Couchbase - Order of saving documents in memory and on disk - spring

Does Couchbase store documents in-memory first before moving the data to filestore? Is there any configuration available to specify how long the data has to be store in-memory before it can be flushed to file store?

Couchbase architecture is Memory first\Cache thru.
You can't decide if using memory or not, and it write the data to disk as soon as possible.
Part of that is that you need to have enough memory for the amount of data you have.
You do have some policies like Full or Value eviction but again you don't have the control.
But what you can do is in the SDK wait until the data is replicated\persisted to disk.

Couchbase stores data both on disk and in RAM. The default behavior is to write the document to disk at some arbitrary time (usually quickly) after storing in RAM. This leaves a short window where node failure can result in loss of data. I can't find anything in the documentation for the current version of Couchbase, but it used to be that you could request the "set" method to only complete once the data has been persisted to disk (default is to RAM only).
In any case, after writing to RAM, the document will eventually be written to disk. Couchbase keeps a disk write queue which you can check on the metrics report page in the management console. Now, CB does synchronize writes across the cluster, and I believe a write will be synchronized across a cluster before Couchbase will acknowledge that the write happened (e.g. before the write method returns to the caller). Again, the documentation is hard to determine on this, as prior versions the documentation was much more detailed.
If you have more documents than available RAM, only the most-frequently accessed documents will be stored in RAM for quick retrieval, with all others being "evicted" to disk.


Can you evict Ignite cache backups to disk?

We would like to keep primary keys in memory and backup keys on disks. So on re-shuffle, we will accept the performance of reading key/values from disks.
From my research on the ignite documentation, I don't see that option out of the box. Is there any way to do this via configuration?
If this feature doesn't exist, as a workaround I had the following idea. If we know our cache takes 1 terabyte, we know with backups it will be 2 terabytes. (Approximately) If we allocate a little over 1 terabyte in memory and set the eviction policy to disk, will this effectively get us the functionality we want? That is, will it evict backup copies to disk and leave primaries in memory?
This feature doesn't exist and your workaround won't work because it will randomly evict primary and backup copies. However, you can probably implement your own eviction policy that will immediately evict any created backup and configure swap space to store this backups.
Note that I see sense only in case you're running SQL queries and/or if you don't have persistence store. If you only use key based access, any lost entry will be reloaded from the persistence store when needed.

Couchbase: Is it possible to have stale cold cache?

We are considering to use Couchbase as persistent cache layer. Since Couchbase writes cache items to memory first and syncs to disk asynchronously, one concern we have is crash consistency. If some cache item were updated in memory and Couchbase crashes before committing them to disk, those items will be stale when Couchbase restarts.
My question is:
Will Couchbase detect and report those items are stale? If so, we can just discard those items since they are cache.
Is there any other Couchbase-specific ways to deal with the stale cache problem?
I don't think there would be a way to detect if a document is stale, since (in your scenario) they weren't written to disk before a crash.
However, you can specify durability requirements when creating a document. By default, a write is considered successful if it makes it into memory. You can add additional constraints like "PersistTo" (the document must be persisted to N number of nodes before the write is considered successful).

Difference between In-Memory cache and In-Memory Database

I was wondering if I could get an explanation between the differences between In-Memory cache(redis, memcached), In-Memory data grids (gemfire) and In-Memory database (VoltDB). I'm having a hard time distinguishing the key characteristics between the 3.
Cache - By definition means it is stored in memory. Any data stored in memory (RAM) for faster access is called cache. Examples: Ehcache, Memcache Typically you put an object in cache with String as Key and access the cache using the Key. It is very straight forward. It depends on the application when to access the cahce vs database and no complex processing happens in the Cache. If the cache spans multiple machines, then it is called distributed cache. For example, Netflix uses EVCAche which is built on top of Memcache to store the users movie recommendations that you see on the home screen.
In Memory Database - It has all the features of a Cache plus come processing/querying capabilities. Redis falls under this category. Redis supports multiple data structures and you can query the data in the Redis ( examples like get last 10 accessed items, get the most used item etc). It can span multiple machine and is usually very high performant and also support persistence to disk if needed. For example, Twitter uses Redis database to store the timeline information.
I don't know about gemfire and VoltDB, but even memcached and redis are very different. Memcached is really simple caching, a place to store variables in a very uncomplex fashion, and then retrieve them so you don't have to go to a file or database lookup every time you need that data. The types of variable are very simple. Redis on the other hand is actually an in memory database, with a very interesting selection of data types. It has a wonderful data type for doing sorted lists, which works great for applications such as leader boards. You add your new record to the data, and it gets sorted automagically.
So I wouldn't get too hung up on the categories. You really need to examine each tool differently to see what it can do for you, and the application you're building. It's kind of like trying to draw comparisons on nosql databases - they are all very different, and do different things well.
I would add that things in the "database" category tend to have more features to protect and replicate your data than a simple "cache". Cache is temporary (usually) where as database data should be persistent. Many cache solutions I've seen do not persist to disk, so if you lost power to your whole cluster, you'd lose everything in cache.
But there are some cache solutions that have persistence and replication features too, so the line is blurry.
An in-memory Cache is a common query store therefore relieves DB of read Workloads. Common examples of in-memory cache are Redis cache. An example could be Web site storing popular searches made by clients thereby relieving the DB of some load.
In-memory Cache provides query functionality on top of caching (storing session data in RAM (temporary storage)).
Memcache falls in the temp store caching category.

Torquebox Infinispan Cache - Too many open files

I looked around and apparently Infinispan has a limit on the amount of keys you can store when persisting data to the FileStore. I get the "too many open files" exception.
I love the idea of torquebox and was anxious to slim down the stack and just use Infinispan instead of Redis. I have an app that needs to cache allot of data. The queries are computationally expensive and need to be re-computed daily (phone and other productivity metrics by agent in a call center).
I don't run a cluster though I understand the cache would persist if I had at least one app running. I would rather like to persist the cache. Has anybody run into this issue and have a work around?
Yes, Infinispan's FileCacheStore used to have an issue with opening too many files. The new SingleFileStore in 5.3.x solves that problem, but it looks like Torquebox still uses Infinispan 5.1.x (
I am also using infinispan cache in a live application.
Basically we are storing database queries and its result in cache for tables which are not up-datable and smaller in data size.
There are two approaches to design it:
Use queries as key and its data as value
It leads to too many entries in cache when so many different queries are placed into it.
Use xyz as key and Map as value (Map contains the queries as key and its data as value)
It leads to single entry in cache whenever data is needed from this cache (I call it query cache) retrieve Map first by using key xyz then find the query in Map itself.
We are using second approach.

MongoDB preload documents into RAM for better performance

I want MongoDB to hold query results in RAM for longer period of time (say 30 minutes if memory is available). Is it possible? OR is there any way i can make sure that the data is pre-loaded into RAM before subsequent queries on it.
In fact i am wondering about simple query results performance by MongoDB. I have a dedicated server with 10GB RAM and my db.stats() are as follows;
"db": "test",
Now when i query single document (as mentioned here) from a web service it loads in 1.3 seconds. Subsequent calls of same queries gives response in 400ms and then after few seconds, it again starts taking 1.3 seconds. Looks like MongoDB has lost the previous queried document from Memory, where as there is no other queries asking for data mapped to RAM.
Please explain this and let me know any way to make subsequent queries faster responding.
Your observed performance problem on an initial query is likely one of the following issues (in rough order of likelihood):
1) Your application / web service has some overhead to initialize on first request (i.e. allocating memory, setting up connection pools, resolving DNS, ...).
2) Indexes or data you have requested are not yet in memory, so need to be loaded.
3) The Query Optimizer may take a bit longer to run on the first request, as it is comparing the plan execution for your query pattern.
It would be very helpful to test the query via the mongo shell, and isolate whether the overhead is related to MongoDB or your web service (rather than timing both, as you have done).
Following are some notes related to MongoDB.
MongoDB doesn't have a "caching" time for documents in memory. It uses memory-mapped files for disk I/O and the documents in memory are based on your active queries (documents/indexes you've recently loaded) as well as the available memory. The operating system's virtual memory manager is in charge of caching, and typically will follow a Least-Recently Used (LRU) algorithm to decide which pages to swap out of memory.
Memory Usage
The expected behaviour is that over time MongoDB will grow to use all free memory to store your active working data set.
Looking at your provided db.stats() numbers (and assuming that is your only database), it looks like your database size is current about 1Gb so you should be able to keep everything within your 10Gb total RAM unless:
there are other processes competing for memory
you have restarted your mongod server and those documents/indexes haven't been requested yet
In MongoDB 2.2, there is a new touch command you can use to load indexes or documents into memory after a server restart. This should only be used on initial startup to "warm up" the server, as otherwise you could be unhelpfully forcing actual "active" data out of memory.
On a linux system, for example, you can use the top command and should see that:
virtual bytes/VSIZE will tend to be the size of the entire database
if the server doesn't have other processes running, resident bytes/RSIZE will be the total memory of the machine (this includes file system cache contents)
mongod should not use swap (since the files are memory-mapped)
You can use the mongostat tool to get a quick view of your mongod activity .. or more usefully, use a service like MMS to monitor metrics over time.
Query Optimizer
The MongoDB Query Optimizer compares plan execution for a query pattern every ~1,000 write operations, and then caches the "winning" query plan until the next time the optimizer runs .. or you explicitly call an explain() on that query.
This should be a straightforward one to test: run your query in the mongo shell with .explain() and look at the ms timings, and also the number of index entries and documents scanned. The timing for an explain() isn't the actual time the queries will take to run, as it includes the cost of comparing the plans. The typical execution will be much faster .. and you can look for slow queries in your mongod log.
By default MongoDB will log all queries slower than 100ms, so this provides a good starting point to look for queries to optimize. You can adjust the slow ms value with the --slowms config option, or using the Database Profiler commands.
Further reading in the MongoDB documentation:
Checking Server Memory Usage
Database Profiler
Monitoring & Diagnostics
