able to load my blade views without page refresh. So that when I'm clicking on a navigation link, only the yielded content changes. How am I able to achieve this? Please don't mark this as a dublicate as I've visited most of the similar topics but without any succes.
Oh, and I'd appriciate it so bad if there's someone that's willing to help me out using Teamview.
views cannot be loaded that way with laravel. you will need to use components to design your pages with vue. with components in place you can now use vuerouter to load your pages that way.
Run php artisan preset vue to start your project using Vue.
To access a menu link without refresh the page, use <route-link to="..."></route-link>

Laravel Load part of page

I'm developing a Laravel 4 page,
I already have all my routes defined and my main layout with the contents that is dynamic for each route view.
What I'm facing now, is that every time I change the view, the whole page is reloaded!!
So all the menu images, css, javascripts are reloaded..
Is there any way to make it to just reload the content section?
