How to avoid database query storms using cache-aside pattern - caching

We are using a PostgreSQL database and AppFabric Server, running a moderately busy ASP.NET MVC e-commerce site.
Following the cache-aside pattern we request data from our cache, and if it is not available, we query the database.
This approach results in 'query storms' where the database recieves multiple queries for the same data in a short space of time, while a given object in the cache is being refreshed. This issue is exacerbated by longer running queries, and obviously multiple requests for the same data can cause the query to run longer, forming an unpleasant feedback loop.
One solution to this problem is to use read-locking on the cache. However this can itself cause performance issues in a web farm situation (or even on a single busy web server) as web servers are blocked on reads for no reason, in case there is a database query taking place.
Another solution is to drop the cache-aside pattern and seed the cache independently. This is the approach we have taken to mitigate the immediate issues we are seeing with this problem, however it is not possible with all data.
Am I missing something here? And what other approaches have people taken to avoid this behaviour?

Depending on the number of servers you have and your current cache architecture it may be worthwhile to evaluate adding a server-level (or in-process) cache as well. In effect you use this as a fallback cache, and it's especially helpful where hitting the primary storage (database) is either very resource intensive or slow.
When I've used this I've used the cache-aside pattern for the primary cache and a read-through design for the secondary--in which the secondary is locking and ensures the database isn't over-saturated by the same request. With this architecture a primary cache-miss results in at most one query per entity per server (or process) to the database.
So the basic workflow is:
1) Try to retrieve from primary / shared cache pool
* If successful, return
* If unsuccessul, continue
2) Check in-process cache for value
* If successful, return (optionally seeding primary cache)
* If unsuccessul, continue
3) Get lock by cache key (and double-check in-process cache, in case it's been added by another thread)
4) Retrieve object from primary persistence (db)
5) Seed in-process cache and return
I've done this using injectable wrappers, my cache layers all implement the relevant IRepository interface, and StructureMap injects the correct stack of caches. This keeps the actual cache behaviors flexible, focused, and easy to maintain despite being fairly complex.

We've used AppFabric successfully with the seeding strategy you mention above. We actually do use both solutions:
Seed known data where possible (we have a limited set, so this is actually easy for us to figure out)
Within each cache access method, make sure to do look-aside as necessary, and populate cache on retrieval from data store.
The look-aside is necessary, as items may be evicted due to memory pressure, or simply because they were missed in the seeding operation. We have a "warming" service that pulses on an interval (an hour) and keeps the cache populated with the necessary data. We keep analysis on cache misses, and use that to tweak our warming strategy if we see frequent misses during the warming interval.


Cache only specific tables in Spring boot

I have a table with millions of rows (with 98% reads, maybe 1 - 2% writes) which has references to couple of other config tables (with maybe 20 entries each). What are the best practices for caching the tables in this case? I cannot cache the table with millions of rows. But at the same time, I also don't want to hit the DB for the config tables. Is there a work around for this? I'm using Spring boot, and the data is in postgres.
First of all, let me refer to this:
What are the best practices for caching the tables in this case
I don't think you should "cache tables" as you say. In the Application, you work with the data, and this is what should be cached. This means the object that you cache should be already in a structure that includes these relations. Of course, in order to fetch the whole object from the database, you can use JOINs, but when the object gets cached, it doesn't matter already, the translation from Relational model to the object model was done.
Now the question is too broad because the actual answer can vary on the technologies you use, nature of data, and so forth.
You should answer the following questions before you design the cache (the list is out my head, but hopefully you'll get the idea):
What is the cache invalidation strategy? You say, there are 2% writes, what happens if the data gets updated, the data in the cache may become stale. Is it ok?
A kind of generalization of the previous question: If you have multiple instances (JVMs) of the same application, and one of them triggered the update to the DB data, what should happen to other apps' caches?
How long the stale/invalid data can reside in the cache?
Do the use cases of your application access all the data from the tables with the same frequencies or some data is more "interesting" (for example, the oldest data is not read, but the latest data is always "hot")? Probably if its millions of data for configuration, the JVM doesn't have all these objects in the heap at the same time, so there should be some "slice" of this data...
What are the performance implications of having the cache? How does it affect the GC behavior?
What technologies can be used in your case (maybe due to some regulations/licensing, some technologies are just not available, this is more a case in large organizations)
Based on these observations you can go with:
In-memory cache:
Spring integrates with various in-memory cache technologies, you can also use them without spring at all, to name a few:
Google Guava cache (for older spring cache implementations)
Coffeine (for newer spring cache implementations)
In memory map of key / value
In memory but in another process:
Now, these caches are slower than those listed in the previous category but still can
be significantly faster than the DB.
Data Grids:
Off heap memory-based caches (this means that you store the data off-heap, so its not eligible for garbage collection)
Postgres related solutions. For example, you can still go to db, but since you can opt for keeping the index in-memory the queries will be significantly faster.
Some ORM mapping specific caches (like hibernate has its cache as well).
Some kind of mix of all above.
Implement your own solution - well, this is something that probably you shouldn't do as the first attempt to address the issue, because caching can be tricky.
In the end, let me provide a link to some very interesting session given by Michael Plod about caching. I believe it will help you to find the solution that works for you best.

Will Caching be useful when we need multiple items in one go

We are working on a ecom site, where admin can store some configuration on the combination of Product-Category-manufacturer or on Product-Category.
We have some reports, which can return 10000 Product's transactions (with 100-1000 unique combination of product-category-manufacturer ).
In this report, we also need to use configuration as well.
One option could be to fetch configurations from the same stored procedure for all unique Product-Category-manufacturer.
Another option could be to cache all these combination in some outproc cache (like redis). And once transaction data is fetched from stored procedure, system will pull the data from cache for all 1000 Product-Category-Feature combinations. But in this case, we will have to request cache 1000 times and if some of keys are not found in cache, we will have to hit database.
In fact there can be some combination where data does not exist in database. If we request for these combination, system will not find it in cache, and it will have to hit database every-time. To resolve this, we will have to form a set of all the Product-Category-Feature combination where there is data available in cache.
Could anybody suggest that if cache will be useful in this case?
We use caching mainly in 2 occasions,
To Reduce latency: Cache is closer to the client it takes less time for the resource to reach the client.
To Reduce network traffic: Most of the time we see that some resources are reusable but always fetch from original source which
is costly and make more unnecessary traffic. Adding a cache layer
solves this.
So to answer your question, "Will Caching be useful when we need multiple items in one go?" You have to think on the above 2 points. How much you are reusing (cache hit percentage). And cost difference between cache call and call to original source.
If your issue is getting 1000 items at once, Redis don't have issue providing that. It will be so much faster than the transnational DB. And you can have set of all the Product-Category-Feature combinations, its better as we will no have cache misses. However think about the size of the Redis DB, before you proceed.

Difference between In-Memory cache and In-Memory Database

I was wondering if I could get an explanation between the differences between In-Memory cache(redis, memcached), In-Memory data grids (gemfire) and In-Memory database (VoltDB). I'm having a hard time distinguishing the key characteristics between the 3.
Cache - By definition means it is stored in memory. Any data stored in memory (RAM) for faster access is called cache. Examples: Ehcache, Memcache Typically you put an object in cache with String as Key and access the cache using the Key. It is very straight forward. It depends on the application when to access the cahce vs database and no complex processing happens in the Cache. If the cache spans multiple machines, then it is called distributed cache. For example, Netflix uses EVCAche which is built on top of Memcache to store the users movie recommendations that you see on the home screen.
In Memory Database - It has all the features of a Cache plus come processing/querying capabilities. Redis falls under this category. Redis supports multiple data structures and you can query the data in the Redis ( examples like get last 10 accessed items, get the most used item etc). It can span multiple machine and is usually very high performant and also support persistence to disk if needed. For example, Twitter uses Redis database to store the timeline information.
I don't know about gemfire and VoltDB, but even memcached and redis are very different. Memcached is really simple caching, a place to store variables in a very uncomplex fashion, and then retrieve them so you don't have to go to a file or database lookup every time you need that data. The types of variable are very simple. Redis on the other hand is actually an in memory database, with a very interesting selection of data types. It has a wonderful data type for doing sorted lists, which works great for applications such as leader boards. You add your new record to the data, and it gets sorted automagically.
So I wouldn't get too hung up on the categories. You really need to examine each tool differently to see what it can do for you, and the application you're building. It's kind of like trying to draw comparisons on nosql databases - they are all very different, and do different things well.
I would add that things in the "database" category tend to have more features to protect and replicate your data than a simple "cache". Cache is temporary (usually) where as database data should be persistent. Many cache solutions I've seen do not persist to disk, so if you lost power to your whole cluster, you'd lose everything in cache.
But there are some cache solutions that have persistence and replication features too, so the line is blurry.
An in-memory Cache is a common query store therefore relieves DB of read Workloads. Common examples of in-memory cache are Redis cache. An example could be Web site storing popular searches made by clients thereby relieving the DB of some load.
In-memory Cache provides query functionality on top of caching (storing session data in RAM (temporary storage)).
Memcache falls in the temp store caching category.

Is it normal to have a lot of records in Memached with Laravel?

I have an instance of Laravel up and running with a load balancer in place. We've setup memcached (two server nodes) to handle session management. So far the site is running fine in our test environment. The site largely ties into a web based API, so we only store a few values (other than user authentication data) in a user's session to work with the site.
After a short amount of usage by one or two users, there are about 3000 items in the cache. I don't have full access to the nodes, so I don't know exactly what the items are. However we don't appear to be maxing out the nodes with memory and the application functionality is good.
Is this to be expected? I understand that the cache management will clear out old records over time as they expire, so these could just be "remnant" data records, but this is my first time working with memcached so I want to verify that this is normal behavior.
It's quite normal for any caching solution to rack up a number of items. Especially for lots of small objects it's often more efficient for a cache to keep them beyond their expiry (but no longer serve them) and then clear them out in a big sweep periodically.
"Remnant records" pretty much describes it.
As long as your application performs as expected, I wouldn't worry. You should worry when you get a lot of cache misses for objects that were supposed to be in cache but kicked out before expiry due to lack of memory to store them all.
It is normal to have lots of records in Memcache. But you need to have proper session management.
Store small amount of values per session. (Data which is required most of the API's, Like user access token)
Cache expiration
The biggest challenge when using Memcache is avoiding cache staleness while still writing clean code. Most developers store data to Memcache and delete or update data when it changes. This strategy can get messy very quickly – Memcache code becomes riddled throughout an application. Rails’ Sweepers can help with this problem, but other languages and frameworks don’t have similar alternatives.
One simple strategy to avoid code complexity is to write data to Memcache with an expiration. Data with an expiration will automatically expire when the expiration is reached. Most applications can benefit from time-based cache expiration with infrequently changing content such as static assets, headers, footers, blog posts, etc.
List management
A simple list stored in Memcache can be useful for maintaining denormalized relationships.
For example An e-commerce website may want to store a small table of recent purchases. Rather than keeping a serialized list in Memcache and recalculating it when a new purchase is made, append and prepend can be used to store denormalized data, avoiding a database query.
Note - Memcache only supports a max value size of 1 MB. Be careful creating lists that may grow larger in size than the maximum allowed value size
Also Check these links-

Caching strategy suggestions needed

We have a fantasy football application that uses memcached and the classic memcached-object-read-with-sql-server-fallback. This works fairly well, but recently I've been contemplating the overhead involved and whether or not this is the best approach.
Case in point - we need to generate a drop down list of the users teams, so we follow this pattern:
Get a list of the users teams from memcached
If not available get the list from SQL server and store in memcached.
Do a multiget to get the team objects.
Fallback to loading objects from sql store these.
This is all very well - each cached piece of data is relatively easily cached and invalidated, but there are two major downsides to this:
1) Because we are operating on objects we are incurring a rather large overhead - a single team occupies some hundred bytes in memcached and what we really just need for this case is a list of team names and ids - not all the other stuff in the team objects.
2) Due to the fallback to loading individual objects, the number of SQL queries generated on an empty cache or when the items expire can be massive:
1 x Memcached multiget (which misses, which and causes)
1 x SELECT ... FROM Team WHERE Id IN (...)
20 x Store in memcached
So that's 21 network request just for this one query, and also the IN query is slower than a specific join.
Obviously we could just do a simple
And cache that result, but this this would mean that this data would need to be specifically invalidated whenever the user creates a new team. In this case it might seem relatively simple , but we have many of these type of queries, and many of them operate on axes that are not easily invalidated (like a list of id and names of the teams that your friends have created in a specific game).
Sooo.. My question is - do any of you have ideas for resolving the mentioned drawbacks, or should I just accept that there is an overhead and that cache misses are bad, live with it?
First, cache what you need, maybe that two fields, not a complete record.
Second, cache what you need again, break the result set into records and cache them seperately
about caching:
You generally use caching to offload the slower disc-based storage, in this case mysql. The memory cache scales up rather easily, mysql scales less easy.
Given that, even if you double the cpu/netowork/memory usage of the cache and putting it all together again, it will still offload the db. Adding another nodejs instance or another memcached server is easy.
back to your question
You say its a user's team, you could go and fetch it when the user logs-in, and keep it updated in cache while the user changes it throughout his session.
I presume the team member's names do not change, if so you can load all team members by id,name and store those in cache or even local on nodejs, use the same fallback strategy as you do now. Only step 1 and 2 and 4 will be left then.
personally i usually try to split the sql results into smaller ready-made pieces and cache those, and keep the cache updated as long as possible, untimately trying to use mysql only as storage and never read from it
usually you will run some logic on the returned rows form mysql anyways, theres no need to keep repeating that.
