Properly Escape $ in a nested remote command - bash

I would like to execute a command on a remote host from another remote host.
HOST1 is used to connect to HOST2 and the command executes on HOST2. The remote command depends a variable that is calculated on HOST2.
ssh -A $HOST1 -C "x=wrong; ssh -A $HOST2 -C "x=right; echo \$x""
Strangely, the above returns $x while the next command returns wrong instead of an empty line.
ssh -A $HOST1 -C "x=wrong; ssh -A $HOST2 -C "echo \$x""
Question 1: Why is the first command giving me $x?
Question 2: Keeping the double quotes, how do I have it print right?

Section 1: Literal Answers the question precisely as-asked.
Why is the first command giving me $x?
Keep in mind that this command is executed multiple times, and is thus transformed by multiple shells. That transformation looks something like the following (assuming HOST1 of and HOST2 of
ssh -A -C "x=wrong; ssh -A -C "x=right; echo \$x""
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^
...note the arrows? Those are showing where your quoted regions begin and end: Your quote just before x=right is ending your quote that started before x=wrong!
Thus, this tokenizes to two separate commands, written out with one shell word per line below:
# command one: ssh
ssh \
-A \ \
-C \
"x=wrong; ssh -A -C "x=right;
# command two: echo
echo \
Keeping the double quotes, how do I have it print right?
Backslash-escape the nested quotes so they don't close the quotes you intend to be outer.
ssh -A $HOST1 -C "x=wrong; ssh -A $HOST2 -C \"x=right; echo \$x\""
Section 2: Best-Practice Alternatives
SSH - ProxyCommand
In practice, don't do this kind of explicit nested SSH invocation at all -- just use the ProxyCommand ssh config option:
ssh \
-o "ProxyCommand ssh $HOST1 netcat -w 120 %h %p' \
"$HOST2" 'x=right; echo "$x"'
Bash - nestable eval-safe quote generation
In general, trying to escape things by hand is much more error-prone than telling the shell to do it for you.
host2_cmd='x=right; echo "$x"'
printf -v host1_cmd '%q ' ssh -A "$HOST2" -C "$host2_cmd"
ssh "$HOST1" bash -s <<<"$host1_cmd"
To demonstrate, we could even do this with a third host in the way:
host3_cmd='x=right; echo "$x"'
printf -v host2_cmd '%q ' ssh -A "$HOST3" -C "$host3_cmd"
printf -v host1_cmd '%q ' ssh -A "$HOST2" -C "$host2_cmd"
ssh "$HOST1" bash -s <<<"$host1_cmd"
This works because in ksh and bash, printf %q quotes a string in such a way that it'll evaluate to its current contents when parsed by that same shell.


Read variables in nested quotes

I want to ssh into a host and start a container and run some commands. So the code will be like this:
ssh $host 'screen -L -d -m bash -c "docker run "\
"--network=host -v ~/data:/data myimage:${TAG_NAME}"\
" /bin/bash -c \" some command.... \""'
The question is simple, since I was using single quote, I can't read the ${TAG_NAME}. Is there any way to write this kind of nested quotes and also pass the variable?
You can stop and start your single quotes to include the environment variable, like so:
echo 'foo'"$HOME"'foo'
For your example, the way to include an env var (from your local system) in the command that runs on $host would be:
ssh $host 'screen -L -d -m bash -c "docker run'\
' --network=host -v ~/data:/data myimage:'"$TAG_NAME"\
' /bin/bash -c \" some command.... \""'

Some Output Lost in Command Passed to SSH

I'm trying to use an ssh command to ssh to a server and run theuseradd command I passed to it. It seems like its running ok for the most part (no errors produced) but the hashed password in the /etc/shadow file is missing the salt (I believe that's the portion that's missing.).
I'm not sure if the quoting that is incorrect or not. But running this command manually on the server works fine, so I'm assuming its the expansion that's messed up.?
The command below is running inside a Bash script...
ssh user#$host "useradd -d /usr/local/nagios -p $(perl -e 'print crypt("mypassword", "\$6\$salt");') -g nagios nagios && chown -R nagios:nagios /usr/local/nagios"
*When I escape the double quotes inside the perl one-liner, I get the error:
Can't find string terminator '"' anywhere before EOF at -e line 1.
Usage: useradd [options] LOGIN
Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?
Instead of enclosing the entire command in double-quotes and making sure to correctly escape everything in it, it will be more robust to use single-quotes, and handle embedded single-quotes as necessary.
In fact there are no embedded single-quotes to handle,
only the embedded literal $ in the $6$salt.
ssh "user#$host" 'useradd -d /usr/local/nagios -p $(perl -e "print crypt(q{mypassword}, q{\$6\$salt});") -g nagios nagios && chown -R nagios:nagios /usr/local/nagios'
echo "useradd -d /usr/local/nagios -p $(perl -e 'print crypt("mypassword", "\$6\$salt");') -g nagios nagios && chown -R nagios:nagios /usr/local/nagios" > /tmp/tempcommand && scp /tmp/tempcommand root#server1:/tmp && ssh server1 "sh -x /tmp/tempcommand && finger nagios && rm /tmp/tempcommand"
In such cases I always prefer to have a local file on the local/remote server from which I execute the command set. Saves a lot of "quotes debugging time". What I am doing above is first to save the long one-liner to a file locally, "as is" and "as works" locally, copy it over with scp to the remote server and execute it there with the shell.
More secure way (no need to copy over the file). Again - save it locally and pass it to the remote bash with -s option :
echo "useradd -d /usr/local/nagios -p $(perl -e 'print crypt("mypassword", "\$6\$salt");') -g nagios nagios && chown -R nagios:nagios /usr/local/nagios" > /tmp/tempcommand && echo finger nagios >> /tmp/tempcommand && ssh server1 'bash -s' < /tmp/tempcommand

Capture output of double-ssh (ssh twice) session as BASH variable

I'd like to capture the output of an ssh session. However, I first need to ssh twice (from my local computer to the remote portal to the remote server), then run a command and capture the output.
Doing this line-by-line, I would do:
I have tried the following: ##define in the script, since it varies
sshoutput=$(ssh -tt exec "ssh -tt ${server} echo \"test\"")
echo $sshoutput
I would expect the above script to echo "test" after the final command. However, the outer ssh prompt just hangs after I enter my command and, once I Ctrl+c or fail to enter my password, the inner ssh session fails (I believe since stdout is no longer printed to screen and I no longer get my password prompt).
If I run just the inner command (i.e., without "sshoutput=$(" to save it as a variable), then it works but (obviously) does not capture output. I have also tried without the "exec".
I have also tried saving the inner ssh as a variable like
sshoutput=$(ssh -tt name#portal myvar=$(ssh -tt ${server} echo \"test\"") && echo $myvar)
but that fails because BASH tries to execute the inner ssh before sending it to the outer ssh session (I believe), and the server name is not recognized.
(I have looked at but they simply say "more flags required if using interactive passwords" and do not address capturing output)
Thanks in advance for any assistance!
The best-practice approach here is to have ssh itself do the work of jumping through your bouncehost.
result=$(ssh \
-o 'ProxyCommand=ssh nc -w 120 %h %p' \ \
You can automate that in your ~/.ssh/config, like so:
ProxyCommand ssh nc -w 120 %h %p
...after which any ssh command will automatically jump through (Change nc to netcat or similar, as appropriate for tools that are installed on the bouncehost).
That said, if you really want to do it yourself, you can:
printf -v inner_cmd '%q ' ""
printf -v outer_cmd '%q ' ssh "$inner_cmd"
ssh bash -s <<EOF
...the last piece of which can be run in a command substitution like so:
result=$(ssh bash -s <<EOF

Using shell expansion with Ansible

I'm trying to execute a remote command via Ansible which requires gathering the PID of the process:
ansible webserver -m shell -a 'jstack -l $(pgrep -f java)'
However it seems Ansible is not able to expand the shell command contained in parenthesis (tried as well with grave accent): | FAILED | rc=1 >>
jstack [-l] <pid>
Executing just the command in the expansion reveals that expansion does not take place:
ansible webserver -a 'echo $(pgrep -f java)' | success | rc=0 >>
$(pgrep -f java)
You'll want to escape the $ dollar sign, like so:
ansible all -i inventories/prod/hosts -m shell -a "echo \$(pgrep -f java)"

Shell script to grep logs on different host and write the grepped output to a file on Host 1

Shell script needs to
ssh to Host2 from Host1
cd /test/test1/log
grep logs.txt for string error
write the grepped output to a file
and move that file to Host1
This can be accomplished by specifying the -f option to ssh:
ssh user#host -f 'echo "this is a logfile">logfile.txt'
ssh user#host -f 'grep logfile logfile.txt' > locallogfile.txt
cat locallogfile.txt
An example using a different directory and cd changing directories to it:
ssh user#host -f 'mkdir -p foo/bar'
ssh user#host -f 'cd foo/bar ; echo "this is a logfile">logfile.txt'
ssh user#host -f 'cd foo/bar ; echo "this is a logfile">logfile.txt'
ssh user#host -f 'cd foo/bar ; grep logfile logfile.txt' > locallogfile.txt
cat locallogfile.txt
