Couchbase: Is it possible to have stale cold cache? - caching

We are considering to use Couchbase as persistent cache layer. Since Couchbase writes cache items to memory first and syncs to disk asynchronously, one concern we have is crash consistency. If some cache item were updated in memory and Couchbase crashes before committing them to disk, those items will be stale when Couchbase restarts.
My question is:
Will Couchbase detect and report those items are stale? If so, we can just discard those items since they are cache.
Is there any other Couchbase-specific ways to deal with the stale cache problem?

I don't think there would be a way to detect if a document is stale, since (in your scenario) they weren't written to disk before a crash.
However, you can specify durability requirements when creating a document. By default, a write is considered successful if it makes it into memory. You can add additional constraints like "PersistTo" (the document must be persisted to N number of nodes before the write is considered successful).


Cache only specific tables in Spring boot

I have a table with millions of rows (with 98% reads, maybe 1 - 2% writes) which has references to couple of other config tables (with maybe 20 entries each). What are the best practices for caching the tables in this case? I cannot cache the table with millions of rows. But at the same time, I also don't want to hit the DB for the config tables. Is there a work around for this? I'm using Spring boot, and the data is in postgres.
First of all, let me refer to this:
What are the best practices for caching the tables in this case
I don't think you should "cache tables" as you say. In the Application, you work with the data, and this is what should be cached. This means the object that you cache should be already in a structure that includes these relations. Of course, in order to fetch the whole object from the database, you can use JOINs, but when the object gets cached, it doesn't matter already, the translation from Relational model to the object model was done.
Now the question is too broad because the actual answer can vary on the technologies you use, nature of data, and so forth.
You should answer the following questions before you design the cache (the list is out my head, but hopefully you'll get the idea):
What is the cache invalidation strategy? You say, there are 2% writes, what happens if the data gets updated, the data in the cache may become stale. Is it ok?
A kind of generalization of the previous question: If you have multiple instances (JVMs) of the same application, and one of them triggered the update to the DB data, what should happen to other apps' caches?
How long the stale/invalid data can reside in the cache?
Do the use cases of your application access all the data from the tables with the same frequencies or some data is more "interesting" (for example, the oldest data is not read, but the latest data is always "hot")? Probably if its millions of data for configuration, the JVM doesn't have all these objects in the heap at the same time, so there should be some "slice" of this data...
What are the performance implications of having the cache? How does it affect the GC behavior?
What technologies can be used in your case (maybe due to some regulations/licensing, some technologies are just not available, this is more a case in large organizations)
Based on these observations you can go with:
In-memory cache:
Spring integrates with various in-memory cache technologies, you can also use them without spring at all, to name a few:
Google Guava cache (for older spring cache implementations)
Coffeine (for newer spring cache implementations)
In memory map of key / value
In memory but in another process:
Now, these caches are slower than those listed in the previous category but still can
be significantly faster than the DB.
Data Grids:
Off heap memory-based caches (this means that you store the data off-heap, so its not eligible for garbage collection)
Postgres related solutions. For example, you can still go to db, but since you can opt for keeping the index in-memory the queries will be significantly faster.
Some ORM mapping specific caches (like hibernate has its cache as well).
Some kind of mix of all above.
Implement your own solution - well, this is something that probably you shouldn't do as the first attempt to address the issue, because caching can be tricky.
In the end, let me provide a link to some very interesting session given by Michael Plod about caching. I believe it will help you to find the solution that works for you best.

Can you evict Ignite cache backups to disk?

We would like to keep primary keys in memory and backup keys on disks. So on re-shuffle, we will accept the performance of reading key/values from disks.
From my research on the ignite documentation, I don't see that option out of the box. Is there any way to do this via configuration?
If this feature doesn't exist, as a workaround I had the following idea. If we know our cache takes 1 terabyte, we know with backups it will be 2 terabytes. (Approximately) If we allocate a little over 1 terabyte in memory and set the eviction policy to disk, will this effectively get us the functionality we want? That is, will it evict backup copies to disk and leave primaries in memory?
This feature doesn't exist and your workaround won't work because it will randomly evict primary and backup copies. However, you can probably implement your own eviction policy that will immediately evict any created backup and configure swap space to store this backups.
Note that I see sense only in case you're running SQL queries and/or if you don't have persistence store. If you only use key based access, any lost entry will be reloaded from the persistence store when needed.

Couchbase - Order of saving documents in memory and on disk

Does Couchbase store documents in-memory first before moving the data to filestore? Is there any configuration available to specify how long the data has to be store in-memory before it can be flushed to file store?
Couchbase architecture is Memory first\Cache thru.
You can't decide if using memory or not, and it write the data to disk as soon as possible.
Part of that is that you need to have enough memory for the amount of data you have.
You do have some policies like Full or Value eviction but again you don't have the control.
But what you can do is in the SDK wait until the data is replicated\persisted to disk.
Couchbase stores data both on disk and in RAM. The default behavior is to write the document to disk at some arbitrary time (usually quickly) after storing in RAM. This leaves a short window where node failure can result in loss of data. I can't find anything in the documentation for the current version of Couchbase, but it used to be that you could request the "set" method to only complete once the data has been persisted to disk (default is to RAM only).
In any case, after writing to RAM, the document will eventually be written to disk. Couchbase keeps a disk write queue which you can check on the metrics report page in the management console. Now, CB does synchronize writes across the cluster, and I believe a write will be synchronized across a cluster before Couchbase will acknowledge that the write happened (e.g. before the write method returns to the caller). Again, the documentation is hard to determine on this, as prior versions the documentation was much more detailed.
If you have more documents than available RAM, only the most-frequently accessed documents will be stored in RAM for quick retrieval, with all others being "evicted" to disk.

How is memcached updated?

I have never used memcached before and I am confused on the following basic question.
Memcached is a cache right? And I assume we cache data from a DB for faster access. So when the DB is updated who is responsible to update the cache? Our code is does memcached "understand" when the DB has been updated?
Memcached is a cache right? And I assume we cache data from a DB for
faster access
Yes it is a cache, but you have to understand that a cache speed up the access when you are often accessing same data. If you access thousand times data/objects which are always different each other a cache doesn't help.
To answer your question:
So when the DB is updated who is responsible to update the cache?
Always you but you don't have to worry about if you are doing the right thing.
Our code is does memcached "understand" when the DB has been updated?
memcached doesn't know about your database. (actually the client doesn't know even about servers..) So when you use an object of your database you should check if is present in cache, if not you put in cache otherwise you are fine.. that is all. When the moment comes memcache will free the memory used by old data, or you can tell memcached to free data after a time you choose(read the API for details).
You are responsible to update the cache (or some plugin).
What happens is that the query is compressed to some key features and these are hashed. This is tested against the cache. If the value is in the cache, the data is returned directly from cache. Otherwise the query is performed, stored in cache and returned to the user.
In pseudo code:
key = query_key(your_sql_query)
if key in cache:
return cache.get(key)
results = execute(your_sql_query)
cache.set(key, results, time_to_live)
return results.
The cache is cleared once in a while, you can give a time to live to a key, then your cached results are refreshed.
This is the most simple model, but can cause some inconsistencies.
One strategy is that if your code is also the only app that updates data, then your code can also refresh memcached as a second step after it has updated the database. Or at least evict the stale data from memcached, so the next time an app wants to read it, it will be forced to re-query the current data from the database and restore that latest data to memcached.
Another strategy is to store data in memcached with an expiration time, so memcached automatically purges that data element after a certain time. You pick the expiration time, based on your knowledge of how frequently the data might be updated, and how tolerant your app is of reading stale data.
So ultimately, you are the one responsible for putting data into memcached. Only you know what data is worth storing in the cache, what format you want to store it in, how frequently you expect to query it, and when to refresh it. You make this judgment on a case-by-case basis, because you know better than any automatic system the likely behavior of your data and your app.

How to avoid database query storms using cache-aside pattern

We are using a PostgreSQL database and AppFabric Server, running a moderately busy ASP.NET MVC e-commerce site.
Following the cache-aside pattern we request data from our cache, and if it is not available, we query the database.
This approach results in 'query storms' where the database recieves multiple queries for the same data in a short space of time, while a given object in the cache is being refreshed. This issue is exacerbated by longer running queries, and obviously multiple requests for the same data can cause the query to run longer, forming an unpleasant feedback loop.
One solution to this problem is to use read-locking on the cache. However this can itself cause performance issues in a web farm situation (or even on a single busy web server) as web servers are blocked on reads for no reason, in case there is a database query taking place.
Another solution is to drop the cache-aside pattern and seed the cache independently. This is the approach we have taken to mitigate the immediate issues we are seeing with this problem, however it is not possible with all data.
Am I missing something here? And what other approaches have people taken to avoid this behaviour?
Depending on the number of servers you have and your current cache architecture it may be worthwhile to evaluate adding a server-level (or in-process) cache as well. In effect you use this as a fallback cache, and it's especially helpful where hitting the primary storage (database) is either very resource intensive or slow.
When I've used this I've used the cache-aside pattern for the primary cache and a read-through design for the secondary--in which the secondary is locking and ensures the database isn't over-saturated by the same request. With this architecture a primary cache-miss results in at most one query per entity per server (or process) to the database.
So the basic workflow is:
1) Try to retrieve from primary / shared cache pool
* If successful, return
* If unsuccessul, continue
2) Check in-process cache for value
* If successful, return (optionally seeding primary cache)
* If unsuccessul, continue
3) Get lock by cache key (and double-check in-process cache, in case it's been added by another thread)
4) Retrieve object from primary persistence (db)
5) Seed in-process cache and return
I've done this using injectable wrappers, my cache layers all implement the relevant IRepository interface, and StructureMap injects the correct stack of caches. This keeps the actual cache behaviors flexible, focused, and easy to maintain despite being fairly complex.
We've used AppFabric successfully with the seeding strategy you mention above. We actually do use both solutions:
Seed known data where possible (we have a limited set, so this is actually easy for us to figure out)
Within each cache access method, make sure to do look-aside as necessary, and populate cache on retrieval from data store.
The look-aside is necessary, as items may be evicted due to memory pressure, or simply because they were missed in the seeding operation. We have a "warming" service that pulses on an interval (an hour) and keeps the cache populated with the necessary data. We keep analysis on cache misses, and use that to tweak our warming strategy if we see frequent misses during the warming interval.
