JCE Editor not working on Joomla - joomla

I installed Joomla 3.6.2 and I just add the text editor JCE editor and its enabled but when I went to article the editor is not active. I tried a different way to fix but no luck. Is there anyone had the same issue and can help me?

Go to Global Configuration from System menu. Then change the value of Default Editor option to JCE.
Alternate Way
Go to User Manager and open your account. In Basic Settings tab change the value of Editor to JCE

After making the change in the user profile, I put it back to default. I then went to Joomla Control Panel, CONFIGURATION, Global and changed to "Editor - None", Save. Then went back changed it back to "Editor - JCE", Save & Close. Now the JCE Editor works with all Users.
I then went to my live site (above done on my test site first) and only made the change/save/change in the Global configuration. Issue fixed.
I guess setting it to none, then back again to the JCE Editor fixed the issue.


How to find vs code setting name for theme editing

I have just switched from jetbrains to vs code and I don't manage to customize the appearance of the app as I was doing with pycharm because I don't know which key I need to change.
Is there a selector somewhere? I've been told about "inspect editor token and scopes" but this works for token only I guess.
See image for an example

JCE 2.5 is missing its toolbar

I am using JCE 2.5 with Joomla 3.9.8 Stable.
I have 2 user groups; one is a super user and other is frontend user.
The editor is loading fine for super users, but for frontend users the toolbar of editor is missing. It was working well and suddenly disappeared, not sure what was the contributing factor.
I have checked all the settings of editor and user group and everything is fine. The editor is enable and set as the default. I also tried adding JCE editor under the basic settings of the user but nothing helps.
This is how it loads:
When I click on the "Toggle Editor", it just hides the grey section meant to load toolbar below is the image.

Joomla 2.5.17 Why cannot I see article editor?

I have upgraded my Joomla site from 2.5.7 to 2.5.17. Then I installed Attachments package.
When I click article manager or category manager in order to edit an article or category, I see a page with no textarea, no buttons, no menus.
All the page content is this.
I have tried to install new text editors: nothing changes.
I have tried to select "No editor" for text editing: nothing changes.
Try these different steps to solve your issue:
1) First, check to see if the editor plugin is enabled:
Tools -> Plugin Manager. Locate your Editor and ensure it's enabled.
Also check Global Config and make sure default editor is set.
You could also try disabling the package you installed and see if it works afterwards. If not try to disable all the editors only leaving the default of Joomla and check again.
2) Change back to one of Joomla's installed templates and see if the problem remains.
If not, then it is a problem with your new template. There is a possibility of javascript problems.
Sometimes enabling the system plugin 'System - Mootools Upgrade' will help.
Otherwise check with your template provider for possible help.
3) Also turn php error reporting on as it may be this problem:
4) Lastly, I like to replace Joomla!'s editor with the JCE editor which has solved many issues like these before.
You get a page like that when you have a fatal error. You can try disabling the attachments plugin and see if it solves the issue. If not, turn error reporting to maximum or development and see what messages you get.
I disabled PLG_EDITORS-XTD_TOOLTIPS plugin and it my problem solved.

Joomla Article: Edit in standard mode

I am using joomla 1.5.I wanted to add some youtube link to the article so i switched to no editor mode and made changes that worked for me.when i turned back to TinyMCE it still shows articles in HTML mode for all articles in the article manager.how do i switch back to earlier no Html simple text edit mode???
problem solved: I disabled No Editor from plugin manager. Now its switched to default editor
I suggest you to upgrade your joomla version as joomla 1.5 has no support and security updates.
download component JCE Editor . install it and make it default
it should fix your problem and it's much more better than tynyMce

Include TinyMCE in Joomla Frontend

I tried to include TinyMCE into my template but if I try to edit the texts in the frontend I have only a html-tag view. Have anybody got some hints for me?
That's the website and the template, perhaps this could help a little bit:
If anything of the above didn't help, chances are that the access to the plugin is restricted. Go to Plugin-Manager -> Editor - TinyMCE and check that Access is set accordingly. If e.g. a common user is allowed to edit the article but the Access Rule for TinyMCE is set to "Special", Joomla will display the mere HTML Editor even if there is no other Editor available or enabled. The same goes for setting Access to "Registered" when a public user is allowed to edit an article.
Go to Plugins and disable all editors there except to tinyMCE. Then once again make sure you have selected as a default editor tinyMCE. You can also define the default editor for each user from "User Manager", by opening the user and defining his/her default editor.
