Using shell expansion with Ansible - ansible

I'm trying to execute a remote command via Ansible which requires gathering the PID of the process:
ansible webserver -m shell -a 'jstack -l $(pgrep -f java)'
However it seems Ansible is not able to expand the shell command contained in parenthesis (tried as well with grave accent): | FAILED | rc=1 >>
jstack [-l] <pid>
Executing just the command in the expansion reveals that expansion does not take place:
ansible webserver -a 'echo $(pgrep -f java)' | success | rc=0 >>
$(pgrep -f java)

You'll want to escape the $ dollar sign, like so:
ansible all -i inventories/prod/hosts -m shell -a "echo \$(pgrep -f java)"


Read variables in nested quotes

I want to ssh into a host and start a container and run some commands. So the code will be like this:
ssh $host 'screen -L -d -m bash -c "docker run "\
"--network=host -v ~/data:/data myimage:${TAG_NAME}"\
" /bin/bash -c \" some command.... \""'
The question is simple, since I was using single quote, I can't read the ${TAG_NAME}. Is there any way to write this kind of nested quotes and also pass the variable?
You can stop and start your single quotes to include the environment variable, like so:
echo 'foo'"$HOME"'foo'
For your example, the way to include an env var (from your local system) in the command that runs on $host would be:
ssh $host 'screen -L -d -m bash -c "docker run'\
' --network=host -v ~/data:/data myimage:'"$TAG_NAME"\
' /bin/bash -c \" some command.... \""'

Environment variable overrides command

I set the EC2_IP_ADDRESS variable
$ export EC2_IP_ADDRESS="`docker run -it -v $PWD/infrastructure:/terraform -v $PWD/data:/data terraform sh -c "terraform init; terraform state show module.aws_ec2.aws_eip.aws_instance_eip" | grep public_ip | awk '{print $3}'`"
And then I'm trying to copy some files into the EC2 instance:
$ scp -i key.pem -r src/* ec2-user#$EC2_IP_ADDRESS:/home/ec2-user/src/
But the output is an error: : nodename nor servname provided, or not known
Output of $ echo "scp -i key.pem -r src/* ec2-user#$EC2_IP_ADDRESS:/home/ec2-user/src/"
:/home/ec2-user/src/c/* ec2-user#X.X.X.X
It seems that anything after the variable EC2_IP_ADDRESS goes to the beginning of the string, overriding the command.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
It seems the variable contains $'\r' at the end. Remove it with

Properly Escape $ in a nested remote command

I would like to execute a command on a remote host from another remote host.
HOST1 is used to connect to HOST2 and the command executes on HOST2. The remote command depends a variable that is calculated on HOST2.
ssh -A $HOST1 -C "x=wrong; ssh -A $HOST2 -C "x=right; echo \$x""
Strangely, the above returns $x while the next command returns wrong instead of an empty line.
ssh -A $HOST1 -C "x=wrong; ssh -A $HOST2 -C "echo \$x""
Question 1: Why is the first command giving me $x?
Question 2: Keeping the double quotes, how do I have it print right?
Section 1: Literal Answers the question precisely as-asked.
Why is the first command giving me $x?
Keep in mind that this command is executed multiple times, and is thus transformed by multiple shells. That transformation looks something like the following (assuming HOST1 of and HOST2 of
ssh -A -C "x=wrong; ssh -A -C "x=right; echo \$x""
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^
...note the arrows? Those are showing where your quoted regions begin and end: Your quote just before x=right is ending your quote that started before x=wrong!
Thus, this tokenizes to two separate commands, written out with one shell word per line below:
# command one: ssh
ssh \
-A \ \
-C \
"x=wrong; ssh -A -C "x=right;
# command two: echo
echo \
Keeping the double quotes, how do I have it print right?
Backslash-escape the nested quotes so they don't close the quotes you intend to be outer.
ssh -A $HOST1 -C "x=wrong; ssh -A $HOST2 -C \"x=right; echo \$x\""
Section 2: Best-Practice Alternatives
SSH - ProxyCommand
In practice, don't do this kind of explicit nested SSH invocation at all -- just use the ProxyCommand ssh config option:
ssh \
-o "ProxyCommand ssh $HOST1 netcat -w 120 %h %p' \
"$HOST2" 'x=right; echo "$x"'
Bash - nestable eval-safe quote generation
In general, trying to escape things by hand is much more error-prone than telling the shell to do it for you.
host2_cmd='x=right; echo "$x"'
printf -v host1_cmd '%q ' ssh -A "$HOST2" -C "$host2_cmd"
ssh "$HOST1" bash -s <<<"$host1_cmd"
To demonstrate, we could even do this with a third host in the way:
host3_cmd='x=right; echo "$x"'
printf -v host2_cmd '%q ' ssh -A "$HOST3" -C "$host3_cmd"
printf -v host1_cmd '%q ' ssh -A "$HOST2" -C "$host2_cmd"
ssh "$HOST1" bash -s <<<"$host1_cmd"
This works because in ksh and bash, printf %q quotes a string in such a way that it'll evaluate to its current contents when parsed by that same shell.

Fish shell input redirection from subshell output

When I want to run Wireshark locally to display a packet capture running on another machine, this works on bash, using input redirection from the output of a subshell:
wireshark -k -i <(ssh user#machine "sudo dumpcap -P -w - -f '<filter>' -i eth0")
From what I could find, the syntax for similar behavior on the fish shell is the same but when I run that command on fish, I get the Wireshark output on the terminal but can't see the Wireshark window.
Is there something I'm missing?
What you're using there in bash is process substitution (the <() syntax). It is a bash specific syntax (although zsh adopted this same syntax along with its own =()).
fish does have process substitution under a different syntax ((process | psub)). For example:
wireshark -k -i (ssh user#machine "sudo dumpcap -P -w - -f '<filter>' -i eth0" | psub)
bash | equivalent in fish
----------- | ------------------
cat <(ls) | cat (ls|psub)
ls > >(cat) | N/A (need to find a way to use a pipe, e.g. ls|cat)
The fish equivalent of <() isn't well suited to this use case. Is there some reason you can't use this simpler and more portable formulation?
ssh user#machine "sudo dumpcap -P -w - -f '<filter>' -i eth0" | wireshark -k -i -

Ansible: enforce pipefail

Earlier today, we experienced a nasty issue that was caused by the following shell pipe:
- name: get remote branches
shell: git ls-remote -h | sed 's_.*refs/heads/__g'
register: branches_remote
The git command fails, but the return code of the entire pipe is 0. This is default bash/sh behavior.
To fix this, in sh/bash, you can set -o pipefail or set -e. Is it possible to do that in ansible, preferably globally for all my shell commands?
In general you should try to use the shell commands as a last resort as they tend to be a bit brittle. If you need to use the shell module with any shell options, simply submit it as part of your command pipeline as shown below. The executable parameter forces the use of bash shell.
[user#ansible ~]$ ansible myhost -m shell -a "executable=/bin/bash set -o pipefail && false | echo hello there"
myhost | FAILED | rc=1 >>
hello there
[user#ansible ~]$ ansible myhost -m shell -a "executable=/bin/bash set -o pipefail && true | echo hello there"
myhost | success | rc=0 >>
hello there
Bash accepts set -o pipefail, but the default executable is /bin/sh which, on platforms such as Debian, is not guaranteed to support this, probably for a good reason (dash is a pure-posix shell).
You can configure /bin/bash as the executable in ansible.cfg:
executable = /bin/bash
The same can be done in molecule.yml
name: ansible
executable: /bin/bash
There is no configuration executable_flags available, so you should adjust the actions yourself:
- name: pipes that fail should fail the action
shell: |
set -e -o pipefail
git ls-remote -h | sed 's_.*refs/heads/__g'
register: branches_remote
You can set the executable for the shell module, for example:
- name: get remote branches
shell: |
set -e -o pipefail
git ls-remote -h | sed 's_.*refs/heads/__g'
executable: /usr/bin/bash
register: branches_remote
