Some Output Lost in Command Passed to SSH - bash

I'm trying to use an ssh command to ssh to a server and run theuseradd command I passed to it. It seems like its running ok for the most part (no errors produced) but the hashed password in the /etc/shadow file is missing the salt (I believe that's the portion that's missing.).
I'm not sure if the quoting that is incorrect or not. But running this command manually on the server works fine, so I'm assuming its the expansion that's messed up.?
The command below is running inside a Bash script...
ssh user#$host "useradd -d /usr/local/nagios -p $(perl -e 'print crypt("mypassword", "\$6\$salt");') -g nagios nagios && chown -R nagios:nagios /usr/local/nagios"
*When I escape the double quotes inside the perl one-liner, I get the error:
Can't find string terminator '"' anywhere before EOF at -e line 1.
Usage: useradd [options] LOGIN
Any idea what I'm doing wrong here?

Instead of enclosing the entire command in double-quotes and making sure to correctly escape everything in it, it will be more robust to use single-quotes, and handle embedded single-quotes as necessary.
In fact there are no embedded single-quotes to handle,
only the embedded literal $ in the $6$salt.
ssh "user#$host" 'useradd -d /usr/local/nagios -p $(perl -e "print crypt(q{mypassword}, q{\$6\$salt});") -g nagios nagios && chown -R nagios:nagios /usr/local/nagios'

echo "useradd -d /usr/local/nagios -p $(perl -e 'print crypt("mypassword", "\$6\$salt");') -g nagios nagios && chown -R nagios:nagios /usr/local/nagios" > /tmp/tempcommand && scp /tmp/tempcommand root#server1:/tmp && ssh server1 "sh -x /tmp/tempcommand && finger nagios && rm /tmp/tempcommand"
In such cases I always prefer to have a local file on the local/remote server from which I execute the command set. Saves a lot of "quotes debugging time". What I am doing above is first to save the long one-liner to a file locally, "as is" and "as works" locally, copy it over with scp to the remote server and execute it there with the shell.
More secure way (no need to copy over the file). Again - save it locally and pass it to the remote bash with -s option :
echo "useradd -d /usr/local/nagios -p $(perl -e 'print crypt("mypassword", "\$6\$salt");') -g nagios nagios && chown -R nagios:nagios /usr/local/nagios" > /tmp/tempcommand && echo finger nagios >> /tmp/tempcommand && ssh server1 'bash -s' < /tmp/tempcommand


SSH and Docker Exec together are not accepting multiple commands

I need to create a shell script that connects to a remote machine using SSH and then runs some commands inside a docker container that is running on that machine.
I want the below command to work. But it only executes first command in the container.
ssh -i key user# docker exec my-container bash -c command1 && command2 && command3
So far the best solution I could come up with is this:
ssh -i key user# "docker exec my-container bash -c 'command1 && command2 && command3'"
But it only works with some commands. I can run commands like mkdir echo but I couldn't use curl with it.
ssh -i key user# "docker exec my-container bash -c 'curl --verbose --stderr stderr -X GET "" -H "Authorization: Bearer $1" > curl_out
I somehow need to make the curl command work. It succesfully expands $1 as the authorization token but curl command does not see use the headers. I couldn't get it to work.
Is there a better way of constructing this kind of nested command pipe. I have tried like 50 different combinations of quotes, different variables, trying to write the echo inside a shell script inside the container and then running it. Each solution fails upon trying to use complex commands with multiple options / arguments.
When you write this:
ssh -i key user# docker exec my-container \
bash -c command1 && command2 && command3
You are just creating a local shell pipeline. That's the same thing as if you were to run:
date && command2 && command3
Your shell doesn't magically know that you intended to run those second two commands on the remote host. If you want to pass that entire shell pipeline to the remote host, you need to quote it.
You might be tempted to do something like this:
ssh -i key user# docker exec my-container \
bash -c "command1 && command2 && command3"
But that still won't work as intended: in this case, you are running the command docker exec my-container bash -c command1 && command2 && command3 on the remote host. That is, only command1 is being run inside the container. You need another level of quoting:
ssh -i key user# docker exec my-container \
'bash -c "command1 && command2 && command3"'

Execute multiple commands on remote server using bash

I want to execute cd and scp commands on a remote server which have to be logged in with a different sudo user. Below code snippet asks for the password(echos on screen) for my user but hangs there. It doesn't execute cd
ssh $server 'sudo -S -u <user> -i; cd dir1/dir2/; scp file1 user#local-sever'
The issue is that you have a semi colon before cd and so sudo has no command to execute. Remove the ; and it should work:
ssh $server 'sudo -S -u <user> -i scp dir1/dir2/file1 user#local-sever'
There are several ways to address this, but most boil down to wrapping up the commands into a set of instructions. Raman's solution is good since it handles the issue by using full paths, but sometimes that isn't an option. Here's another take -
Assuming your command list can afford the quotes, I like here-strings.
ssh -t <<< "
echo 'set -x; cd /tmp; whoami; touch foo; ls -l foo; rm -f foo;'|sudo -iSu user
If you need the quotes, try a here-doc.
ssh -t <<END
echo 'set -x; echo "$RANDOM"; cd /tmp; whoami; touch foo; ls -l foo; rm -f foo;'|sudo -iSu $user
You can also write a small script that has arbitrarily complex commands and scp it over, then use a remote ssh call to execute it as the relevant user.

Bash: get output of sudo command on remote using SSH

I'm getting incredibly frustrated here. I simply want to run a sudo command on a remote SSH connection and perform operations on the results I get locally in my script. I've looked around for close to an hour now and not seen anything related to that issue.
When I do:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
OUT=$(ssh username#host "command" 2>&1 )
echo $OUT
Then, I get the expected output in OUT.
Now, when I try to do a sudo command:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
OUT=$(ssh username#host "sudo command" 2>&1 )
echo $OUT
I get "sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified". Fair enough, I'll use ssh -t.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
OUT=$(ssh -t username#host "sudo command" 2>&1 )
echo $OUT
Then, nothing happens. It hangs, never asking for the sudo password in my terminal. Note that this happens whether I send a sudo command or not, the ssh -t hangs, period.
Alright, let's forget the variable for now and just issue the ssh -t command.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
ssh -t username#host "sudo command" 2>&1
Then, well, it works no problem.
So the issue is that ssh -t inside a variable just doesn't do anything, but I can't figure out why or how to make it work for the life of me. Anyone with a suggestion?
If your script is rather concise, you could consider this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
ssh -t username#host "sudo command" 2>&1 \
| ( \
read output
# do something with $output, e.g.
echo "$output"
For more information, consider this:

nested ssh -t -t not providing $PS1

I am trying to run a nested ssh -t -t but it won't provide me the environment variables when working with cat and echo.
bla="cat <(echo -e '$pass') - | sudo -S su -"
ssh -t -t -t -t jumpserver "ssh -t -t -t -t server \"$bla\" "
I get an output without any variables taken into consideration. (e.g. PS1 does not get shown but commands work fine) The problem is related to cat <(echo -e '$pass') - but this was the way to keep echo alive after providing the password for sudo.
How can i achieve this and get environment variables to get a proper output?
The -tt is enough. Using more -t does not add any more effect and just makes an impression that you have no idea what are you doing.
What is the point of cat <(echo -e) construction? Writing just echo would result in the same, isn't it?
Why to use sudo su? sudo already does all you need, isn't it?
So how can it look in some fashionable manner?
bla="echo '$pass' | sudo -Si"
ssh -tt jumpserver "ssh -tt server \"$bla\""
And does it work? Try to debug the commands with -vvv switches to the ssh. It will show you what is actually executed and passed to each other shell.

Properly Escape $ in a nested remote command

I would like to execute a command on a remote host from another remote host.
HOST1 is used to connect to HOST2 and the command executes on HOST2. The remote command depends a variable that is calculated on HOST2.
ssh -A $HOST1 -C "x=wrong; ssh -A $HOST2 -C "x=right; echo \$x""
Strangely, the above returns $x while the next command returns wrong instead of an empty line.
ssh -A $HOST1 -C "x=wrong; ssh -A $HOST2 -C "echo \$x""
Question 1: Why is the first command giving me $x?
Question 2: Keeping the double quotes, how do I have it print right?
Section 1: Literal Answers the question precisely as-asked.
Why is the first command giving me $x?
Keep in mind that this command is executed multiple times, and is thus transformed by multiple shells. That transformation looks something like the following (assuming HOST1 of and HOST2 of
ssh -A -C "x=wrong; ssh -A -C "x=right; echo \$x""
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^
...note the arrows? Those are showing where your quoted regions begin and end: Your quote just before x=right is ending your quote that started before x=wrong!
Thus, this tokenizes to two separate commands, written out with one shell word per line below:
# command one: ssh
ssh \
-A \ \
-C \
"x=wrong; ssh -A -C "x=right;
# command two: echo
echo \
Keeping the double quotes, how do I have it print right?
Backslash-escape the nested quotes so they don't close the quotes you intend to be outer.
ssh -A $HOST1 -C "x=wrong; ssh -A $HOST2 -C \"x=right; echo \$x\""
Section 2: Best-Practice Alternatives
SSH - ProxyCommand
In practice, don't do this kind of explicit nested SSH invocation at all -- just use the ProxyCommand ssh config option:
ssh \
-o "ProxyCommand ssh $HOST1 netcat -w 120 %h %p' \
"$HOST2" 'x=right; echo "$x"'
Bash - nestable eval-safe quote generation
In general, trying to escape things by hand is much more error-prone than telling the shell to do it for you.
host2_cmd='x=right; echo "$x"'
printf -v host1_cmd '%q ' ssh -A "$HOST2" -C "$host2_cmd"
ssh "$HOST1" bash -s <<<"$host1_cmd"
To demonstrate, we could even do this with a third host in the way:
host3_cmd='x=right; echo "$x"'
printf -v host2_cmd '%q ' ssh -A "$HOST3" -C "$host3_cmd"
printf -v host1_cmd '%q ' ssh -A "$HOST2" -C "$host2_cmd"
ssh "$HOST1" bash -s <<<"$host1_cmd"
This works because in ksh and bash, printf %q quotes a string in such a way that it'll evaluate to its current contents when parsed by that same shell.
