Error using sonar-activedirectory 1.0 in SonarQube 6.0 - sonarqube

After upgrading to SonarQube 6.0 we cannot use the SSO login plugin anymore. This is our SonarQube.log in TRACE mode:
DEBUG web[o.s.s.u.NewUserNotifier] User created: xxxx#xxxx. Notifying NewUserHandler handlers...
TRACE web[sql] time=0ms | sql=select u.login,,,,u.scm_accounts,u.created_at,u.updated_at from users u where u.updated_at>? | params=1470426045520
TRACE web[es] ES refresh request on indices 'users' | time=94ms
**ERROR web[rails] cannot load Java class org.sonar.server.user.RubyUserSession**
DEBUG web[http] GET /active_directory/validate | time=2703ms
The plugin configuration is very simple (just one line):
Is there a way to solve this problem by adding other configuration settings and how can I tell if this error is in the SonarQube or SSO code?

Thanks. I wrote the linked google group note. Sadly it looks like SSO as it worked isn't going to be supported even if the plugin is updated. Users will still have to click a link.
Use the BaseIdentityProvider API ( -> It will allow SSO by creating a link in the login page

It seems that the authentication interface is changed in SonarQube 6.0 in order to phasing out some old software components. So it cannot be solved by changing the SonarQube configuration; the SSO plugin must be updated. A ticket can be found on SonarQubeCommunity/sonar-activedirectory GitHub and in the SonarQube Google group.


Why when I return back from login to I get an ERROR with the sample app?

This is in regards to the sample: msal-web-sample-0.1.0
I am using tomcat 9 and maven to build and run the msal-web-sample code. It is building fine and running, loading spring, etc. I am able to go out and get a username and passowrd login. However, when it tries to return back to my system (https://localhost:8443/msal4jsample/secure/aad) it just has a bit "ERROR PAGE!" heading with Home Page link going back to the main tomcat page.
In the tomcat runtime it has:
2021-06-29 15:28:06.108 ERROR 6360 --- [io-8443-exec-10] : Cannot forward to error page for request [/secure/aad] as the response has already been committed. As a result, the response may have the wrong status code. If your application is running on WebSphere Application Server you may be able to resolve this problem by setting to false
Of course, that doesn't apply to my setup.
I see the get in the logs returning back OK and don't see any errors on startup. I am at a loss as to where to go from here. Any thoughts?
Also, is there a non-spring implementation that can be used with java but still using MSAL?
Please share additional information about the error. Do you have trouble regrading AAD? Check your environmental settings (Tomcat) if this isn't the case.

Error while calling Linkedin api with spring-social-linkedin lib

My organization had integrated Linkedin login in some of its sites and it was working fine until recently it started failing. Was using 1.0.2.RELEASE version.
On analysing the root cause, found Linkedin api calls failed inside getUserProfile() method of inside spring-social-linkedin jar. Attaching screenshots of my debug screen for clarity.
It is basically failing to call the Linkedin api url for fetching user profile and returning a 410 Gone HTTP error.
Tried with quite a few versions of the jar but none seems to solve this.
I want to keep spring-social-linked library approach and find a solution around it.Tried with the newer 2.0.0.M3 version too but same issue.
Any pointers/suggestions are welcome.

Strange issue with SonarQube issues listing

I'm facing a strange issue where developers don't see anything when clicking on "Issues" on their project (it was working before and suddenly stopped working). The dashboard shows issues (ie: 11 issues), but when they click on the desired metric, the list is empty. Using the administrator account and my non-administrator account, I'm able to see the issues list.
We are using LDAP authentication with LDAP groups mappings. Security is applied per project using permission templates.
The workaround I've found is to log in as "Administrator", apply the default permission template to the project, and immediately re-apply the proper permission template. That fixes the issue temporarily.
Is it a bug in SonarQube or in the SonarQube LDAP plugin itself?
SonarQube version
Plugins installed

Application Blocked By Java security

See screenshot below.
After installing JRE 1.8 and I am not able to access VNC and whenever I do I get error(Please find the error in attachment)
I don't want the site to be added to the Exception List. Is there any another solution?

Registered Oracle 10g portlet but unable to place

I am using Oracle Portal and have deployed a portlet application using JDeveloper, which says it succeeded.
I can see the application deployed in the correct OC4J container instance as well.
When I log in to the portal, I can see the providers registration record for this portlet.
Log in to portal
Click Edit on any page
Click Navigator
Click Providers tab
Click Registered Providers
Click Edit Registration on the portlet I previously deployed
Click the Connection tab
I see the providers URL: someserver/publications-dev/providers
I can access that URL and see the following output:
Congratulations! You have successfully reached your Provider's Test Page.
Recognizing Portlets...
Recognizing component versions...
ptlshare.jar version:
pdkjava.jar version:
Yet, when I try to add the portlet to a page, searching for the portlet name "Careers Widget Portlet" or "PublicationsCareersPortlet" reveals nothing. This is defined in the provider.xml:
<title>Careers Widget Portlet</title>
Can anyone give me a hint to what I might be missing? How can the Providers Test Paqe state that it recognizes the portlets but I cannot add them to a page?
Turns out there was a problem with the registration - and I couldn't unregister the provider for some reason: This provider is not deletable. (WWC-43169).
Instead, I created a new registration and it now works.
