Database in Joomla? - joomla

We put the program on the joomla article and we have the config.php located in the directory/images/php/config.php
I have 2 php pages that i want to include in joomla (pond.php and p_pond.php)
pond.php has a submit button, but when the submit button is clicked, it does not connect to database and it does not go to p_pond.php page
How can we connect to the database when the page is loaded?

Use JUMI component to use your personal PHP page and look at this page for database connection

Joomla works on MVC so you should follow the MVC rule.
For displaying a page you need to make a component.
read joomla docs to make component
here is the link


Loading Laravel blase views using Vue

I have a Laravel project with a dashboard that contains a side menu. When navigating through this side menu, it refreshes the whole page (layout & view in blade). This is my dashboard:
I want to know how I'm able to load my blade views without page refresh. So that when I'm clicking on a navigation link, only the yielded content changes. How am I able to achieve this? Please don't mark this as a dublicate as I've visited most of the similar topics but without any succes.
Oh, and I'd appriciate it so bad if there's someone that's willing to help me out using Teamview.
views cannot be loaded that way with laravel. you will need to use components to design your pages with vue. with components in place you can now use vuerouter to load your pages that way.
Run php artisan preset vue to start your project using Vue.
To access a menu link without refresh the page, use <route-link to="..."></route-link>

Integrating Laravel app into Joomla CMS

I would like to build a custom application in Laravel framework and include it in Joomla.
What I would like to do is to replace central content of Joomla with application served from content.
Joomla url: -> should show content from laravel url:
I noticed component Joomi for Joomla, but Iam not sure if this component will be able to do that.
Please advice.
I think you mean Jumi, and yes, I think that Jumi can do what you want, but I believe there are other easier ways to achieve what you need to do. What you can do is use the iFrame Wrapper component in Joomla to "wrap" your lavarel application and display it in Joomla. Try that before using a Jumi if possible.

How do I create a custom page in Joomla 1.5

I have a website here that I need to create a custom page where in I can call the header and the footer as well as the sidebar.
If you're going to do it in Wordpress its easy as this link says:
However, Joomla is a bit different on this one. If I will try to add a new article I wont be able to customize the layout that I want. Let's say in the custom page I want to create I don't want the footer to show up and I want to add internal CSS on it which is possible on Wordpress custom page.
Any idea how do the same thing Joomla 1.5??

php page to be included in joomla

I have written a php page that is getting data from a database and graph it via highcharts javascript.
I would like now to be able to put that in joomla and then use the username from joomla to graph the specific data from that user.
How can I do that?
Thanks for your help,
You should use an iFrame Wrapper menu item whenever you want to include a page that isn't part of your Joomla website.

joomla integrating external php signup form

I have a joomla is the link
link for siteI want to integrate a external php signup and login form.I create a php signup form.It works perfecly.
signup linkBut the problem is i dont know how to integrate that form to my joomla web pages...I want to secure my web pages..Only registered users can view my page....please help me..
Why have you create your own register form? Joomla already has the one. To see it follow the link index.php?option=com_user&task=register, Login for there index.php?option=com_user&task=login. If you need more fields to be filled out during registation you may you Community Builder. This extention allows to add to user profie as many fields as you want
It is also possible to use Chronoforms to allow for registration that brings in multiple fields as well without having to bring in an external file for registration/login.
Using the tools Joomla has to stay within Joomla is really the best way to go about it. It will allow you to keep your sanity and keep things as uniformed as possible.
